Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C852 What Do We Have in Common!

C852 What Do We Have in Common!

"Tserenram, this time we will go to the Black Forest. With the help of the black lion, we will definitely save ourselves a lot of trouble! That's great! Too … "Little Wolf repeatedly praised the Tibetan Mastiff black lion. Before Yin'er could finish her sentence, the black lion suddenly jumped in front of Little Wolf, lifted its two front paws and placed them on Little Wolf's shoulders, opening its big, stinky mouth and aiming them straight at Little Wolf's mouth. Little Wolf was so scared that he didn't dare to move, afraid that the black lion would bite onto him and destroy Little Wolf's face with its big bite.    


Seeing Little Wolf staring at him in fear, his expression froze. To show his friendliness, the mastiff black lion stuck out its red tongue, "Hada! "Hada!" Panting heavily, his tongue rolled and kissed Little Wolf. Two on the left, two on the right, licking Little Wolf's face, which was covered in the saliva of the black lion, was smelly and smelly. Little Wolf was in so much pain that he did not dare to move. The black lion retreated with a 'swoosh' and its two front paws fell to the ground, returning back to Tserenram's side.    


Only then did Little Wolf dare to let out a big breath, he took out his handkerchief and wiped his face. Tserenram quickly spoke up for the black lion: "Little Wolf, the black lion is friendly with you! When you praised it on the face just now, this guy can understand. All of his thanks are expressed by kissing you twice. "    


Little Wolf spat two times, he always felt an unpleasant smell from his body, it was so disgusting, he just wanted to complain, but hearing that this dog can still speak human language, he was scared and didn't dare to say anything, he only muttered: "Is there such a show of affection? Was the black lion really a female dog? "    


"Hahaha," Tserenram couldn't help but laugh out loud. She was amused by Little Wolf's words: "Little Wolf, how did you know black lion is a female? Your eyes are quite unique! He kissed you, so what? You are Little Wolf, he is a puppy, it is very normal to show affection like this! I'm warning you, in the future, do not despise black lion s, it's just that it feels like it's falling out with you, you can't blame me for not telling you! "    


Little Wolf walked a few steps and arrived beside a water basin. He used water to wash his face and ruthlessly grinded the place where the black lion was close to. Then, he raised his thumb towards the black lion: "I say, Tserenram, your black lion's family status is really high. Do you want to take care of its emotions? When I was young, I often heard the elders say that the dog was a loyal servant of the family, and the cat was a treacherous servant of the family. Whoever gave the dog good food would follow the person, but the dog was different, it would be very loyal to the master, I don't have any intention of discriminating against the black lion.    


"After hearing Little Wolf's words, Tserenram also felt very happy. She quickly patted the head of the Tibetan mastiff black lion, and the black lion obediently wagged its tail, happily walking around Tserenram, looking very happy." Elder Brother Little Wolf, did you see that? black lion saw you praising it, and also heard you say that it suddenly has meat, every time I praise it, I would just pat its head like that, come over and pat it, in the future, you guys will become your wolf and dog friends! "    


While praising black lion, she also wanted to tease Little Wolf a little bit. It was no wonder that Tserenram said that his name made people think of him as Little Wolf, because if that was the case, then he might as well say his real name was Luo Lang from the very beginning.    


Little Wolf's expression was unnatural. He chuckled twice, then said seriously: "I say, Tserenram, this black lion has a lot of good points, but I have to remind you one thing. It doesn't dare to be complimented, do you think it needs a bath or brush its teeth? From now on, it is going to ride with the two of us to the Black Forest. When the time comes, both of us will smell like black lion! "You see, my request is too excessive?" Little Wolf said while looking at Tserenram's expression. He was not afraid of Tserenram's thoughts now, mainly because he was afraid that the black lion would be unhappy.    


Hearing Little Wolf's words, Tserenram replied, "There is a pet beauty salon in a city not far away from here. I also took it there before. Secondly, Ajia and Amma both said that the Tibetan mastiff couldn't be too pampered. It wasn't a greenhouse flower, so it was better to be more aggressive. Hearing what you have said reminded me, that's fine too. Let's go to the riverside and bathe the black lion and clean it clean!     


Little Wolf was happy when he heard it. This Tserenram was a straightforward girl, dealing with her was not a problem, so he walked to the black lion's side with a smile, gently patting the head of the big Tibetan mastiff to express his friendliness.    


