Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C615 A Serious Woman Is the Most Beautiful

C615 A Serious Woman Is the Most Beautiful

After all, he was good at using medicine and his skills were far from being able to keep up. It was also because Lu Lee had called many hospitals that were close to him and hung up the phone after confirming that nothing was going on.    


What made him depressed was that there was not even a doctor in China that could be used. To be more precise, there was a doctor that could solve this problem.    


Every time, Lu Lee would pick up the phone with hope. Then, he would quietly be disappointed. This feeling was very depressing, but Lu Lee had no choice.    


With the azure sky above his head, Lu Lee's voice sounded especially complicated.    


"Looks like I have to make a call over there." Lu Lee called the office of the manager of Huaxia.    


Due to Lu Lee's special identity, he didn't need to transfer at all every time, so it was a lot more convenient.    


What made him disappointed was that the result was still the same. Helplessly, Lu Lee called the person who taught him.    


After hanging up, he did not let out a deep breath, because he saw the shadow of hope, even though that crazy guy was probably very hard to find.    


However, as long as it was a person, and as long as they were alive, it would not be difficult for Lu Lee to find them through his network.    


After some investigation, Lu Lee finally got an accurate piece of information from Little Wolf. However, due to the customs of some organizations in the East Ocean, Lu Lee did not bring Faang Shaojun along.    


If it was Lu Lee, then whatever it was would be easy to solve. However, if there was one more person, then it would be troublesome.    


Moreover, this was only if Faang Shaojun was willing to cooperate. If Faang Shaojun was unwilling, then Lu Lee knew that according to Faang Shaojun's character, even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't be able to cooperate.    


So no matter what, Lu Lee decided to first take a look and then settle down. In any case, based on the current arrangement, it wasn't too late and he could get the best treatment time.    


However, what made Lu Lee upset was that he had to return home. His mood was very complicated. Thinking about the incident that happened last time, he couldn't help but feel a bit depressed.    


After arriving at the Fox Charming Bar, Lu Lee left after giving a few simple instructions. Before boarding the plane, he did not forget to give a call to the strings.    


The content was probably to tell him what was going on here. Although Lu Lee knew that it would be completed even if he didn't tell him, but due to considerations, Lu Lee still made the arrangements.    


In order to not let too many people know, Lu Lee had purposely dressed up in a low-key manner this time. From the looks of it, Lu Lee's position in the East Ocean Continent was no longer as safe as it was now.    


Since this was the case, he had to be more thorough in order to not be easily tidied up after being discovered. He said that he was worried that Lu Lee's only concern would be the beauty of the mansion.    


Since they left too quickly, they didn't have the time to explain. They took out their phones to give them a call, but when they saw the devoid of signal, they remembered that they were on a plane.    


He was already tens of thousands of meters away from the East Ocean Continent. If an accident were to happen to him, he would definitely be smashed into smithereens.    


Of course, Lu Lee wouldn't do such a thing. He was just looking at the sky and having some thoughts.    


"What are you thinking about?" A melodious female voice rang in his ears, it was familiar yet gentle. When Lu Lee turned around, he met Jia Jingwen's eyes.    


The eyes were clean and pure, reminiscent of a newborn baby.    


"What a coincidence, how did I end up meeting you here?" Thinking about what happened that night, Lu Lee felt a bit awkward.    


If the relationship between the two of them was the same as before, Lu Lee would definitely greet them without any hesitation. However, he didn't know what to say now.    


After all, their relationship had changed. Although Lu Lee didn't want to admit it, something had changed. The two of them greeted each other as usual, but they could hear different things.    


"It's indeed a coincidence, are you alright?" It was the same for Jia Jingwen when she faced Lu Lee.    


It was obvious that she still felt confused, even though she repeatedly told him about Lu Lee and some random stuff.    


However, she couldn't convince herself at all. Deep down, she knew that Lu Lee must have a lot of girls, but from her perspective, she wasn't willing to give up.    


Yes, she wouldn't refuse if Lu Lee was willing. She would only smile and agree. After all, she was a conservative woman. Even if she gave her body to him, it was still very important to Jia Jingwen.    


If he wanted to...    


Of course, the prerequisite was that he wanted to. Jia Jingwen looked at Lu Lee with a smile that was not a smile. There was an ambiguous look in her eyes. Sometimes she was happy, and sometimes she was sad.    


It was so beautiful. Lu Lee had heard that a serious man was the most handsome, but he didn't expect that a woman could be like this. The smile and frown of the person in front of him had already affected him.    


Lu Lee was unable to extricate himself for a long time, but at the same time, he couldn't help but imagine what could happen, even though he understood that the two of them might not have any more possibilities.    


To advance or to retreat? Lu Lee hated multiple choice questions, so he couldn't make any.    


Staring dumbfoundedly at Jia Jingwen's beauty, Lu Lee was astonished and held his breath.    


