Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C854 Stuck!

C854 Stuck!

When Tserenram heard about Little Wolf's legendary life and his career, her eyes glowed with excitement. "Pah!" After kissing his cheek twice, she excitedly said, "Elder Brother Little Wolf, Tserenram really admires you! Mumba never wants to be a flower in a greenhouse, she just admires the eagle that soars in the blue sky. Sister, I don't like a quiet and comfortable life, I will definitely accompany you by your side and enjoy the wind and snow together with you. If you don't leave, Tserenram will be together in life and death, and will never give up! " Little Wolf, who had not expected Tserenram to have a heroic complex, felt his blood boil when he heard her heartfelt words. He held the woman in his arms tightly, not knowing what to say, glad that he had not only found a good woman, but also a good guide, and that she was Little Wolf's new comrade.    


The more Little Wolf and Tserenram chatted, the more they were attracted, and the more time flew by, until they realized that it was already late at night, and if they wanted to go back after dawn, maybe Wolf Fang and Hu Diao would laugh at them, so they rushed back to the hotel, and Little Wolf said from the bottom of his heart, "Tserenram, it's so cool without black lion! With this female dog by his side, who knows what kind of tricks she might come up with! "    


Tserenram was amused by Little Wolf's words and teased him, "Although the black lion is a dumb animal, she is still a female. It must be because she has her eyes on you, handsome brother. How about we make a deal, when the black lion becomes essence, the two of us can serve Elder Brother Little Wolf together! "Hahaha!" Hearing Tserenram's whimsical thoughts, Little Wolf couldn't help but shiver and look down on the mischief of the woman beside him, "My good Tserenram, please spare your brother. Even if the black lion is a woman, it must be a black ugly woman with a foul breath! I can't take Little Wolf!     


"You won't be happy if I let you off the hook for a while! Didn't you see that black lion fell in love with you at first sight? She would immediately kiss your face, and when you kissed me, she would smack you with her claws. "Hahaha!" Tserenram continued to tease Little Wolf. Why did I, Little Wolf, meet a silly woman? Not only did I get Xiao San, but I also got a female dog! "Let me tell you what?" While Little Wolf was talking, he was trying to prick Tserenram's armpits and scratch her itchy flesh. Tserenram was laughing while dodging out of the car and dexterously running far away.    


Little Wolf got off the car in a hurry and put on his shoes. He wanted to chase this woman who spouted nonsense, but no matter what, he couldn't find his shoes. He clearly remembered that it was at the back door, and other than the two of them, no one else had come here. Thinking about this, Little Wolf broke out in a cold sweat. Could it be that someone else came here just now when they were focusing on flirting? Luckily, he had only stolen a pair of his shoes. If someone with ill intentions had approached them, the lives of Tserenram and him would have been taken long ago! Thinking of this, he looked around and shone his flashlight on the ground to see if he had left any traces.    


Seeing that Little Wolf wasn't chasing her anymore, Tserenram immediately ran back. Seeing Little Wolf walking around barefooted, she knew he had lost a pair of shoes and said angrily: "Relying on the respect of the Mumba clansmen, you actually stole things. You really don't know what's good for you!" Little Wolf looked at Tserenram in bewilderment, thinking to himself, who are you talking about? Did she know this thief who stole shoes?    


Tserenram said to Little Wolf, who looked surprised, "Look, Elder Brother Little Wolf, your shoes are on the tree!" Following her finger …    


In the direction of the sound, Little Wolf saw the outline of two shoes on the tree. He was even more confused and asked, "Tserenram, how did my shoes end up on the tree? Who's so mischievous? " She didn't answer and turned around to ask Little Wolf: "Did you bring anything to eat in the car?"    


Little Wolf was even more confused. He thought to himself, "Why is Tserenram so stupid?" One moment he was talking to himself in a baffling manner and the next he was looking for something to eat for no reason at all. Could it be that he got hungry after exercising twice? He did not ask anymore, took some apples, bananas and a big bag of melon seeds out of the car and gave it all to Tserenram. Tserenram did not answer, but just took all the food and walked to the side, then put all the food on the ground and returned to Little Wolf's side.    


Little Wolf was confused. What was Tserenram trying to do? Just as he was wondering, five or six monkeys slipped out of some tree, scuttled to the food, snatched it up, and disappeared into the forest, their figures nowhere to be seen. Tserenram shouted, "Come back for one, all of you have left. How can you take off your shoes?!" The group of monkeys ignored her shouts and ran off to eat. In an instant, the only sound that could be heard was the rustling of leaves as the wind blew through the dense forest.    


