Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C776 Talk about Cooperation

C776 Talk about Cooperation

In the end, after hesitating for a while, he decided that regardless of whether Old Man Oda was helping or not, he must call him.    


He thought about how Lu Lee had dialed Old Man Oda's number and saw that the other party seemed to be having a reunion. After hearing Lu Lee's call, he was obviously even happier.    


"What kind of wind brought my beloved little success over? Do you know about my banquet?" Old Man Oda asked with a smile. Obviously, he was very happy to hear that.    


"I want to talk about cooperation with you. Do you have enough time?" Lu Lee said. He understood clearly that there was no other way for him to retreat other than going straight to the point.    


"Cooperate? In that case, we can tell them at my house that I've invited a lot of friends. Coincidentally, they also hope to see me, the partner, so come over on time." Old Man Oda hung up the phone.    


After Lu Lee sent Smith to a safe place, he quickly put on his disguise. Not long after, a handsome young boy appeared. For safety reasons, he did not forget to bring his pocket-sized pistol. After all, under many circumstances, bullets are much easier to use than sabers, especially at a banquet like this.    


Lu Lee knew that he naturally wouldn't do anything to the Old Man Gao Tian, but considering the safety of the situation, he had to be on guard. After all, the two of them had been in a stalemate regarding Smith, so this situation was the most suitable explanation, but he had no choice but to be careful.    


If it wasn't for this, he would have died countless times over. This was one of the reasons why Lu Lee was used to this.    


When he was fully equipped, Lu Lee drove his off-road car slowly towards that direction. Because of the relationship Old Man Oda had told him about, the road into the Oda manor was not obstructed much.    


Not long after that, Lu Lee's car stopped outside the door. Due to convenience, he walked directly in without locking the door. The mansion's door was open, but there was the sound of a piano coming from inside, making him feel a lot more refined.    


However, the moment he saw the people he had invited, he couldn't help but to let out an awkward smile, because all of these people were famous officers of the Eastern Ocean, and there were even some who had helped his father in his work before. Of course, the majority of them couldn't call out their names, but Lu Lee still greeted them politely.    


After exchanging a few pleasantries, he walked towards Old Man Oda. The two of them looked at each other and slowly walked towards the study room. The moment they pushed the door open, Lu Lee saw a man in a navy suit inside, looking extremely familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.    


Suddenly, a person flashed through his mind. Who else could it be other than Liu Mu?    


Could it really be that girl's father? It can't be that coincidental. Lu Lee muttered in his heart, while that person looked meaningfully at Lu Lee.    


"It seems like you are the man my daughter has taken a fancy to. He seems to be not bad."    


"Cough cough, you're Liu Mu's father?" Lu Lee asked in confusion when he saw the other person nod his head without any intention of hiding anything. This made Lu Lee sigh in admiration.    


My luck is too good. To think that someone would send me a helping hand just when I was in need. Could it be that even the heavens think that what I did is the right thing to do?    


Lu Lee exclaimed and told his plan to the two old men. After discussing it for a while, the two finally expressed that they would help Lu Lee, but as compensation, the two of them must take 30% of the profits. This made Lu Lee's heart ache, but he had no choice but to agree.    


After all, his fate was still in someone else's hands. If he couldn't even bear to part with this little bit of money, how could he do anything about it? After Lu Lee nodded in agreement, the three of them clearly felt a lot more relaxed.    


In the end, Lu Lee only said something in the name of smuggling, but left out some of the important parts. Because once the point of shipment was exposed, the trouble that would follow would definitely follow.    


After finishing everything, Lu Lee bid farewell to Oda's house and walked outside. Soon, the car drove to his own villa. The moment he opened the door, Lu Lee couldn't help but sigh with emotion. After all, home was the warmest harbor.    


Therefore, Lu Lee changed his clothes again after nightfall. In order not to let others discover that he had made some facial modifications, which made him look like he had aged ten years. Looking at himself in the mirror, Lu Lee slowly walked down the stairs after he was satisfied.    


He went out to drive, and then headed to the agreed location.    


Originally, he thought this group of old men would tell him to do something high end, but after hearing that it was just killing someone, he had a proud smile on his face, because to the most powerful person in the past, killing this Prime Minister was just a matter of flicking his fingers, not to mention a mere naval colonel.    


As a result, his footsteps were a little light, not as serious as before.    


