Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C703 You Are the Crown Prince?

C703 You Are the Crown Prince?

Xue Bing resisted the pressure in his heart and coldly looked at Lu Lee as he asked, "Who are you, sir? Why do you insist on meddling in my Zhou family's matters? Please say your name first, otherwise, the Dragon King's Temple will be flooded with water."    


"I'm here to save her. You only need to know this." Lu Lee said in a domineering manner as he looked at the crowd and said, "If you guys don't feel convinced, you can come up and fight."    


"Damn you, you bastard. I won't believe me." A strong looking lackey shouted. He grabbed the Tang Knife and chopped towards Lu Lee. Lu Lee's figure blurred and when he appeared again, the lackey suddenly fell to the ground.    


"A single fatal blow, he is truly worthy of being the crown prince." Liang Si said with a sigh. Almost at the same moment she heard Lu Lee's nickname, everyone's heart turned cold. It was as if they had fallen into an icehouse.    


"What? You're the crown prince?" Xue Bing asked Lu Lee with a look of disbelief. In order to get a clear look of the person in front of him, he couldn't help but widen his titanium dog eyes.    


He didn't believe that he would be that unlucky. It was just sending people to surround a woman, and the Crown Prince was actually targeting her. Was there something going on between the two of them?    


After sizing up Ouyang Bing'er and then Lu Lee, Xue Bing immediately felt that it was better to let it go. Otherwise, it was unknown who would win in a fight. After all, the outcome was not good for his Zhou Family.    


"So it's Big Brother Lu's wife. Sorry, sister-in-law." I'll take my big brother and leave first, give me a call when you have time. " Zhou Bing flattered his men as he left with a gloomy expression on his face.    


Originally, there were some people who wanted to challenge Lu Lee to a fight, but since their boss was acting like this, what could they do about it? They were just trying to show their loyalty, so it would be inconvenient for him to say anything.    


"I can't afford to say that, but I hope that you won't cause trouble for Miss Ouyang in the future." Lu Lee said lightly and looked into the car with concern: "You should be fine now, right?"    


"No, thank you." Ouyang Bing'er coldly replied, her small face turning bone-deep cold.    


This woman is actually colder than I am. I don't know what she went through, but it was interesting. Lu Lee looked at Xue Bing and said, "Now you can leave with your brother. I hope you can go as fast as possible."    


"Alright, Big Brother Lu." Xue Bing said with a smile. However, his fist was not as big as Lu Lee's. He could only swallow his anger for fear that Lu Lee would do something.    


"All of you, disperse." Xue Binn said in a loud voice. The group of people all had confused expressions on their faces.    


Hadn't Young Master Xue always thought of obtaining Miss Ouyang Bing'er? Why was he so unyielding now that he had reached the critical point? Could it be that something had happened? Everyone was thinking, and their eyes couldn't help but fall on Lu Lee.    


However, they only stopped for a short while before retracting because this person's aura was too oppressive. If his boss hadn't left, he would have immediately left.    


"Let's go, brothers." As Xue Bing called out to him, his lackeys returned to the car as if a heavy burden had been lifted off their shoulders. All of them were dripping with sweat.    


Although they had not been through a hacking or killing battle, but to them, the pressure was no less than a real fight. They had not even seen such a situation in a real duel. If their boss hadn't told them to stop, they wouldn't have suspected that Lu Lee could kill them all by himself.    


Of course, this was just a hypothesis. Everything had been a false alarm. After leaving, everyone had a smile on their faces as if they had just survived a disaster. It turned out that Heaven or Hell only lasted for an instant.    


One glance at Heaven, and the next was Hell. It was naturally suitable to describe their current feelings.    


After the crowd retreated, Lu Lee slowly said: "You can leave now. If they still recruit you in the future, you can come find me. Also, don't expose yourself during the day. Try to be normal, otherwise, any man would want to …" Cough cough, you understand. "    


"Thank you for your kind intentions. If I have the chance, I, Ouyang Bing'er, will naturally repay you. Thank you for today's matter." Ouyang Bing'er spoke briefly, and after hesitating for a while, she gave a name card, "If you need my help with anything, you can call me."    


"Yes, if there is a chance." Lu Lee kept the business card in his pocket as he muttered. He turned around and smiled at Liang Si, "Now that we're done with this, it's time for us to leave, right?"    


"Mm, let's go back." "Oh yeah, come with me to the supermarket to buy some things before we go back. I plan to bring some daily necessities back with me." Liang Si spoke slowly as she recalled something, and her small face suddenly blushed imperceptibly.    


It was strange, but it wasn't something shameful. What was there to blush about? Lu Lee grumbled in his heart as he looked at Liang Si with a curious expression. Liang Si couldn't help but feel embarrassed.    


