Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C610 Big Organ

C610 Big Organ

"As long as you talk too much, I guess you'll refuse." Yuwen Kai Shan Shan said. He had some understanding of Lu Lee.    


After all, he had interacted so much with Lu Lee before, so he was clearer about Lu Lee's situation in this world.    


Now, Lu Lee was standing like a pig, with the slightest mistake, he would be inhumane inside and out. On the surface, the government gave Lu Lee the position of high official, but if something happened, Lu Lee would be punished as traitor.    


How could Yuwen Kai not know about China's common tricks. However, if possible, Yuwen Kai hoped that Lu Lee would never fall to that stage.    


If they were really on the execution ground, then Yuwen Kai wouldn't mind doing something for Lu Lee. After all, it was already a great pleasure for him.    


If not for Lu Lee saving him, he would not have known where his bones were buried.    


"Yes, I refuse." Lu Lee spoke lightly of his decision just as Yuwen Kai had expected.    


"Oh my god, Elder Brother Lee, are you crazy? Why did you reject such a good opportunity?" Xiao Tian's eyes opened wide in disbelief.    


"Because I can't accept it." Chang Wu said as he took a deep breath. He agreed with Lu Lee's decision.    


After all, before the wings expanded, all sacrifices would have been worth it. It seemed that this child would definitely have great potential.    


"It seems like you will follow us for real, Chang Wu." Xun Guang said lightly, but there was more certainty in his tone.    


After being together with Chang Wu for so many years, how could he not know Chang Wu's personality. Since he said that, he might as well keep up with him.    


"Hur hur." Chang Wu continued to smile, but entered a meditative state. Although he thought that Lu Lee was good in certain aspects, a large organization needed to be managed.    


If he wanted Lu Lee to manage the company, then Lu Lee obviously didn't have enough time. Everything could only be managed by himself.    


Forget it, since this brat can act like this, I'll keep watch for him. Chang Wu thought to himself as his eyes revealed determination from time to time.    


The people in the carriage were all thinking about what to do next.    


This was because they knew that although their enemies would not know them in the near future, they would be discovered eventually. There was no such thing as a wall without wind in this world.    


If he wanted to protect himself from harm, then he would need to become stronger. Only by becoming stronger would he be able to stand in his rightful place.    


Away, I will help you stand firm and gradually move towards the peak.    


The bullet continued to travel. After an unknown amount of time, the car finally stopped outside the villa.    


In order not to attract attention, the license plates had been prepared beforehand and could be used after replacement.    


Lu Lee called for Xun Guang and the others to drive away. Then, he opened the car door and got out. Wan Mingyan snuggled quietly beside Lu Lee. No one knew what she was thinking about.    


Pushing the door open, he only saw darkness all around, as if there was no one there.    


"It seems like they went out again. I'll go." Lu Lee said helplessly. It was obvious that his hopes had failed.    


He originally thought that he would be surrounded by beautiful women when he returned home, but he didn't expect it to be so lonely.    


Lu Lee didn't turn on the lights either. After entering, he sat straight on the sofa. The soft touch made him feel tired in an instant.    


Those who were strong would always be tired. They just needed to see if the opportunity was right. Lu Lee hugged Wan Mingyan tightly and sunk into darkness with his eyes closed. His entire body and mind started to collapse.    


After removing his powerful outer appearance, Lu Lee seemed particularly fragile, not like a healthy man, but more like a depressed teenager.    


"Martial Uncle, I love you." In the darkness, Lu Lee heard Wan Mingyan's confession and couldn't help but tightly hug her even more tightly.    


At this moment, the lights suddenly turned on. Due to being not used to it, Lu Lee couldn't see his surroundings clearly.    


"Happy Birthday, Lu Lee." A neat blessing sounded beside his ear. Lu Lee opened his eyes and saw a familiar face.    


He saw Bai Yaqi pushing a huge cake while standing beside Lee Mei, Lee Mei, Arnold, and the rest of them. The few of them looked at Lu Lee with a smile that was not a smile, causing his heart to feel extremely warm.    


Waves of warmth started to invade Lu Lee's heart. Suddenly, Lu Lee felt his whole body become warm. Looking at the smiling faces in front of him, Lu Lee once again felt the meaning of home.    


Seeing that Lu Lee was completely shocked, Arnold pinched Lu Lee's nose and said, "Hurry up and cut the cake. If you continue hugging only Yanran, then you will go to bed today." Although her tone was tasty, it was extremely cute.    


"Got it." Lu Lee nodded and signaled Arnold to let go with her eyes. Under everyone's blessings, he split the cake into two.    


He originally thought that he would only need to eat the cake, but to his surprise, the girls actually slapped the cake on his face at the fastest speed possible.    


"Hahaha, what a flowery face …" Everyone pointed at Lu Lee and laughed. Only then did Lu Lee realize that he had been set up.    


Wan Mingyan immediately threw out the cake with her left hand. Before she could escape in a hurry, she had already become the first target.    


Recalling that he didn't participate in Lu Lee's treatment, he felt wronged. How could he be willing to continue suffering losses? He brought over the biggest cake plate and served Lu Lee from head to toe.    


