Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C872 Wrong Person!

C872 Wrong Person!

The Dapi Monk finally saw the faces of these German. Even if they were to hand over all the treasures, these four German s would not let this matter rest. Not only would they not get the money that they wanted, they might even be killed. Dapi really lost out in the beginning, it was he who was bewitched by a German, and tactfully agreed to his terms. He raised his head and sighed: "It was all because of me, Dapi was blinded, and brought the wolf into the house! You will definitely receive your retribution for committing such heinous acts! "    


"Hahaha, Dapi, you guys are about to die and yet you guys want to act so high and mighty? Do you want retribution? I'll let you see who it is that's going to be punished! " German Hinok laughed wildly as he raised his machine gun and shot Dapi in the thigh. Seeing that he was still not going to give in, he shouted that these robbers were just openly robbing him, what kind of trade was this? The infuriated Hinock shot a small monk standing at the very front, right in the left side of his chest. Without a word, he died on the spot. "Stop it!" he said. Let them all go, I'll tell you where to hide these artifacts! " Standing outside, Little Zacheng was so scared that his whole body was trembling. He covered his mouth with his hands and did not cry.    


"Are you trying to deceive me?" You think I'm a three-year-old kid, don't you? "Now, I will count to ten. If you do not tell me where the treasure is hidden, I will start a massacre!" At this critical moment, Little Wolf felt that he couldn't wait any longer. He signaled Tserenram beside him, if the two of them attacked at the same time, then they would only be able to kill the two German s, and the remaining two would need to be quickly attacked, or else the consequences would be unimaginable!    


When Little Wolf and Tserenram counted down to two in Sinook, they exerted strength at the same time. As for Tserenram, she took out two sharp arrows and shot them at the same time, piercing through a German standing next to the Great Monk of Dresser. Just then, Little Wolf kicked open the window and flew into the room, grabbing a German with both of his hands.    


The remaining German was scared silly. He raised his machine gun and shot towards everyone. Little Wolf shouted, "Get down!" Everyone fell to the ground, ready to shoot another arrow. Lili quickly crouched down, not daring to move, Little Wolf was also suppressed by the strong energy, he did not dare to act rashly, just at this moment, the mastiff black lion's body suddenly made a sound, it rushed to the side of the last German, its tall and powerful body suddenly stood up, and shot a mouthful of air at that person's throat! The German screamed and died!    


In an instant, the situation reversed, and even the mastiff black lion had done a great service. Little Wolf ran in front of De Sil and helped him untie the ropes, saying: "Little Wolf came late, and I've scared you!" The monk hurried to thank Little Wolf and the others for saving his life. At this time, Dapi and the other monks who received gunshot wounds also came over to express their gratitude. Little Wolf also returned the gesture and returned the gesture.    


At this time, the Tibetan mastiff black lion came over and nudged Little Wolf's leg to act like a spoiled child. Only now did Little Wolf finally understand the power of the black lion. Little Wolf no longer hated black lion this time. He bent down and hugged its head, then patted it lightly and praised: "Thank you, black lion. You saved everyone, you are so brave!" After saying that, he took out a bag of beef jerky to reward it. Without chewing, the black lion swallowed the beef jerky, and then took the opportunity to lick Little Wolf's face. Little Wolf scolded: "You lecherous dog! "They really did give me a hard time!" Everyone laughed.    


The four German s had long been dragged down. Great monk Dresser said, "Taking advantage of this time to announce something, our benefactor has met with some trouble, and their friend slipped into the crevice. Now we need to repay all of our gratitude, can we set off at daybreak?" The High Monk's arrangement was well-received, especially by the wounded Darpi, who lay on a chaise longue and was being bound for him. He said aloud, "We can't afford to be ungrateful because our benefactor has saved the people of the temple at the risk of his life." "What are we waiting for? Anyways, we won't be able to sleep. We'll prepare the food now and go save them after we finish eating!" The monks agreed and went off to prepare tools and food for the rescue.    


Little Wolf exchanged a glance with Tserenram. Yesterday, he was worried if Tserenram was willing to save her. Unexpectedly, this problem was solved after midnight! He let out a long breath and silently prayed to the gods for the survival of Tiger Head and Lisa Jane, waiting for their rescue. Seeing that everyone had left, Little Wolf turned around and asked the Dapi monk: "Why are these four German s here to steal things? Making a trade with bandits is undoubtedly a dangerous thing to do. " The Dapi monk let out a long sigh and said, "I was also bewitched by them, thinking that since they like this thing so much, it must be very valuable. I thought it could promote cultural exchange!" I didn't expect that their original intention was to steal it! "I'm really blind, and I've admitted my wrongs, and I'm regretting it!    


