Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C464 Love Long Live

C464 Love Long Live

Yagyu Sizuka said lightly: "What princess? I don't know, I only know that Sizuka is now with the young master. However, there is one thing that I must tell you. There is another superpower known as Wu Tian in the East Ocean Continent. He had a deep affection for Xiao Yezi, and now that Xiao Yezi is with WanHua, Wu Tian will not let such a thing slip by. "    


Lu Lee frowned: "Wu Tian? Xiao Yezi should know about his situation, right? " Yagyu Sizuka said, "She didn't say that she had the ability to deal with Wu Tian, but she doesn't know that Wu Tian always let her win a few times. Otherwise, she wouldn't have a chance at all."    


Lu Lee was shocked. Although he had never seen Xiao Yezi fight before, but he believed that Xiao Yezi's ability was already very abnormal. Since Yagyu Sizuka said that she was no match for Wu Tian, then this Wu Tian … Yagyu Sizuka smiled, "Young Master need not worry, Wu Tian's ability is similar to Xiao Yezi's, he just has the ability to restrain Xiao Yezi's ability, that's all." Lu Lee said with a wry smile, "That's also very abnormal!"    


Yagyu Sizuka said, "Actually, most people use audio as a weapon of attack. They also have their own shortcomings. For example, Xiao Yezi seems to be afraid of ultra-low audio while Wu Tian is afraid of sub-high frequency. When fear appears, their attacks and defenses are the weakest. "    


Little Wolf, Faang Shaojun, Xu Juan, and Helena came over. Lu Lee let everyone enter the villa. "Take a seat." Xu Juan rolled her eyes at Lu Lee. They had already been here for two days, but Lu Lee actually hadn't come in contact with her alone. She felt a little depressed in her heart, but she also knew that the past few days had been very busy.    


Lu Lee gave her a guilty smile before saying to everyone, "Just now, someone from the 'Imperial Court' came over." He then explained in detail about Intel's visit. Little Wolf said softly, "It seems that 'the imperial government' is indeed a strong opponent. Just from Intel's actions, we can't underestimate him!"    


Faang Shaojun said, "Elder Brother Lee, I feel that we can't be this passive. We must take the initiative and attack." Xu Juan said, "Hit who? Fight against the imperial government? " Faang Shaojun shook his head. "No, we are going for the Wind Shadow." Lu Lee replied, "Alright, let's give that fellow Noda some color first."    


Just at this moment, Feige rushed over enthusiastically, "Lu, not good, the 'Wind Shadow' is attacking the Hermitage Society!" Lu Lee laughed, "It seems like they want to force us to act as well!" Feige said, "Why don't I bring someone to help?" Lu Lee shook his head. "The battle will be over by the time you get there."    


Feige said, "But I'm afraid that Kingsbarns won't be able to hold on! The losses will be heavy. " Lu Lee said: "I had long ago told Kingsbarns to move Hermitage Society back to Washington, this is where Hermitage Society resides. But he did not want to, he was afraid that if he was too close to me, I would point fingers at Hermitage Society and make him suffer a little."    


Feige didn't know what to say. From their relationship, she didn't want anything to happen to Hermitage Society.    


Lu Lee told her to sit down: "Don't be in such a rush, we are planning to use Wind Shadow. Once we get involved with Wind Shadow, the danger to Hermitage Society will also be resolved." Feige then revealed a smile. "Is that so?"    


Lu Lee did not answer her, but said to Helena: "Investigate Noda's location immediately. I think that since all three of his dancers are here, he should be in Washington. Once we find out where, we'll give him a good memory." Helena smiled and said, "Don't worry. Leave this matter to me." Feige said, "There are quite a few Adepts around Noda. I'll go with Helena." Lu Lee replied, "Alright, but you must remember that your mission is to scout, not to take action."    


Faang Shaojun said, "Since Intel has already scouted the area, I don't think their next move will be for long. We still have to be careful." Lu Lee smiled and shook his head, "Intel is a very steady and steady man. Although he came here to investigate the situation, he gained nothing. He will hesitate. If he doesn't know our situation, he definitely won't act rashly."    


If Intel was a reckless person, he wouldn't have come to scout for a path himself. I think he must have heard some wind or smelled something and wanted to check it out, but his thoughts were seen through by Elder Brother Lee. Not only did he not see anything, he was even more puzzled.    


Lu Lee said, "Let's do it like this first. Helena, you and Feige go and carry it out right away. We should quickly find Noda and do what we can for him."    


Helena was an old secret service agent, and she had a certain amount of information on herself. She and Feige drove to Fifth Avenue and passed a bar called Cowboy's.    