Although the cake was delicious, the feeling that was on his face was not good. Lu Lee casually wiped the cake away from his face and finally managed to see his surroundings after a long time.    


Unfortunately, these girls had already gone to the second floor to hide. They didn't want to stay and take revenge on Lu Lee's behalf.    


"Ah, this birthday is really …" On the other end of the sofa, a pair of eyes were filled with sympathy.    


Without saying anything further, Lu Lee picked up the leftover cake from the table and threw it across the string, with the speed of lightning.    


"Ah!" Accompanied by a blood-curdling scream, the bowstring was finally pulled down into the water.    


Very soon, an extremely chaotic scene occurred in the hall. After hearing the shouts, the beauties who had disappeared ran out one after another. A few of them started to besiege Lu Lee.    


Not long later, Lu Lee became a complete cake man, and the rest of them were not spared.    


After a big battle, the beauties finally had enough. They all returned to their rooms to bathe, leaving Boya behind.    


Bo Yaqi held a handkerchief in her hand and wiped Lu Lee patiently. Her eyes were filled with gentleness.    


Lu Lee slowly bent down and kissed her as fast as he could before leaving again. The sweet taste of the cake lingered in his mouth, making him unable to forget it.    


Bo Yaqi wanted to find her lips again, but she quickly got up and said, "Good girl, can you go take a bath first?"    


Looking at Bo Yaqi's coquettish expression, Lu Lee couldn't help but have a thought. He immediately got up and walked towards the bathroom.    


Bai Yaqi followed behind Lu Lee the whole time. This made Lu Lee's heart flutter. Who knows, there might be something else he could do after taking a bath.    


Lu Lee thought to himself. He couldn't help but be elated. Ignoring the various cakes on his face, he pushed Bo Yaqi against the wall after entering the bathroom.    


His two hands couldn't help but stroke her back, sometimes holding the firm front end, and sometimes stroking her back.    


He moved closer to Bo Yaqi's lips, and soon, the two soft tongues were entwined with each other, making it hard for them to part.    


Lu Lee sucked on Bo Yaqi's tongue with all his might, making a sizzling sound from time to time. When the kiss touched his feelings, he couldn't help but use a French style hot kiss.    


Sensing Lu Lee's enthusiasm, Bo Yaqi could not hold on for a while. After a few minutes, she was defeated.    


Just when Lu Lee was about to go on a conquest, Bo Yaqi softly whispered to Lu Lee, "Li, can you go take a bath first?"    


"Okay, wait for me." Although Lu Lee was very unhappy, he still left Bo Yaqi's body and obediently turned on the shower.    


After closing the bathroom door, Lu Lee washed up early and was filled with excitement. He thought about Bo Yaqi's better body and was eager to get rid of her.    


However, the cake on his body seemed to be against him, and it took him a long time to finish it.    


Although it had already been a long time, when he thought of Bo Yaqi's beautiful body, he did not feel the least bit limp. Instead, he was full of vigor and vigor.    


Lu Lee wiped his body roughly, then impatiently opened the door and walked out. He saw that Bo Yaqi had already fallen asleep on the bed with a smile on her lips.    


Lying on the bed, Lu Lee carried Bo Yaqi in his arms. He felt safe as if he returned to his mother's womb.    


Lu Lee woke up not long after he reported the news. It was because of the phone call. Looking at the text, Lu Lee knew that not only did all the beauties know his birthday, they also remembered his brothers.    


Lu Lee felt his eyes moisten as he looked at the words, "Everyone is waiting for my birthday", in Hu Mei bar.    


After getting up and putting on his clothes, Lu Lee pushed open the door and walked out. After lighting the car, he ran quickly in a beautiful arc.    


Life was in an uproar in the fox-like bar.    


When Lu Lee stopped the Bentley, many beauties quickly came over. However, when they saw Zhang Wei's face, which was thinner than the city wall, Lu Lee finally chose to refuse.    


Everyone had a heart of beauty, but if a beauty turned hostile after a night of sleep, not only would they scare others, they would also scare themselves.    


Lu Lee, who played with beauties countless times, naturally knew that some girls were able to seduce and some were unable to. Otherwise, it would be very easy for them to capsize.    


Pushing open the door of the bar, a burst of strong music quickly entered his ears. It was obvious that the whole bar had already entered a heated state.    


In the middle of the stage, men and women were twisting their bodies and swaying along with the music. Many hunters who came out to hunt were quietly targeting their targets.    


In the booth, a girl was toasted by a man. Lu Lee shook his head and walked past her, but in the end, everything had nothing to do with him.    


Everyone had their own way of life, and also had the right to do anything or be done. Lu Lee was naturally not stupid enough to be a savior.    


Passing through the bustling crowd, Lu Lee soon arrived at the booth where Xunguang and the others were. After sitting down, he realized that foreign girl was in the booth with the exception of himself.    


The situation was very clear. It was because of his usual love and kindness. They were trying to push him aside.    


"Hehe, do you want to try Elder Brother Lee too?" Xiao Tian laughed as he suggested, looking at Lu Lee with ill intentions.    


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