Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C616 Full Moon Court

C616 Full Moon Court

"Dad, I'm back."    


Lu Lee said in a simple manner, but his inner emotions were churning. He had never been one to express emotions.    


"It's good that you're back. Hurry up and bathe. Everything is ready." Lu Lei answered in the same tone and continued to read his newspaper.    


However, Lu Lee could see from his eyes that he did not see through it. Or, it could be said that he was just concealing it. His father was just like him, unable to express his feelings.    


There were no hugs, only bland exchanges. This was the model of how Lu Lee and Lu Lei got along for a long time.    


Despite the turmoil in his heart, it was like a calm lake without any ripples. Lu Lee stared at Lu Lei for a long time without saying a word.    


As he turned to go upstairs to take a bath, he could clearly feel a favorable gaze on him from behind.    


Behind this gaze was a man's wordless love for his son.    


Lu Lee took a deep breath, gathered his thoughts, and walked upstairs.    


Although Lu Lee felt Lu Lei's gaze, he didn't know what to say if he turned around.    


Even if it is a kind of love, there is too much difference in the definition of love and love.    


After taking a bath, Lu Lee lay on his bed and closed his eyes. He could recall the stories about his youth, his first friend and countless other memories.    


These were the most important things to accompany Lu Lee, and also the parts that Lu Lee could not be separated from, or the things that he was most afraid of thinking about.    


Lu Lee laid on the bed and felt exceptionally safe. Unknowingly, his breathing became steady and he slept dreamlessly. Only when the sun set did he open his eyes.    


This was the most realistic feeling Lu Lee had found ever since he had parted ways with this place.    


Looking at the surroundings and the familiar smell in the air, Lu Lee had the illusion that nothing had happened.    


Lying on the bed, he took out his cell phone and opened it. The mailbox was quickly filled up. There were some from the strings, some from Bo Yaqi, some from...    


Lu Lee couldn't help but laugh as he looked at those messages he cared about. So he wasn't alone in this world, there were still so many people who cared about him.    


Or perhaps it could be said that there were many brothers who lived for the sake of their existence. Even if this was a path of no return, he still had to walk through it. Only by walking through it could he break through the darkness.    


Lu Lee simply washed himself and put on a clean set of clothes before walking downstairs.    


As expected, just as he reached the corridor, he smelt the fragrance of food, and there was laughter coming from his stomach as well. "Gulu ~" The sound was so loud that everyone downstairs could hear it.    


Lu Lee smiled awkwardly, but quickly put on a natural expression. Everything seemed so complacent.    


Until the end of the meal, Lu Lee didn't see that person, the person Lu Lei wanted to introduce to him.    


After Lu Lei made the call, he found out that that person had some matters to deal with, so he delayed it.    


He seemed to care a lot about Lu Lei, but he didn't care about Lu Lee at all.    


After all, there were a lot of people he knew. If there wasn't a need for him to know them, then whether he saw them or not would be the same. After all, some people might know them, but there was no need to socialize for the rest of their lives.    


After eating, Lu Lee thought about what he wanted to do and went out after bidding farewell to Lu Lei.    


Lu Lee didn't seem to get used to the lack of his car. He stood on the side of the road for a long time before he finally got a taxi.    


"Full Moon Court."    


The driver quickly drove the car somewhere. Along the way, Lu Lee couldn't help but have some fantasies about that so-called senior brother.    


After all, he was Little Wolf's senior. It was already very strange for him to have Little Wolf as a strange guest. Who knew what kind of person his senior would be?    


Lu Lee thought about it and began to make guesses. However, what he didn't expect was that the plans he made in advance would be useless against that freak talent.    


On the highway, a taxi was speeding, and in a short while, Lu Lee arrived at his destination. Lu Lee had been in the city for a long time, but this was the first time he found out about this place, so it wasn't too late.    


When Lu Lee stood at the foot of the mountain, he looked up at the huge and majestic mountain and couldn't help but hold his breath. The desolation here was hard to imagine someone living there.    


He finally understood why the driver looked at him strangely.    


It was no wonder that this place was not developed. Even in tourism promotion, it was very rare to see it. If it wasn't for this opportunity, Lu Lee thought that he would never appear here in his entire life.    


After asking a local person, Lu Lee found the land to go up the mountain. Fortunately, it wasn't too steep. Although there were no stone stairs, it was still passable.    


Lu Lee didn't even remember how long he climbed up the mountain road. The feeling of something underneath the cloud made him feel extremely relaxed.    


It was as if he had not come here for the so-called mission, but just to relax, though few people thought so.    


Walking along the mountain road, Lu Lee arrived at the top of the mountain in one breath. When he arrived at the top, he saw an extremely open area.    


Although Little Wolf had clearly stated the location on the phone, Lu Lee found that he was unable to find Little Wolf. Thus, he had no choice but to call Little Wolf again.    


