Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C344 It's the Little Devil Again

C344 It's the Little Devil Again

Lu Ao smiled lightly, "Looks like we worried for nothing!" When Victoria heard Lu Lee's worry, she flirtatiously used her haughty self to pep Lu Lee. "Lu, do you really care about me?" "What do you think?" Lu Lee asked. Victoria grabbed onto Lu Lee's arm. "Lu, you're really good!"    


Lu Lee decided to meet Qinggoong Yuzi at Yu'e Hot Spring at 8 pm.    


Victoria contacted Qinggoong Yuzi. Originally, Lu Lee was the one who asked Lu Lee to make the call. Lu Lee said he didn't know what Qinggoong Yuzi was going to say to her on the phone, so he asked Victoria to do it for him. Victoria knew that Lu Lee was just taking care of her own emotions. If Lu Lee really had nothing to say to Qinggoong Yuzi, then there would naturally be no need for them to meet again. Victoria was very happy. At least in Lu Lee's heart, she had a certain amount of power.    


He didn't know why, but Lu Lee didn't feel happy to see Qinggoong Yuzi again. He felt that something was wrong. He asked, "Victoria, can you tell me how you met Qinggoong Yuzi?" Victoria said, "Qinggoong Yuzi is a famous person in the East Ocean Continent. She is a royal family with real power, so it was easy for me to find her mansion. I placed your Willow Leaf Knife in an envelope and had someone give it to Qinggoong Yuzi. As I expected, she ordered someone to invite me in within a few minutes. "    


Lu Lee obviously knew that Qinggoong Yuzi was from the royal family, so he didn't feel that there was any problem.    


Victoria continued, "I was brought in front of Qinggoong Yuzi. She asked me about the owner of the knife. I told her you were in a very safe place, so she seemed relieved. I told her what you wanted to see her about, and she agreed without thinking. Then she walked me to the door herself. " Lu Lee said, "How do you know that you must have met Qinggoong Yuzi?" Victoria smiled and said, "Once again, you have your doubts about my department. I collected her photos first, so I can guarantee that there won't be any mistakes."    


Lu Lee had nothing to say, so he smiled and said: "You really have a watertight way of doing things." Victoria smiled as she enjoyed Lu Lee's praise.    


However, Lu Lee still felt a bit apprehensive in his heart, but he couldn't tell what the problem was. Lu Ao said softly on the side, "I'll go with Lu Lee tonight. Victoria, you take care of the work, so I'll leave the car with you." Victoria knew how powerful Lu Ao was. With him around, Lu Lee's safety shouldn't be a problem. She nodded. "I understand." Lu Lee added, "Don't turn off the engine!" Lu Lee himself didn't know why he would give such an explanation. He only felt danger from the roots.    


At 7: 25, a black Honda Car stopped in front of Yu'e Hot Spring. Lu Ao got off the car first, walked around for a bit, and then walked in. Although Lu Ao was born from an aristocratic family, he was fluent in the Mandarin Chinese of the East, which was not one bit inferior to Lu Lee.    


Lu Lee finished smoking in the car and then got off. Although Lu Ao had gone around in a circle, he still carefully checked the surrounding situation and didn't find anything. He also walked in.    


"Welcome!" The two beauties in different clothes walked in front of Lu Lee with a smile. Lu Leezui and Victoria said, "Yu Quan Tang." The two girls looked at each other. One of them said to Lu Lee, "Sir, please come with me." Lu Lee followed behind the woman into the room. The woman led him to a cubicle, knelt down and opened the door: "Sir, please enter!" Lu Lee walked in. The woman smiled and said, "Please wait a moment!" Then he closed the door.    


Lu Lee took out his cell phone and called Lu Ao. Lu Ao said, "I'm in the room next to yours. Don't worry, I'll be fine." Lu Lee did not change his clothes immediately. Instead, he sat on the flat ground, waiting for Qinggoong Yuzi to arrive.    


At five to eight, footsteps sounded in the corridor. The woman from before opened the door and said, "Come in!" A stylish woman came in, wearing sunglasses. The door to the cubicle closed. The woman sat down in front of Lu Lee and slowly took off her glasses. It was Qinggoong Yuzi, but she looked a little fat.    


Lu Lee smiled lightly: "We meet again. Are you okay?" Qinggoong Yuzi said, "It's alright, but I heard that you're not doing very well." Lu Lee said, "Today, I invited you here for a matter that I need your help with." Qinggoong Yuzi smiled and said, "What is it?" Just as Lu Lee was about to speak, a woman's voice came from outside the door, "Sorry, sir, a lady is looking for you." Lu Lee was stunned. Who could it be? Lu Lee said, "Let her in..." Before Lu Lee could finish his sentence, Qinggoong Yuzi suddenly pulled out a short sword from her chest and stabbed towards Lu Lee!    


Lu Lee clasped his hands together and held the short sword between his palms. At this moment, the door opened. It was Victoria. "Lu, run quickly. A lot of ninjas came and surrounded the hot spring." Lu Lee sucked in a breath of cold air. With a wrong move of his palms, he broke the short sword. Lifting his hands slightly, he sent a half of the broken sword flying towards Qinggoong Yuzi.    


"Who the hell are you?" Lu Lee asked. Qinggoong Yuzi smiled. "It really can't be hidden from Lu Lee's eyes." With that, she leapt toward Victoria. Victoria was not bad either, throwing a punch straight at the face of this woman who was pretending to be Yuzi of Qing Dynasty. The woman raised her left arm to block the blow, and with her right hand, a short sword slashed at Victoria's abdomen.    