"Oh, beautiful ladies, what would you like to drink?" The fat boss at the bar greeted with a smile. Feige said, "I'll have a glass of ice lemonade. Thank you." Helena said, "Let me have a cup of hot coffee!" Feige said, "Helena, you still want to drink hot drinks in this weather?" Helena smiled. "I like hot coffee." Feige shrugged, "Alright, I like it!"    


At this moment, two black boys who looked to be 17 or 18 years old came to their side. One of them said with a ring in his nose, "Beautiful ladies, could you let us have a drink?" Feige frowned. He didn't expect Helena to nod, "Alright, but whatever we drink will be up to me." Hey, boss, give them each a beer and two glasses of ice water. " The boss did as he was told.    


When Helena saw that the two black men wanted to sit beside her, she stopped them. "I say, drinking is fine. If you can help me with something, not only will I treat you to a drink, I will also give you money." The nose ring looked at the other person, who nodded. Helena then said, "This is not difficult, we just need you to help us find a few Japanese s. As long as you go to the various hotels and hotels to check for me and notify me when you find out, I'll pay you two hundred dollars. "Of course, I need to make sure that your information is correct."    


Helena said with a smile.    


The other person nodded. The ring said, "That sounds good, but beautiful lady, where should I go and contact you? I think we're going to be very efficient, so you need to prepare the money. "    


Helena said, "Really? "I'll take the money, but you guys really have to hurry up. I think this kind of good thing, there will be people fighting over it." The two African youths left without thinking. "Wait here for a while. We will be back soon. Don't forget about the money!" The ring reminded him.    


Helena said flatly, "Not a single cent less, but it would be best if you could find them within two hours. I will wait here. When there is news, come and inform us. Then, take away the money that belongs to you." The two of them did not say anything else and left. Feige felt it was a bit inconceivable, so she asked: "Can this method work? I think we should look it up ourselves. " Helena took a sip of her coffee. "Don't worry. These two hundred dollars are very important to them."    


Feige said, "Why? It's only two hundred dollars. " Helena laughed, "You don't understand, this bar is a poison den, all the people who come here want to take a sip or two, $200 is enough for them to have a taste of something new," Feige shook his head with a bitter smile: "I have never thought of this before, because Hermitage Society has its own information system, as for information, I have never worried about it."    


Helena said, "That's not good. You won't be able to get the first-hand information you heard, so you have to learn to capture the other party's mentality in the future." Feige also laughed: "That's too hard, but I only need your brains."    


Helena didn't say anything else and just looked at her watch. The two of them should be back soon.    


After about an hour, the two of them did return.    


"I say, Madam, the mission you gave us is truly not simple at all. Fortunately, we were not given this mission. At least, it was not a wasted one." The nose ring said. Helena smiled and said, "Really? Have you found it? " Nose Ring nodded, "But it's not the hotel you were talking about, it's in an apartment on Met Street. The one leading seems to be a boss named Noda."    


Feige was surprised, he never thought that the two hooligans could actually find Noda's address.    


Helena said, "You didn't encounter any trouble, did you?" "No, we didn't alarm them. Actually, they were found by my brothers together. By the way, beautiful lady, we put in a lot of effort to find them. Do you think we can add a little more?" Helena threw down the five hundred dollars. "That's all. We can't have any more."    


Nose Ring happily took it in his hand: "Thank you! If you have any tasks like this in the future, remember to look for me. My name is Wei Ke! "    


The address Wei Ke gave to Helena was very detailed, and Helena and Feige quickly found it.    


Feige said, "How did they find it? It's incredible. " Helena said, "These hooligans live at the bottom of society. They have their own circle, and there are a lot of rumors about them. Also, because they are at the bottom of society, they can't be easily found or suspected, so it's easier for them to get information."    


Feige nodded. "That's true."    


They parked far away and headed for the apartment. They wanted to confirm the truth about Vic. Helena didn't doubt that Wei Ke would lie to her, but her cautious personality made her personally make this trip.    


"This is the place. Be careful, don't let them find out." Let's just walk by the door normally and see what's best. " After Helena finished speaking, she carried Feige and pretended to be a passerby as she walked past the apartment. Two Japanese s stood at the entrance of the apartment. When they saw Helena and Feige, they whistled and teased them.    


"Did you notice those two women?" Coincidentally, Noda was looking out of the window as he asked softly. Far off, the dancer said, "Yes, I saw it. The woman in the red windbreaker looks very familiar!" Noda said, "It seems like they're here to spy on us." Feng Ye Zi sneered: "Hmph, how can you not look familiar? That woman is the second in command of Hermitage Society, Feige! " Noda laughed: "Seems like Lu Lee wants to attack me. What a great plan to save Zhao, he wants to use me to suppress our Hermitage Society attacks. "You wish!"    


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