Seeing this, Little Wolf realized that the thieves that Tserenram scolded just now were a bunch of monkeys! As a result, no one was allowed to hurt them. Later on, these spiritual things were favored and proud, often stealing from them, and then exchanging them for food that could be eaten. The outsiders naturally did not know of this, but the second resident Tserenram guessed that it was the monkey that had stolen Little Wolf's shoes and hung them on a tree branch. According to Little Wolf's martial arts and vigilance, he should have been aware of the monkey's actions a moment ago. But Little Wolf, who was lustful and lustful, only said that he avoided the black lion's harassment, which meant he enjoyed the girl's gentleness wholeheartedly. He didn't even know that his shoes were stolen.    


"These covetous monkeys, after getting the food, they actually dispersed in a rush. They even didn't bring the shoes down!" "Elder Brother Little Wolf, if you brought the black lion with you, these monkeys would definitely not dare to come and steal anything. Take a look, your shoes are hanging high on the treetops, how are you going to take them off?"    


Little Wolf smiled bitterly, at this time his expression must be very ugly, why is my life so bitter, or why is it that everyone else has a pair, I am alone in my room, and now I finally found a considerate girl, either the Tibetan Mastiff black lion or the monkeys in the forest have come to steal my shoes! If he were to travel barefoot the next day, wouldn't he be laughed out of his teeth by Wolf Fang and the others? Lisa Jane's determination to get to the bottom of this situation was such that she had to find out the truth in front of everyone! At that time, Little Wolf would be ashamed. Even if there was a hole in the ground, he would be able to get in.    


Little Wolf didn't have any other choice, so he channeled all of his strength into his two palms, "Teng! Teng! "Teng!" After a few steps, he arrived in front of a large tree that was as thick as two or three laps and loudly shouted, "Ah …!" He aimed his strength at the tree and used his palms. The whole tree shook a few times. "Pa!" With a clang, one shoe fell off and the other shoe fell off from the branch. As it was falling, it got stuck on another, thicker branch!    


Tserenram jumped up and applauded Little Wolf, praising his martial arts skills. She ran over to pick up a shoe from under the tree and told him to put it on as soon as possible. Little Wolf also felt quite proud of himself, he raised his head and looked at the other shoe stuck on the tree branch, so he did the same thing, sending a palm force to shake the big tree, but this time, the shoe was stronger, the leaves even fell off the tree, the shoe just swayed a bit, the aftershock still stuck onto it, the smile on his face froze, so he sent another two palms to hit the tree, this time the shoe stayed there motionless, as if watching Little Wolf make a joke.    


Lili saw that Little Wolf was getting a little angry and did not have the strength to hold on to the trunk anymore. "Elder Brother Little Wolf, wait a minute, I have a plan!" She turned around and walked in front of the SUV. She took out a bow and arrow from within the SUV. Under the dim moonlight, she nocked an arrow and aimed at the tree branch that was stuck in her shoe. One branch fell with a thump, but the shoe was still hanging from the other. Tserenram drew her bow again and shot down another, thicker branch, and finally the shoe fell to the ground. Little Wolf could not help but look at Tserenram in a new light. At the beginning, he had thought that a weak woman who was afraid of dragging him down would be extremely happy to see Tserenram this way. They hurried back to their hotel and waited for the next day to continue.    


Little Wolf, leading the vanguard in the search for the treasure, did not forget that he was still in charge of the intelligence team, and kept an eye on the rescue of the experts. It turned out that after my grandson's family had kidnapped the two experts, Chen Dongpinng and Luo Tianle, they had been placed under house arrest in a mountain villa in Tokyo. Chen Dongpinng was in his seventies, and Luo Tianle was his apprentice, though in his prime he was also in his forties and fifties. These two people were born proud and had a moral integrity. After being placed under house arrest in this villa, no matter how much Ichiro tried to coerce them, they refused to speak a word, not to mention any treasure that could be found and stolen for their family.    


In order to inquire about the two experts' information, Yu Ping's group, who was in charge of intelligence work in the Japan, had successfully bribed Ji Tian, Ying Fu, who was cooking in the villa, and every time, they would use the time when he was out purchasing food to gather information, constantly paying attention to the living conditions of Chen Dongpinng and Luo Tianle. The might of these two treasured figures were not inferior to that of the two powerful brigades, if they were used by my grandson's family, they would certainly bring about an immeasurable loss to the China.    


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