At this moment, a man's voice rang in the radio station. Lu Lee realized that he was calling Jia Jingwen. Although he was reluctant, Jia Jingwen still left in the end.    


"Lu Lee, look for me when you get off the plane." After saying that, he disappeared.    


Lu Lee knew that he desperately wanted to find her, but he didn't know what kind of identity he should have. Forget it, he'll think about it after he gets off the plane.    


As Lu Lee thought of this, he fixed the blanket on his stomach and closed his eyes, falling into a deep sleep. His dream was filled with the craziness of that night between the two.    


Jia Jingwenguang's clean back, jade feet, gentle eyes, closed eyes and shy eyes, these were the most beautiful scenes in Lu Lee's dream. Lu Lee's mouth split into a smile.    


"Idiot." Jia Jingwen said softly as she stood not too far away from Lu Lee.    


The two of them watched each other in this manner, guessing what each other was thinking.    


He didn't notice that a long time had passed, and he heard the notification of him getting off the plane.    


Lu Lee opened his eyes and was stunned when he saw Jia Jingwen's gaze. Soon after, a blush rose on Jia Jingwen's face.    


Ah, he actually found out. Jia Jingwen thought to herself while bumping around like a little deer. She didn't dare to look at Lu Lee again for a long time.    


At the airport in China, Lu Lee slowly walked down from the plane.    


After entering the crowd, he felt strange gazes from many different places.    


Thinking about the Chinese authorities' concern for him, Lu Lee immediately understood what these people were doing. To put it bluntly, they were trying to protect him.    


However, since he was the crown prince and still needed protection, he might as well make a big joke. If he really had the mood to follow him, then he might as well do something.    


Lu Lee thought about this as he took out his phone and made a call.    


Lu Lee could clearly feel that those people who came to protect him had left within three minutes. He immediately felt a lot more relaxed.    


Although there was no doubt that those people were of some use to him, if something really happened, then he would not be able to solve it.    


In other words, they couldn't deal with the people who truly wanted to do something to Lu Lee.    


Other than the decorations, Lu Lee really couldn't think of any other use for these people.    


"Brat, you've got off the plane, right? I'll introduce you to someone when we come back for dinner." Lu Lei said with a smile. From the looks of it, even though Lu Lee thought he was very secretive, he was known.    


In other words, there were too many people who were paying attention to the situation. As soon as the plane landed, these people immediately rushed over.    


In the next hour, Lu Lee received all kinds of calls. After dealing with them all, Lu Lee walked out of the airport and pressed the shut down button. He found a taxi and left.    


"Young lad, you're so energetic. Where are you planning to go?" The driver was a middle-aged man in his forties, with thick calluses on his hands. He had been dealing with the steering wheel for a long time.    


From the way he grasped the steering wheel, Lu Lee was certain that he was a serious person. Otherwise, he wouldn't have grabbed him so tightly.    


"I was planning to return home, send me there …" "Let's do it." Lu Lee said briefly. He looked out the window at the passing scenery and realized there wasn't much of a change.    


Although there were some skyscrapers on the open space, Lu Lee didn't feel any unfriendliness, or to say that he had left for too long, he had a sense of hometown for everything.    


Just as those people had said, home was a place where you could curse thousands of times, but no one could say even one extra word.    


Although Lu Lee was usually dissatisfied with many of China's physiques, he still felt that the bell was there. Otherwise, he wouldn't have done so much.    


Through a topic, Lu Lee quickly started a conversation with the driver. However, from the way they chatted, it was always the driver talking, so Lu Lee listened carefully.    


Although this kind of situation might seem helpless to others, to Lu Lee, it was not bad at all.    


It was for no other reason but because it would allow him to talk less or not say anything at all, and it would also allow him to get rid of the extra time, so why not?    


As the car sped forward, they quickly arrived at the Lu Family gate on the highway.    


Looking at the room that he had not seen for a long time, Lu Lee had an indescribable feeling in his heart. It was as if he was a wanderer returning home and had special feelings for Lu Lee.    


Although Lu Lee had played with Lu Lei quite a few times since he was young, he knew that Lu Lei was doing it for his own good. At the same time, he was very glad that Lu Lei had given him the biggest room and allowed him to take care of everything.    


Lu Lee's definition of home was sometimes vague, but now he was exceptionally clear-headed.    


For no other reason than that he had found what he wanted.    


Pushing open the Lu Family door, Lu Lee saw the person in the room.    


His father, Lu Lei, was sitting upright on the sofa. He looked very happy to see Lu Lee back, and excitement flashed across his aged face.    


Lu Lee rarely saw such an expression on his father's face, but he didn't expect to see it today. During his youth, Lu Lee always knew that his father was good to him, but he never thought that Lu Lei would love him.    


In most cases, however, a man's way of expressing his love is more direct or clumsy than a woman's.    


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