Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C480 The Scourge of Evil

C480 The Scourge of Evil

Lu Lee shut his mouth tightly. Indeed, he had nothing to say on this issue. Xia Qiu saw Lu Lee's awkwardness and said, "Martial Uncle, I've already settled the things you asked me to do last time. So far, I've recruited a total of 60 retired special forces, and from the most basic training, I've let them slowly learn the techniques of any sect. "To be honest, some of them really are naturally born to practice martial arts."    


Lu Lee said, "Oh? Then let's give them a break! First, I'll train a small group of elites. After that, I'll have them train the others a lot faster. " Xia Qiu nodded. "Yes, I did the same. I chose ten of the best talents out of the sixty people. They focused on training and Master personally gave them pointers. Now, these six people should be able to reach the advanced rank 4."    


Lu Lee said, "It's still not enough, the high rank of level 4 soldiers have more ability to protect themselves compared to ordinary soldiers. If you want to receive missions, you have to be at least at the middle rank of the seventh rank, otherwise you won't have a chance to leave unscathed. " Xia Qiu forced a smile and said, "But we've already done our best, but it can only get us to this level." Lu Lee said, "Take me to see it later. There should be a way to speed it up."    


Lu Lee looked at Lee Tao. Lee Tao opened his eyes wide: "Don't tell me you want to get a superpower?" Lu Lee said, "No, I was wondering if it would be effective if you used your superpower to develop their martial arts potential." Lee Tao replied, "I can't say. Furthermore, I am not Martial Cultivator." Lu Lee replied, "Stop pretending! Didn't you activate my teleportation and speed of attack?"    


Lee Tao laughed, "Then there has to be something that can motivate us, right? If they were as good as you, I could try. " Xia Qiu said, "How is that possible? Martial Uncle is a rare talent that can only be encountered by chance and not sought for." Lu Lee said, "Stop flattering me. I know how much I have. But then again, there really aren't that many people like me, do you think?" When Lu Lee said this, everyone laughed.    


Even Xu Juan said in a displeased tone, "I've never seen anyone praise themselves in such a manner. They don't even have a hint of blush!" Lu Lee laughed, "Red face? Why should I blush? Do you dare to say that I am not outstanding? " Xu Juan said, "Excellent, but no matter how excellent you are, it belongs to someone else." With that, he looked out of the window.    


When they arrived at Wan Family Manor, Xia Qiu said, "The manor in the back was originally a family with the surname Qi, but we bought it for him. Now that the veterans are staying at the back, should you check it out now or later?" Lu Lee said, "Later, let's rest for a while and have a cup of tea."    


After sitting down in the living room, Wan Mingyan personally brewed tea for Lu Lee: "Lu Lee, do you still remember Jin Linglin?" Lu Lee was stunned for a moment. "Oh, you mean that Miss Jin from the Jin family Trading Company?" Wan Mingyan nodded. "She's getting married." Lu Lee answered with an "oh". He was curious as to why Wan Mingyan would suddenly bring up this topic.    


Wan Mingyan continued, "She came to see you a few times. We didn't know where you were, so we didn't tell her that the last time she left, she seemed to be very disappointed and sad. She should be very interested in you. " Lu Lee said, "No way, I don't have much contact with her." Wan Mingyan smiled and said, "Is that so? Don't you think this tea set looks familiar? "    


Lu Lee looked at it. It did look familiar, but he couldn't recall where it came from.    


Wan Mingyan said, "This set of tea set was given to you the last time she came here. She said she knows you like tea and that you used this set of tea set. Last time she asked you to taste the tea set, she took it out to treat you." Lu Lee didn't say anything, but Wan Mingyan continued, "She also wanted me to tell you something else." Lu Lee asked, "What do you mean?" Wan Mingyan said, "She said that a person like you will never be able to belong to any woman. Your excellence is destined to belong to everyone, but it's just that you don't have any affinity with her."    


Wan Mingyan said this with a trace of sadness in her voice. She looked sideways at Lu Lee.    


Lu Lee was lost in thought as he watched her make the tea. In his memory, Wan Mingyan was not a woman who could calm her heart and make tea. Wan Mingyan smiled sweetly. "Don't just stand there. Have a taste of my cooking skills?" Then, he poured a cup for Lu Lee and poured a cup for everyone. Lu Lee took a sip, "Yes, not bad at all." Wan Mingyan said, "She taught me how to cook. Actually, I feel like she's still very considerate towards you.    


Lu Lee lightly said: "So what, there is nothing going on between her and me. Whatever she thinks, it is her business. I've had enough trouble. Do you think it's wise to get into trouble again? " Xu Juan was also quietly drinking her tea. However, the words that Wan Mingyan had passed on to her had given her a lot of feelings. Yeah, a man like Lu Lee is too outstanding and too powerful. No matter which woman it is, they can't have him for themselves. Actually, I'm already very happy, so Lu Lee's wife can only wait in the house.    