Lu Lee slowly took out the money from his pocket and stuffed it into the beautiful girls' pockets. He carried all the beautiful girls and walked inside, looking around at the decorations. Lu Lee was even more sure about his idea, because whether it was the security guards or the other types of people, they were all relatively more strict, as if they were waiting for some big shot to appear.    


It looked like this person would appear tonight. Lu Lee thought to himself as he pretended to tease the girls, and finally proposed a game of undressing. When the few of them were having the best time playing, Lu Lee caught a glimpse of a man in ordinary clothes, but no matter what, it was not that simple from the attitude of the waiter.    


When Lu Lee saw that person enter the room next door, he immediately called the bartender over.    


"I want that room over there. Do you think this matter can be arranged?"    


"Yes, as long as you don't listen to anything you shouldn't." Looking at the stack of US dollars in front of him, the bartender smiled and said that he had quickly arranged everything for him on behalf of Mr. Qian.    


Although he said repeatedly that the other room couldn't be opened, the bartender still chose to ignore the rules for the sake of the money. After all, Lu Lee didn't seem like he could do anything.    


Whether it was his physique or his physique, the bartender didn't think that this flowery man would do anything, so he naturally increased his courage.    


After all, most of the people who came out to play were only doing so for the sake of money. If there was no exception, no one would refuse a ticket, and the bartender was no exception.    


After settling Lu Lee and the others down, Lu Lee slowly returned to the hall after giving a few instructions. He didn't notice that Lu Lee had a strange smile on his face the moment the door closed.    


Looking at the vulgar powder around him, Lu Lee forcefully resisted the urge to vomit and laughed, "I'll go get you guys a present later. You guys take off all your clothes and wait for me."    


"You're so annoying. Who said anything about wanting to talk to you? We've only just met." The few beauties said at the same time, and Lu Lee couldn't help but sigh at the way they acted.    


If he were to send such people to be groomed, he would probably show them off. However, he was clearly not interested at the moment. Compared to these things, he was more willing to have some exciting things happen with the man next door.    


For example, cutting off the neck with a knife. Lu Lee suddenly pushed open the door in his mind. The man who opened the door looked obviously unhappy with Lu Lee.    


Just as he was about to speak, the Willow Leaf Knife in Lu Lee's hand turned cold and its vocal cords were completely cut off. There was no pain at all.    


"It's useless for you to call me now. I just want to tell you that I'm here to send you to God. If you have to blame something, you can only blame your bad luck." Lu Lee said slowly. With a raise of his hand, his head was cut off.    


When the woman in the room noticed that something was wrong and came out to check, she saw that he had already turned into a headless corpse. She just didn't know why he was still standing there.    


While the girls were still in shock, Lu Lee had already gone back to his vacation. With the excuse of going to the toilet, he directly jumped down from the open window.    


However, what made him depressed was that he had actually smashed into a red sports car. Moreover, the interior decorations were clearly a woman's car.    


This made Lu Lee sigh with all kinds of emotions. Just as he was about to run away, a soft voice shouted.    


"Stop!" Do you want to run away after getting my car? "    


"How about I compensate you?" Lu Lee said with a helpless look. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It was fine if he was unlucky, but he could actually reach such a level. Leaping from a window and smashing into a car, what kind of speed was that?     


Lu Lee thought in his heart because he was still worried about what had happened just now. He knew that these people would definitely find him soon. If he didn't leave by then, it would be bad luck.    


After some thought, Lu Lee didn't care too much about it. He immediately found his phone number and wrote it to this beauty. After that, he turned around and started running.    


As expected, not long after he ran away, another group of people chased him. It seemed like they were going to kill him. This caused the beautiful woman to laugh involuntarily.    


It seems like that man must have had some trouble just now. The woman thought to herself as she looked at her car. Seeing her beloved car being turned into this state, she had already calculated in her heart that she was going to find trouble with Lu Lee.    


Lu Lee, who was sitting in the car, couldn't help but sneeze. He felt a chill in his heart. Although he couldn't say that he was scared, he had a feeling that something was about to happen.    


Could it be that pretty girl from before? Lu Lee couldn't help but shake his head as he thought about it. He stepped on the accelerator and drove the car back to the mansion, but the girls still hadn't come back yet.    


After complaining for a while, he opened his own door and laid down on his bed. Soon, he fell into a dream, his mouth agape as if he was saying something.    


It was a good night, and when he woke up from his dream it was the next morning. He took out his cell phone and saw that the front page of his subscription newspaper had the words, 'Some Naval Supervisor,' written on it.    


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