The sound of fighting came from outside the door. It should be Lu Ao and the group of Ninjas fighting. Lu Lee, on the other hand, was not worried about Lu Ao. He moved in a flash to Victoria's side and threw two punches at her: "Victoria, back off!" Victoria knew that she was no match for a woman, so she dodged to the side. Lu Lee said softly, "Yagyu Sizuka!" The woman was stunned for a moment before she finally took off her mask. It was indeed Yagyu Sizuka.    


"Why is that?" Lu Lee asked. Yagyu Sizuka said, "Lu Lee, the princess has her own life now so you shouldn't harass her anymore." Lu Lee said, "Is that your idea or hers?" Yagyu Sizuka said, "Is there any difference?" Lu Lee said, "I just wanted her to help out. I didn't want to disrupt her current life." Yagyu Sizuka said, "No matter what excuse you have, it's impossible for you to see her. Moreover, you must die this time!"    


As she spoke, she waved her hand and three figures flashed into the room. They were dressed like ninjas and were wrapped in black clothing, with the exception of their eyes. The three Ninjas lifted up their Japanese dagger and pounced towards Lu Lee. Lu Lee raised his hand and three Willow Leaf Knife s flew over. The three ninjas nimbly dodged them.    


Lu Lee found that the three Ninjas were not bad. Could it be that they were all imperial guards?    


Who knew how many ninjas Lu Ao actually failed to fight his way in. It seemed like the other party had an expert on their side. Otherwise, no matter how many people there were, they wouldn't be able to stop Lu Ao.    


Lu Lee repeatedly shot out rice grains with his hands. The power of the Orchid Hand made the three ninjas have to deal with it. Meanwhile, Yagyu Sizuka rushed towards Victoria once again!    


Yagyu Sizuka rushed at Victoria. There was a gun in Victoria's hand. Yagyu Sizuka was stunned for a moment, but Victoria fired. Bang! Yagyu Sizuka hurriedly dodged to the side. Victoria shot all the bullets in the gun, but she was unable to hit Yagyu Sizuka. Yagyu Sizuka laughed and said, "Shoot! No more bullets, right? " After saying that, he pounced forward again.    


Although Lu Lee's kung fu was much higher than the three Ninjas, he found that the three of them had a tacit understanding of one another. They could attack and retreat freely, so Lu Lee was unable to find a way out for a while. Lu Lee was worried that Victoria would suffer a loss. As he fought, he moved closer to Victoria. Victoria's situation was extremely dangerous. Lu Lee was anxious and he hoped that Victoria could persevere.    


Lu Ao's voice came from outside the door, "Don't force me to kill someone!" Lu Lee frowned. This Lu Ao, how could he still have a merciful heart? Lu Lee shouted, "Uncle Ao, stop wasting time with them! It's burning my ass, go ahead and kill him! " No wonder Lu Ao couldn't even fight his way in for half a day.    


Yagyu Sizuka's short knife had forced Victoria into a sorry state. However, Victoria had been through a lot. Although she was at a disadvantage, she was still able to deal with it.    


Lu Lee had calmed down by this time. Although the three ninja had a tacit understanding with each other, they changed positions a little too slowly. Lu Lee changed positions again and saw that there was a Willow Leaf Knife in between each of his hands. With a flip of his wrist, he slit their throats, then two sabers flew out and stabbed the remaining person between their eyebrows.    


Lu Lee appeared in front of Yagyu Sizuka in a flash. Yagyu Sizuka was no match for Lu Lee. With a single move, the short sword in his hand was already in Lu Lee's hand. Lu Lee raised his sword and was about to stab out. Lu Lee's sword just happened to pierce into Yagyu Sizuka's shoulder. Lu Lee didn't use any force and stopped his sword on her shoulder.    


It was Qinggoong Yuzi. Lu Ao had also rushed in. Lu Lee said, "Uncle Ao, stop." Lu Ao retracted his posture and retreated to Lu Lee's side. Qinggoong Yuzi looked at Lu Lee affectionately. "You're here?" Liu Tie nodded, "En, I came to find you." Qinggoong Yuzi smiled faintly, "I came late." Lu Lee replied, "It's not too late. It's good that you're here." Qinggoong Yuzi walked in front of Yagyu Sizuka and looked at her coldly. "You've grown. You've learnt how to take charge of me?"    


Yagyu Sizuka lowered her head. "Princess, I …" Qinggoong Yuzi said, "You still know that I'm a princess?" Yagyu Sizuka said, "This subordinate is doing this for the princess and the royal family." Qinggoong Yuzi said, "Do you know how much damage you have done to the Imperial Family? How many people had died in the Royal Guard? Go out and take a look yourself. "    


Qinggoong Yuzi looked towards Lu Ao. Lu Ao knew she was blaming him for killing her. Lu Ao said lightly: "I warned them, but they didn't listen, so it's not my fault." Lu Lee replied, "I asked him to do it. If you want to blame someone, then blame me." Qinggoong Yuzi sighed, "You are really the bane of my life." With that, she said to Yagyu Sizuka, "You guys leave first. I have something to talk to Lu Lee about." Yagyu Sizuka looked at Qinggoong Yuzi. Qinggoong Yuzi's eyes were wide open as she helplessly shook her head, ordering someone to carry the corpses of the three Ninjas out.    


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