She also knew that Lu Lee's wife was always the first in his heart, there was no doubt about that. Although Lu Lee had never said it, she could always feel that Lu Lee was thinking about her. And when Lu Lee was thinking about her, it was especially because he missed her.    


At this moment, she no longer cared about the women around Lu Lee. She said, "I can see that this girl surnamed Jin really put a lot of thought and thought into it. She's also very affectionate." Lu Lee looked at her, not understanding what she was trying to say. Xu Juan said, "Lu Lee, actually, I think you should meet her before she gets married, even if it's to end her wish." Lu Lee smiled bitterly and said, "I say, can you not meddle blindly? Let them marry peacefully."    


Arnold also said, "Lu Lee, you can't do this. After all, she has already used up all of her heart. I think you should go and see her." Lu Lee said, "Do you know? If I were to see her, what would I become? Snatching up a marriage? Besides, I never thought I'd have anything to do with her. There's no way to discuss this, I won't go. "    


Wan Mingyan said, "Do you really have the heart to see her become a victim of the family's interests and marry an old man who's nearly thirty years older than her?" Lu Lee was shocked, "What do you mean? Isn't Jinshan's ability in Philippines really great? Is it necessary for the King's Trade to sacrifice a woman in exchange for benefits? " Wan Mingyan shook her head, "Jinshan was also forced to do so. If he didn't do so this time, it's very possible that he would lose more than just his daughter, but also a member of the Jin Clan's business.    


Lu Lee asked in confusion, "What does that mean?" Wan Mingyan said, "Although Jin Family seems strong, but no matter how strong you are, you are only a business, a consortium. It can be said that your rise and fall, honor and disgrace, are all controlled by the person in power. "No matter how rich you are, if the authorities want to touch you, you are no better than an ant."    


Lu Lee finally understood something. "Are you saying that your Jin Family has offended someone that you shouldn't have?" Wan Mingyan said, "I guess so." Lu Lee asked, "Who is that old man you were talking about?" Wan Mingyan said, "It's the chairman of the Senate, Rankie. In fact, Jin Family is also a disaster. One time, Jinshan brought his daughter to attend a banquet hosted by the authorities, but who would have thought that old pervert actually took a fancy to Jin Linglin. "    


Wan Mingyan said angrily, "This old pervert, this old flirt, this old pervert. She also once tried to hit on me, but fortunately, father rejected her in one go. Although he also wanted to take revenge on my father, he was first afraid of my father's skills, and secondly, Alino stopped him in time. Alino might have also looked at your face, otherwise our Wan Family would have had a go at that old dog. "    


Lu Lee said, "Is this Rankie that bad? Isn't he just the Speaker of the Senate? " Wan Mingyan replied, "You still don't know how great the power of the Philippines's Senate is. The President was almost held up in the air by him. You can say that he's the Supreme Emperor." Lu Lee asked, "Since that's the case, why would Alino still dare to go and stop him?" Wan Mingyan said, "It's different. He's in charge of the political world, while Alino is in charge of the country's elite soldiers."    


Lu Lee laughed, "It's quite rare for this Alino to be so low-key even with such a heavy soldier. He gave his limelight to the representative of the Senate. "Looks like I really have to go meet that Rankie." Arnold said, "I'll go with you!" Lu Lee replied, "What, do you think I need you to help me deal with a scum like him?" Wan Mingyan said, "You can't be thinking of getting rid of him, right?" Lu Lee shook his head, "We are civilized people, what we say makes sense."    


Everyone laughed. Xu Juan said, "Then tell us, what do you want to do?" "Get close to him quietly and let him become an elder so that he won't be able to show his true colors in the future." Lu Lee said.    


The girls asked curiously, "Eunuch? "What does that mean?" Lu Lee said, "Have you guys heard of the eunuchs who were spread throughout the China?" They shook their heads again. Lu Lee said with a smile, "Just cut off his little bird, so that he won't be naughty to women in the future." The girls finally couldn't help laughing out loud. Arnold also laughed, "Lu, isn't this move of yours a little too damaging?" Lu Lee said, "I don't think so. Anyway, all of his sins are the root of his troubles. I'm helping him because it's good for him."    


Wan Mingyan sighed at Lu Lee's words. Since Lu Lee was a staunch and determined man, he probably didn't want to see Jin Linglin again. At first, Wan Mingyan and Jin Linglin had not liked each other, but after Lu Lee had left, when Jin Linglin had come to ask her a few questions about Lu Lee, she had always ignored him. She felt that Jin Linglin must have been trying to seduce Lu Lee, and she herself cared about Lu Lee, and the jealousy made it even more difficult for her to accept a woman whose beauty and intelligence were no less than her own.    


However, when Wan Mingyan heard that Rankie had also set his eyes on Jin Linglin and used her as a threat to the Jin Clan Trade Center, Wan Mingyan felt a sense of mutual appreciation towards Rankie.    


After all, they were all women. Some of them even sang that there was no need for women to make things difficult for women.    


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