After getting back into the car, Lu Lee finally asked after hesitating for a while: "What are you planning to buy? Why are you acting so weird? It's like it's a blind date.    


"Matchmaking your head, look at what you're thinking. Don't you know that you shouldn't ask me about things? This is a woman's secret." Liang Si said angrily as she glanced at Lu Lee.    


"I'll go. If you don't want to say it, then don't say it. Where are you pulling me? I'm still a man's secret." Lu Lee said deliberately to Liang Si in disgust.    


"Hmph, as a man, how could you have any secrets? Isn't it just a small plate under the bed? How wretched." Liang Si said contemptuously, her small mouth pouting loudly.    


"Heh, if I don't tell you what it is, then I'll let you women have secrets."    


"You! You are shameless! "    


"Cough cough, actually knowing my secret is very simple, but you need to tell me your secret." Lu Lee asked vulgarly.    


One month was neither fast nor slow. Other than Lu Lee, Liang Si had also picked the best person in her team. At this moment, they were gathered on the field, waiting for the next round to start.    


Compared to the huge team from before, there were only less than 10 people left in this team. However, Lu Lee believed that a truly outstanding team didn't need that many people. Sometimes, just a few people would be enough.    


The Lianghe slowly walked towards the podium, shouting out in an imposing manner, "Good morning soldiers."    


"Hello, chief!" The soldiers replied in unison. Then, Lu Lee's mouth twitched.    


It wasn't that he hadn't experienced such a situation before, but for a Chinese military parade, he was rather annoyed and didn't seem to have any practical use for it.    


After another round of inspection, they finally got on the plane after a long time. It was now more than an hour since the speech. Lu Lee touched his empty stomach and felt depressed.    


He took out a small piece of biscuit from his spare bag and was about to leave when he saw a hand reaching over quickly and snatching the biscuit away with lightning speed.    


"Yes, yes. The biscuits this time are not bad. I just didn't prepare the water. Lu Lee, help me get the water." Liang Si said complacently with an expression of 'Huang Shiren'.    


Normally, Lu Lee would teach her a lesson, but he could only bear with it in this situation. After all, they were partners now, and as partners, they had to support each other.    


"Here, be careful not to choke you to death." Lu Lee said unwillingly and handed his water bottle over. When he saw Liang Si's bulging bag, he immediately knew there must be something else in it.    


While Liang Si was drinking her water, Lu Lee reached out his hand towards the bag. Almost at the same time, Liang Si immediately held the bag in her arms and stared at Lu Lee with her pair of small eyes. What do you want to do with my bag? "    


Cough cough, I just wanted to see if there was anything fun inside. Lu Lee explained as he looked curiously at the bag.    


Seeing this, Liang Si held her bag tightly. No matter how Lu Lee tried to deceive her, she would not give in. Lu Lee finally gave in under her insistence.    


Seeing that it was still early, he closed his eyes and lost track of time. They had already arrived at night from daytime. Because they couldn't see anything clearly, someone in the team suggested to rest for a while, but was rejected by Lu Lee in the end.    


Finally, after a series of consultations, Lu Lee sat in the cockpit. He carefully controlled the plane with his radar in his eyes.    


When the plane started approaching the African region, Lu Lee suddenly saw more red dots on the radar. If there were no surprises, then it should be another plane.    


Lu Lee thought about what to do. Liang Si, who was originally on the verge of falling asleep, couldn't help but to open her eyes and look around vigilantly as she slowly said: "I really want to find something. I just feel like the plane is surrounded."    


"I noticed it too, but I don't know if it was a friend or an enemy." Lu Lee said indifferently. He tried to use his naked eyes to judge, but because of the sky, it had become an impossible task.    


"Reporting, there is a high-speed vehicle approaching us at 100 meters per hour. Captain, what should we do now?"    


"If I'm not wrong, it should be something like an interceptor missile. Based on the current situation, we can't avoid it at all. While requesting for resources on the ground, everyone should prepare to parachute down." Lu Lee quickly made the arrangements. As the command sounded, he remembered that all the troops had pulled up their spirits and carried their umbrellas down.    


Only Liang Si hid behind him and asked with uncertainty, "Do you think your judgement is correct? If I'm wrong, then I won't be able to explain myself. "    


"Don't worry, you can't be wrong. If you don't want to die, then follow me." Lu Lee joked and grabbed Liang Si's hand.    


"But …"    


"But what but, bad! The missiles are coming, everyone jump! " Lu Lee shouted at the top of his lungs and pulled Liang Si away. Liang Si had no experience in parachute diving, so she immediately became desperate.    


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