"These people aren't here to have a cultural exchange! But it was premeditated that Hitler, the Nazi leader, had sent out two exploratory teams long before the Second World War to the frontier in search of the axis of the Earth that would change time and build the Undying Legion. This was just their overt excuse, and his aim was to preach a racial doctrine of priority, a grand search for the ancestors of the Germanic people, as if they were called Aryans. If he could get the protection of a "invulnerable" biological field, then he would control the whole world from now on! Although Hitler's team of experts came back empty-handed, the German also found out about the situation at the border and was always coveting and eyeing everything here! It's been so many years, and there's still a lot of people who are plundering in the guise of a cultural exchange! " The great monk Desiree Bo had heard and memorized everything, so he immediately saw through their original purpose, and firmly guarded the secrets of the cultural relics collection, as well as the ancient cultural relics that the people of the temple had sworn their lives to defend the China. Because these things belonged to the nation, no one had the right to dispose of them in private.    


Little Wolf couldn't help but feel deep veneration for him after hearing what the monk Dresser said. There were still a lot of people like them who understood righteousness, and it was precisely because of them that the treasures Little Wolf and the others were looking for could be preserved to this day, reflecting their rare, unique and irreplaceable value. Just as Dapi had said, when everyone had finished their meal and packed their tools, the group, under the lead of the Tibetan mastiff black lion, marched on the road. The temple was left with only Desiree and Zachon to take care of the injured Dapi.    


After a stormy night, the traces of yesterday's journey were long gone. The snow on the ground became even thicker, so they were unable to quicken their pace. They could only support each other as they staggered forward. They walked for an entire day before they saw the red scarf on top of the tent. Little Wolf's face lit up, and he couldn't care less about his fatigue as he sped up his pace first. The others saw that they were almost there, as if their strength had increased a lot.    


The dazed Zhou Shanshan was currently trembling in her husband's arms. Her face was red as she weakly asked, "Wolf Fang, Little Wolf, and the others, are they coming?" Shan Shan, you have to persevere. Little Wolf and the others are almost here! " "Wolf Fang wasn't sure when Little Wolf and Tserenram would come back. He said that just to comfort his sick wife." Wolf Fang, do you think I'm going to die? " Zhou Shanshan felt that her body was drifting in and out of existence, and her thoughts were erratic. She had fallen asleep in a daze, and even had an absurd dream. It was just that this dream made it difficult for her to talk about it, and now that she thought about it, it was really embarrassing!    


Seeing how Zhou Shanshan was smiling so secretively, Wolf Fang was puzzled. Under his repeated questioning, Zhou Shanshan finally buried her head in his embrace. She didn't even dare to look at him as she slowly recounted her dream. The dream was very long. Zhou Shanshan seemed to have transmigrated. She was dressed in traditional wedding clothes, and there were even maidservants waiting by her side to bathe and change her clothes. The groom didn't see clearly, so he said it was a wolf fang bar. She didn't dare to be sure, since it was a girl's heart anyway, and as she took off her clothes and waited on the bed, she was both expecting panic and desperately tried to press her hands against a little heart that was thumping.    


Just as Zhou Shanshan was lost in her thoughts on an ancient bed, completely naked under the red bedsheet, the door to her room was pushed open. Two men came in one after the other, one of them said, "Your majesty, please let this servant help you to sleep! "The empress is already waiting on the dragon bed." How are you? Today is my wedding night, so there's no need for you all to wait on me. You can leave the palace later. " It was a very familiar male voice. Zhou Shanshan wanted to get up to take a look, but when she saw her naked body, she shyly laid down again. Just who was this magnetic baritone? Why couldn't she remember? He is the Emperor? Was he the empress? What the heck was this? Zhou Shanshan couldn't wrap her head around it.    


"How can that be? Your majesty, according to the ancestor's rules, not only should I wait on you, but I also need other eunuchs and maids to wait on you in close proximity. For example, if you get sweaty now, I will help you wipe it away, for example, the empress will moan and dry her mouth later, and a maid will bring her water! " This was a flirtatious tone of a eunuch. Zhou Shanshan was frightened stiff by his words. What? Tonight, not only would she be favored by the Emperor, but she would also be the target of attention? So shy! If these damn eunuchs saw this, would she, Zhou Shanshan, die in the future? He thought to himself, "It's really not easy being the emperor and the queen. There isn't even a little bit of privacy?"    


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