Tserenram left a letter on the table detailing the details of her journey. She then took black lion and had a nice bath by the river, letting it lie quietly behind the SUV. Then, she stepped on the accelerator and set off. Tserenram looked at Little Wolf as he drove. She felt that this man was very handsome and even started to sing a song in Zang Yu while shaking her head. Little Wolf, with beautiful women, wild beasts and songs by his side, had long dispelled the many days of depression and loneliness. He opened his heart and sang a beautiful melody along with Tserenram's singing.    


At noon, Little Wolf and the others soon arrived at Wolf Fang and Tiger Head couple. As promised, they were waiting in a roadside restaurant and had already ordered good wine and dishes. They were just waiting for Little Wolf to arrive before starting the banquet. Lisa Jane had been starving for a long time, but now that the tiger had spoken, she couldn't use her chopsticks without Little Wolf. Her stomach was rumbling with hunger and she almost couldn't stop looking at Little Wolf. While she was impatient, Lisa Jane finally saw Little Wolf slowly walk out of the SUV. Just as she wanted to complain to him, she suddenly saw Tserenram, who was tall and slender, gracefully following behind Little Wolf. To her surprise, a black mastiff jumped out of the car and followed the two of them into the restaurant. Look, there's a beauty and a mastiff behind Little Wolf! "    


"Hidden Mastiff!" The customers in the restaurant were all pointing their fingers. They, the handsome man, the beautiful woman and the wild beast were indeed very eye-catching. This lineup was definitely an extremely shocking combination! Hearing this shout, Wolf Fang and the others turned around at the same time. Little Wolf was looking for them everywhere. Zhou Shanshan quickly stood up, waved at Little Wolf and shouted, "We are here!" Zhou Shanshan's shout attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant.    


Little Wolf brought the two guides over and introduced Tserenram to everyone. He even solemnly introduced the Tibetan Mastiff black lion, scaring Lisa Jane. With a swoosh, she hid behind the tiger head, and with her voice and movements, she attracted the attention of the black lion. The tiger head was just about to attack the black lion, but Tserenram let out a whistle, and the black lion immediately retracted its body, obediently returning to her side. Little Wolf quickly came over and patted the black lion's head to appease it, then said to everyone: "The black lion is very obedient, everyone better not be surprised, it's easy to cause misunderstandings. If everyone gets along for a long time, everything will naturally be fine."    


Lisa Jane shifted her seat with Tiger's Head in fear of offending the beast again. Seeing her frightened expression, everyone at the table burst out laughing. Everyone sat down to eat, and Little Wolf even specially ordered a large bowl of ribs for the black lion. After a meal, nothing else happened, and after a short rest, the two SUV set off again.    


Seeing that Tserenram and the Tibetan mastiff black lion had already got on the car, Wolf Fang and Tiger Head stopped Little Wolf who was about to get on the car. The tiger head pouted, winked, and mischievously asked, "Elder Brother Little Wolf, honestly, what is going on with this Tibetan girl and the Tibetan mastiff black lion?" Little Wolf did not know how to respond to the brothers' malicious expressions. While he was thinking, Wolf Fang came over and asked, "Elder Brother Little Wolf, is it true that you have achieved your goal?" "Be honest, tell us all your story. Otherwise, don't blame our brothers for revealing it to us!"    


Wolf Fang and Tiger Head were singing at the same time, coercing Little Wolf to tell them the truth. Little Wolf saw that it was useless to hide it, so he honestly said: "Tserenram and I fell in love at first sight, we were already together last night, hehe, but I didn't do it for personal reasons. Her Aga has been a guide for a lifetime, and the Tibetan Mastiff black lion can also help us out. Fine, Little Wolf saw that the two brothers were here to tease him, so he took the initiative to be frank. Come at me with everything you've said, let's see if you have anything else to say.    


Wolf Fang glanced at Tiger Head, and the two brothers saw that Little Wolf had confessed everything, so they really had no other choice. The two of them shrugged, spread out their hands, and bumped into each other with their butts. Then, without even looking at Little Wolf, he turned around and went back to his car. They had been brothers for many years, so they had a tacit understanding in everything they did.    


When Little Wolf returned to his SUV, Tserenram asked curiously, "Elder Brother Little Wolf, what did those two people just say to you? It took me so long to come back? " Little Wolf winked at her and said, "They all asked me what my relationship with you was. Did you stay together last night? " Tserenram immediately blushed and shyly did not dare to look up at Little Wolf. She asked in a low voice, "Then what did you say?"    




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