Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C746 You Killed Him?

C746 You Killed Him?

It was obvious that normal people would wish they could swim as far as they could at this moment, yet this person actually dared to attack them without any chance of winning. It would be suicide if that was the case.    


"You actually hit me!" Do you want to die!? " The man roared with a stern expression. He took out a gun from his pocket and pointed it at Lu Lee's head.    


Ye Zichen smiled towards Lu Lee, who was looking at the black gun barrel, "You didn't know where I was when I came out and used the gun. You scared me?"    


"You, don't force me, or else I'll kill you." The man stuttered, his legs shaking and his eyes filled with fear.    


"Hur hur." Lu Lee sneered again and again. With a flash, he shifted his body. Almost at the same time, the man's hand received another wave of pain, which was followed by a huge pain that made him faint.    


"You killed him?" Charming asked doubtfully.    


"No, he just fainted. I just need you to call the hospital and drag him away." Lu Lee said blandly as he took out his phone and dialed. After confirming the arrangements were made, a ambulance came flying over.    


Not long later, she stopped outside Charming's home. Seeing that the door was wide open, a few doctors rushed in. After carrying the man away, Lu Lee slowly closed the door.    


Even though she didn't seem to care on the surface, she had once loved him. Even though such a love was accompanied by great regret, at this moment, her charming face dimmed as she curled up on the sofa, revealing a rare frail side.    


"Isn't it just a piece of scum? You don't need to go that far." Lu Lee slowly walked towards the sofa.    


After confirming that she wouldn't resist, he stretched out his arms and pulled her tightly into his embrace. Almost at the same time the two of them hugged each other, seductively, he started sobbing.    


"Why is he like this? Wouldn't it be great if he didn't. I've really convinced myself to forget him, but … but …"    


"But you can't forget, right? If you can't, then start over. For example, finding another man is also good." Lu Lee said plainly, allowing the lovely tears to moisten the clothes on his chest.    


"But, but who can I love? You don't know anything about business." Charming continued, her voice full of grievance.    


Yes, perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, she possessed everything. Furthermore, having all of this at such a young age was enviable, but compared to those fake things, she yearned for truth.    


If her father hadn't died six years ago, Charming would probably never have thought of the day she took over the hotel. Since then, everything had changed dramatically, whether she wanted to or not.    


Feeling the warmth coming from Lu Lee's chest, Charming felt lost for a moment. She subconsciously wanted to find that warmth even more.    


The distance between the two got closer and closer, their bodies were almost pressed together. Lu Lee could even feel the soft peaks on her chest and the rhythm of her heartbeat. His body was surprisingly soft, making him think about what would happen if he was in bed.    


The warmth of her body gradually came from her skin. Lu Lee was so excited that he seemed to be able to lift his head up.    


"Will you love me?" Charming slowly asked.    


"I don't think so." Lu Lee replied while rubbing his head.    


Although he didn't think that he should fall in love with any woman, but facing this kind of enticement, any man would be tempted. Furthermore, Lu Lee didn't want to say anything too slowly, otherwise there was a possibility that he wouldn't be able to take it back in the future.    


After all, when you fall in love with a girl, you can't reject her first, right?    


Lu Lee stroked his soft hair and said lovingly, "It's only a matter of time before I find a man who values you."    


"Really? I hope that's the case." As she spoke, she leaned against his chest and slowly closed her eyes, unknowingly falling into a field of softness.    


In that endless dream, she seemed to have returned to how she was when she was young. Back then, she didn't have a job, and she had endless worries. But now …    


Reminiscing the past, her charming face suddenly cracked open as if she had remembered something about Kai Xing.    


"It must be a pretty good dream. It seems like I've dreamt of something. What a pitiful woman." Lu Lee murmured as he slowly carried her up the stairs.    


Lu Lee put her on the soft bed after pushing open the coquettish room. He slowly covered her with a blanket and prepared to leave.    


"You, you are not allowed to leave me, I love you!" Charming screamed as she woke up from her dream and immediately sat up on the bed.    


"Don't be afraid, I'm here. I won't leave you." Lu Lee said blandly as he once again pulled her into his arms.    


After a long time, Charming finally fell asleep again. Lu Lee also felt a wave of tiredness start to strike his brain and his eyelids became heavier and heavier, but he couldn't do anything about it.    


In the end, Lu Lee chose a way to sleep, which was to lean on her coquettishly. This way of sleeping lasted until the next morning.    


