Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C661 A Hundred Million Dollars Worth of Information

C661 A Hundred Million Dollars Worth of Information

Although Lu Lee was not familiar with this hotel, he could vaguely feel that this fatty was the person he was looking for. It was not for any reason but just because the way this fatty dressed up made him satisfied with his guess.    


As expected, upon seeing the fatty appear, the receptionist said respectfully, "This is our manager. If you have anything, you can just speak to him directly."    


Finishing his words, he turned around to leave. When he passed by Fatty, he respectfully called out: "Manager Wang."    


"Mm, that's the person you were talking about, right?" Manager Wang asked the receptionist. He tried to lower his voice as much as possible for fear of being impolite, but even so, Lu Lee still heard it.    


"Why? Am I not like the person who wants to entrust the task to you?" Lu Lee asked in a cold voice, he clearly knew the way to deal with these people.    


To put it bluntly, this circle was the same as most other areas. As long as one wasn't unyielding, the other side would try to trap them.    


Putting aside the fact that it would be easy to scam others, perhaps the other party might not even have the interest to scam them. Thinking about this, Lu Lee could not help but sigh that this society was realistic.    


As expected, after hearing Lu Lee's words, Manager Wang not only didn't get angry, but laughed and said: "Sir, what are you talking about? You only came to find me because you thought so highly of me. I'm wrong, alright?"    


As he said that, he was full of smiles, which made Lu Lee feel disgusted. He couldn't help but think of one word, which was cheap.    


At this moment, Manager Wang could be described as perfect. It was just that Lu Lee didn't say it on the surface.    


Seeing Lu Lee thinking about something, Manager Wang immediately made a gesture of invitation and said to Lu Lee: "Let's go inside to talk."    


"Sure." Lu Lee answered simply and followed behind Manager Wang.    


Looking around the interior of the hotel, he couldn't help but sigh that it was much better to be at home. He didn't know whether it was distance or something.    


Anyway, they were not comfortable. Lu Lee wanted to walk further in, so the two didn't go down directly, but through a secret passage to the basement.    


In the basement of the San Diego Hotel, there were very few people, but the layout of the basement was similar to that of the factory, though it was not that bloody.    


Lu Lee felt his heart tighten as the coldness gradually spread to his entire body, bringing along an irresistible force.    


Lu Lee followed behind the manager. After walking for a distance, Manager Wang finally stopped and said to Lu Lee: "Let's talk inside. I'm only responsible to lead the way to here."    


"Right." Lu Lee nodded and pushed the door open. What entered his sight was a space that wasn't too big, as well as some simple decorations.    


However, the person sitting upright in the main seat surprised Lu Lee. He was only a ten-year-old kid with something similar to Ke Dong in his eyes.    


Lu Lee had seen this person before in the data. He called him 'child' and was ranked third on the international killer list. However, according to Lu Lee's early information, this person was already dead, so why did he appear here now?    


Lu Lee looked at the child with a puzzled expression. He saw Lu Lee's skinny body curled up on the office chair as if he was thinking about something. Sensing Lu Lee's gaze, Lu Lee asked with a hoarse voice, "Why is the dignified crown prince here?"    


"Hur Hur, there are some things that you need." Lu Lee answered lightly. He wasn't surprised that the other party knew his identity. After all, in certain industries, people who knew each other usually knew each other, just like how Lu Lee knew him.    


The child knocked on the desk, looked at Lu Lee with a faint smile and said, "I really didn't expect that you would also have information that you need. You should have someone in your hands, right?" As he spoke, the child realized that something was wrong. He changed the topic and asked, "What do you want?"    


"It's just an intelligence report. It's not too difficult for you." Lu Lee gave an easy answer, but the child knew what he was talking about.    


After calculating the most appropriate price, the child looked Lu Lee in the eye and said, "I need 100 million, I'll give you this information."    


"Mm, you can do it. I'll send the money after you're done." Lu Lee nodded his head in agreement. Thinking that it was a transaction made from money, he couldn't help but sigh and rejoice in his heart. However, he also understood that things could not be so simple.    


As expected, Lu Lee agreed without any hesitation. The child smiled slyly and said, "I also need something from you."    


"What is it?" If it's China's layout, then there's no need to think about it. " Although Lu Lee wanted to know the relevant information, he didn't want to harm the interests of China.    


Even though Hua Xia always had something to do to let him down, Lu Lee knew what was right and what couldn't be done.    


Lu Lee's bottom line was just a few and coincidentally included the Hua Xia Empire.    


The child naturally understood Lu Lee's personality. Although he had never had any interactions with him before, he had already analyzed it. Moreover, he was an intermediary who only cared about money or benefits.    


"I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about the thing you stole from the East Ocean." The child spoke simply. After hearing what the child said, Lu Lee couldn't help but smile bitterly.    