After asking around, Lu Lee walked towards a bamboo forest. After going through the bamboo forest, Lu Lee saw a dilapidated wooden house. No matter how he looked at it, it didn't seem like anyone wanted to live in it.    


"Is anyone there?" Lu Lee shouted, and soon, a bent body appeared in front of him.    


He had silver hair and wore blackened sandals. He looked as if he would fall if he randomly hung them on his body. His black face made it hard for people to see him clearly.    


"What are you screaming for? Don't you know that I just put my treasure to sleep?" The slovenly old man slowly said. The moment he opened his mouth, Lu Lee felt a terrible stench rush into his nose.    


If there was still room for suspense, Lu Lee was willing to do more difficult tasks and not interact with this person. However, it was obvious that Lu Lee had no other choice.    


Lu Lee resisted the urge to vomit and tried his best to remain calm. The corner of his mouth slightly raised as he said to the old man, "Old man, may I ask if Ouyang is here?"    


"Yes, I am." The slovenly old man said casually, his two hands kept clasping something in front of his chest. After a long while, Lu Lee saw him grab a black bug from his chest.    


An old hand caressed it, but it said gently, "My little baby, you're biting me to death. You have to be gentle. Don't you understand?" His eyes flickered like a pair of lovers.    


Lu Lee's stomach churned and he almost vomited. However, he gritted his teeth and held it in.    


After all, he had a favor to ask, so wouldn't he have a way? But was the man in front of him reliable? Lu Lee underestimated himself.    


If it wasn't for Little Wolf's repeated introductions, Lu Lee would have definitely turned around and left. However, it was obvious that there was still some hope, because regardless of the angle, Lu Lee wanted Lu Lei to stand up.    


Even if Lu Lee couldn't fight alongside him, it was still a favor. After all, Lu Lee owed him his life before.    


"Hello senior, I am Lu Lee, Little Wolf, my uncle." Lu Lee said respectfully, although no matter how he looked at it, this person was not worthy of respect.    


Ouyang Ziyun shook his hand, raised an eyebrow and slowly said, "This brat must have asked you to come to see me, right?"    


"Yes." Lu Lee didn't hide anything and nodded his head, thinking that the old man would give him some face on Little Wolf's account.    


But unexpectedly, he waved his hand and said, "No." With that, he ignored Lu Lee who was still standing there and left.    


Lu Lee felt helpless. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed his sleeve and asked, "Why are you not treating me? You haven't even heard what I said." His eyes were filled with anxiety.    


Ouyang Ziyun's steps did stop, but he still frowned and said, "If you don't treat, then don't. You're not in the mood." With that, he walked into the house.    


Lu Lee had no choice but to follow in. However, the stench that came from the front almost made him retreat.    


Fortunately, he had learned some acupuncture points, so he immediately blocked his sense of smell and walked inside. Even so, when he saw the situation in the room, he still felt disgusted.    


He didn't know what was on the wall. It was covered with spiders, but it was clearly oily. Especially the position of the bed, it seemed to have become hard.    


If Lu Lee didn't see it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to imagine that someone would live in a place like this.    


Ouyang saw Lu Lee follow in, but he didn't feel uncomfortable. He let Lu Lee stand where he was and started working on his own.    


Lu Lee saw him take out a little fox from somewhere in the room, then take something out from a black jar. Something that looked dirty and dark was given to the little fox.    


However, he didn't expect that the wound would heal at the fastest speed possible. Lu Lee was stunned.    


He had seen many famous doctors both in and out of this world, but this was the first time he had seen one like this. It seemed that the rumour was correct, since the ancient times, many talented people, this old man in front of him was also not to be looked down upon.    


After Ouyang did everything, he sent the fox out of the door. With a satisfied smile on his face, he took out the bug again.    


Lu Lee was just worrying about not being able to communicate with him. Seeing the thing in his hand, he immediately thought of an idea.    


Since this item was of such importance to him, wouldn't it be fine if he took it? As long as he held it in his hand, he wouldn't be afraid of the other party not doing anything.    


Lu Lee's face lit up as he thought about it. He immediately moved and took the chance to snatch the bug before Ouyang Ziyun could react.    


Fortunately, he always carried bags with him, so Lu Lee took out a small lotus and wrapped it up.    


Although this was a method to deal with the old man, Lu Lee still felt disgusted with the things in the purse. He thought that he had to wash them properly after he was done with them.    


After all, it was a gift from Bai Yaqi. Although it wasn't a lot of money, it would hurt Lu Lee's heart if it was dirty. Some things were hard to value in terms of value economy.    


After a while, the old man finally reacted. His original calmness disappeared after he found out that Lu Lee had taken the item away. His face instantly turned livid: "Give it back to me."    


Lu Lee immediately understood the importance of the item when he saw Lu Lee's reaction. He saw Lu Lee holding the bag in one hand and said: "Not interested."    


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