The next morning, the charming phone rang. It was indeed the bastard from yesterday. There seemed to be other important people besides the bastard, charming parents.    


Rubbing her head, she felt a headache coming on. When she moved her body, she realized that she was in a warm embrace and that person was Lu Lee.    


Lu Lee slowly opened his eyes as he felt the person in his arms twist. He looked at her with a helpless expression and asked, "What's wrong?"    


"It's nothing, but a guy who doesn't follow the rules went to look for my parents. It seems like we have to settle this matter today." She spoke in a seductive and simple manner with an expression that could not be seen on her face.    


"Then it's settled. At worst, I can help you solve anything." Lu Lee said in an indifferent manner. When he saw the charming red lips in front of him, he instantly realized that the current appearance of the two of them was too ambiguous.    


Especially his bright red lips that seemed to be tempting him. Lu Lee subconsciously licked his lips and suddenly felt that his throat was a little dry.    


"You are? What should I do?" Charming said slowly. Her beautiful eyes couldn't help but look at Lu Lee as she lowered her head. The lips of the two of them were perfectly matched.    


In almost an instant, Lu Lee felt an electric current quickly flowing by. He subconsciously opened his eyes wide and a flexible tongue went straight in.    


The moment his lips touched Lu Lee, his charming mind went blank. He felt a tongue ripping through his mouth. He was shocked and immediately bit it.    


"Ah!" Following that, Lu Lee cried out in surprise. Warm blood filled his mouth. Lu Lee let go of his charm with a bit of pain and anger was written all over his face.    


So you actually bit me, I really don't know what's going on with women these days. Lu Lee complained in his heart as his face revealed a hidden bitterness.    


"Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, but you …" She stuttered, but stopped when she saw that she wasn't going to explain it to him.    


Due to the lack of rest, Lu Lee took the initiative to take over the driving task. Originally, the relationship between the two of them was already closer, but due to that ambiguous part in the morning, it still made Lu Lee's charming face turn hot whenever he thought about it.    


If only she knew that she wasn't so reliant on him yesterday, she wouldn't have made him eat her tofu. She subconsciously pursed her lips as she thought of the scene in the morning.    


Ye Zichen thought of Lu Lee's gentle eyes and that careful kiss.    


The thought suddenly shocked her. She shook her head, intending to shake off the mess in her head. But at this moment, Lu Lee suddenly opened his mouth and said, "What are you thinking about?"    


"It's nothing. I was just thinking about what happened yesterday. I really gave you trouble." As she spoke, her heart began to beat wildly. Hopefully, he wouldn't be able to guess what he was thinking. Charming pleaded in her heart.    


"Hmm, it's nothing. Who wants to be your bodyguard? Just remember to feed me. I'm a bit more casual." Lu Lee said lightly.    


From then on, the two of them did not have any unnecessary words. According to the agreed time and place, the two of them arrived at that place in a short while.    


Gentleman Lu Lee opened the door of the car with a smile on his face and walked out. Following the envious gazes of the crowd, the two of them walked into the hotel one after the other.    


Although it wasn't a particularly high-class place, it looked pretty good from the decoration or anything else. Lu Lee looked around and confirmed that there was no danger on the way back.    


No matter how well decorated the hotel was, Lu Lee didn't have any good impression of it. No matter what it was, everything here seemed extravagant, and Lu Lee didn't like these things. Of course, he didn't reject them when it was necessary.    


Under the guidance of the waiter, the two of them went up the elevator. Finally, they stopped on the 12th floor. After circling around for a while, he finally found the room number that he had wished for.    


Whether it was the angle or soundproofing, everything was much better. The first episode didn't look like a place where parents would treat their children to a meal at all. No matter how you looked at it, it seemed like a conspiracy.    


Standing at the door, Lu Lee looked at the door plate and said: "Did you really think about it and want to go in?"    


"Un, what else can we do? Even if my parents don't want to, I'm worried that they will do something to my parents. No matter what happens next, it's fate. If you're worried, you can leave first." Apparently, she could already predict what was going on inside.    


Although she thought Lu Lee was a very powerful man, but what if there were more than 20 guns in there? What if he had something that even an iron man would not be able to deal with?    


"It's better if you leave. If there's no problem, can you come and pick me up later?"    


"Not good, no matter what, I'm your bodyguard, right? Have you ever seen a bodyguard give up his own bodyguard? I'll go." Lu Lee insisted.    


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