He had never thought that a promise he had given to them would be so important. Since he had obtained it, there had been no less than three families who had intervened. He had no idea what would happen next.    


Although he no longer had anything in hand, Lu Lee still intended to carry it out in a roundabout way: "How about this, I've already given it to someone else. If you want, I can help you make one without conditions."    


"Sure." The child nodded in agreement. It was not easy to get the crown prince to help in the industry, not to mention that he owed him something.    


After the two of them reached an agreement, Lu Lee did not stay any longer and turned around to leave. As expected, when he pushed open the door, he saw Manager Wang waiting there.    


Seeing Lu Lee come out, Manager Wang said to him in a flattering manner: "I wonder if Mr Lu is satisfied with our service?"    


"Not bad." Lu Lee didn't explain too much. Thinking that there might be something else that could be of use to him, he took out a cheque from his wallet, wrote 5 million and handed it to Manager Wang.    


Manager Wang kept the information in his pocket and kept saying that Lu Lee could let him communicate directly if he wanted to arrange some information next time. That would be much better.    


Lu Lee only nodded and smiled, nothing else. When Lu Lee turned around, Manager Wang took out the cheque from his pocket. When he saw the number on it, he was overjoyed.    


In order to get involved with Lu Lee, he immediately took out his VIP card and handed it over to Lu Lee.    


"Sir, if you need anything, you can take a look." After Manager Wang finished speaking, he revealed a smile that all men understood. Lu Lee also received it without any hesitation.    


Even though Lu Lee wasn't very interested in the goods inside, he still decided to take a look out of curiosity. After all, it was the number one bathing center in the East Ocean Continent.    


If nothing unexpected happened, he would definitely run into some influential nobles. He could also take this opportunity to investigate something.    


Thinking about this, Lu Lee finally nodded and jogged away.    


When they arrived at their destination, Lu Lee realized that this was not so much a bathing center as a manor. There was a beauty in a qipao at the entrance.    


Seeing Lu Lee's luxurious car arrive, each of them cracked their dark red lips and said: "Welcome, Mr., what kind of service would you like?"    


"Nonsense. Of course it's taking a bath. Is there anything else I can do?" Lu Lee muttered. After stopping the car, he looked at the Qipao beauties in front of him without any restraint.    


Based on Lu Lee's many years of experience, he immediately understood that the strawberries of these qipao beauties were definitely black. However, he didn't mind about this.    


His gaze was still lingering on these beauties.    


Such a gaze could not be any more familiar to the Qipao beauties. Not only did they not avoid his gaze, they even started firing like Lu Lee.    


"How about, I'll accompany you for the night, handsome." A very flirtatious woman said, which reminded Lu Lee of Wan Mingyanli.    


However, the two of them were much smaller and obviously couldn't be compared. Lu Lee naturally did not like this kind of woman. He immediately shook his head and said: "Just bring me in, I'll pay the tip."    


As Lu Lee spoke, he took out a stack of US dollars from his wallet and stuffed it into the woman's purse without hesitation. A playful smile hung on the corner of his mouth.    


Almost the moment Lu Lee took out the money, the Qipao beauties' eyes were wide open. They suddenly regretted not going to pick up the phone, otherwise, it would have been worth it even if they couldn't pick up the bill.    


Lu Lee could sense a unified aura from the crowd's gaze, but it didn't matter to him as it was the same for all women.    


A certain book had once said, when a man was at his most handsome, nothing could be more beautiful than spending money. As long as it was a man who was willing to spend money, that man was a handsome man.    


In order to adapt to the situation here, Lu Lee did not hold back and walked in boldly with the flirtatious woman in his arms.    


Along the way, there were many people's gazes, including both men and women, which made Lu Lee feel depressed.    


Nowadays, it was not rare for a man to find a girl. However, since when did beauties become like ducklings? No wonder she was a woman of the East Ocean Continent.    


Lu Lee thought in his heart and couldn't help but to think that if he met Teacher Xiaoze later, he would have to stand up for him.    


After all, this was the dream of all male animals in Yuan China.    


Lu Lee was so worried that he didn't even know he had bumped into anyone. He suddenly looked up painfully and saw a black-faced King Kong. His figure was exactly the same as the one in the movie.    


"Sorry, you're blocking my way." Lu Lee said plainly. He did not hide and prepared to walk in.    


Seeing this, the flirtatious woman at the side fainted. She winked at Lu Lee to express something, but Lu Lee was confused.    


"Little Ze, why did you bring in someone without a certificate? Don't you know the rules?" The flirtatious woman on the side could not help but feel her hair stand on end.    


When she first brought Lu Lee over, she thought he was a regular customer, but she didn't expect him to not even have a certificate.    


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