Super Soldier King In Amorous City

C775 Waiting for the Upper Hook

C775 Waiting for the Upper Hook

"You must be Lu Lee. I've heard Xue Binn talk about you all this time, and now I've finally seen you in person." General Kardar said to Lu Lee with a smile.    


Only then did Lu Lee realize that it was video chat. It seemed like everything had been prepared just like that. Everything was just waiting for him to take the bait?    


Although he felt helpless, Lu Lee still said seriously: "General Kardar, I have admired your great name for a long time."    


Although polite words always made people feel disgusted, at many times, even if you didn't want to say it, you couldn't.    


Seeing the two of them chatting, Xue Binn, who was beside them, was both anxious and unable to think of any solution. He could only linger around where he was.    


"Alright, let's get back to the main topic." After the two of them conversed for a while, General Kadar could not help but take the lead to speak.    


When talking about cooperation, the one who spoke first showed that the other party would take the initiative. And this time, it was clear that Lu Lee won.    


"Yes, I can." Feng Qingyun responded calmly.    


"Can you really get a lot of ammunition there?" General Kardar's smile from before had completely disappeared. He looked at Lu Lee with a serious expression and asked. If the person standing here today was an ordinary person, he might have run away after seeing such a gaze.    


However, Lu Lee was no ordinary figure.    


"Of course you can. The question now is how much you want." Lu Lee said this with a proud smile.    


Having such a fortune at his age was definitely something to be proud of.    


"If that's the case, that's for the best." A relaxed smile appeared on General Kardar's face. This was because to him, this batch of firearms was extremely important.    


After the two of them haggled for a while, they finally decided to set the price. They also promised that at the same time Lu Lee provided him with the firearms, Lu Lee would get the purest and the cheapest finished product of the drugs.    


After the agreement was complete, Lu Lee got General Kardar to count the required amount and send it to him as a list so that he could settle the rest of the arrangements.    


After Lu Lee hung up the video call with General Kadar, Xue Binn finally felt relieved. He looked at the man in front of him and said, "My friend, do you know that you are too bold? I'm covered in cold sweat on the side."    


He had followed General Kardar for many years, but this was the first time he saw someone who dared to bargain with General Kadar while discussing business.    


"With my current identity, I'm half a businessman. If I can't even get through this, what else do you think I can eat?" Lu Lee smiled and patted Xue Binn's shoulder. His face was full of smiles that nobody could see clearly.    


In the process of this transaction, Lu Lee had undoubtedly obtained a huge benefit for himself.    


"You really want money more than your life." Xue Binn couldn't help but to say the words that he was sighing to himself. His smile looked helpless.    


"People die for money, birds die for food. What's wrong with that? "Besides, do you think I would accept a business that would lose my life?" Lu Lee asked with a smile. He cursed silently in his heart. In his home, there was still a group of charming beauties waiting for him.    


He did not want his young and untimely death to cause his flower-like wives to become widows.    


"Brother, you're too awesome!" Xue Binn gave Lu Lee a thumbs up.    


"Beep beep …" At that moment, the computer on the table rang. It was clear that General Kardar had passed down the list.    


Lu Lee quickly opened the list and took a look. He couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.    


Good boy, it really was a big deal!    


Lu Lee already started to wonder if this profit alone would be enough for him and her beautiful wives to leisurely enjoy the rest of their lives.    


Even though his current wealth was enough for him to lie down comfortably and squander his entire life.    


However, no one would complain about having too much money and not having a place to put it.    


After bidding Xue Binn farewell, Lu Lee called Smith, asking him to come to his villa as soon as possible, there was a big deal to be done.    


After hearing that, Smith quickly climbed up from the beauty's soft spot and asked Lu Lee to give him another ten minutes. He would be there in ten minutes. After saying that, he hurriedly hung up the phone.    


Listening to Smith's excited tone, Lu Lee shook his head helplessly. With his position, he might not be able to make it in ten minutes.    


However, since others had already said so, there was no need to delay any longer. After getting into his car, Lu Lee stepped on the accelerator to the end and started running on the road.    


There was a very satisfied smile on his face. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with their cooperation.    


Without saying anything along the way, Lu Lee soon arrived at his house.    


When he pushed open the door and was about to hug all kinds of beauties, he found out that everyone had left the room except for himself. At this moment, the room seemed empty, causing Lu Lee to complain about it.    


However, if he thought about it carefully, it was much more peaceful. Otherwise, with the temper of those beauties, he would be busy to death just talking to them. How could he possibly have a chance to explain things to Smith?    


He slowly took out the cigarette and sat on the sofa. Just as he was about to take a nap, the doorbell suddenly rang. Smith, in a white casual suit, was standing outside the door with a serious smile on his face.    


"Hello, Mr Lu Lee." Smith said respectfully, and slowly extended his hand. The two of them shook hands, and before long, they headed for the study. Because the study was under special protection, Lu Lee was assured that there would be nothing in there.    


"I've come to find you for Junhui's sake. I wonder to what extent your trade is progressing."    


We have all kinds of weapons in the world, but atomic bombs are an exception. Of course, the price won't be too low, even though you and I are friends, I still have to say. I hope you and Mr Lu can consider this carefully. Smith said.    


"I don't need these things. What I need this time is the buyer from the Golden Gold Horn. I want to use your weapon to open up the market, so I don't know what you are thinking now."    


As long as you can give me enough market and money, I can do any kind of business. However, I hope that I can contact the management directly. Smith said slowly as he looked at Lu Lee with a calm expression.    


Although his heart was full of joy, he still needed to do enough on the surface. After all, there were no eternal friends or enemies, only eternal benefits. He had always believed in this since he was young.    


This was one of the reasons why he was able to survive unscathed in all kinds of situations. Of course, Lu Lee wasn't a fool, he had already expelled a tiny bit of the loophole in his gaze. Since the other party was willing to say more, he naturally wouldn't expose it.    


After all, there would be more room for cooperation in the future. Lu Lee was clear about this, at the moment, he only wanted to get the goods. What happened after that was not something he could think about.    


"There's no suspense about the business of the boss. I'll arrange things for you guys later, but I hope that the price will be as cheap as possible and that the quality of the goods must be guaranteed to be of a good quality." Lu Lee said slowly. He took out a cigarette from his chest and started smoking.    


However, he could clearly see Smith's misty face clearly. Although Smith had expressed his worry before, his habit of being a businessman made him agree immediately.    


"Well, we English have always liked to believe our friends, so I'm willing to make this deal, but what I want to say is that we don't include delivery, so you need to resolve this yourself. What do you think is the problem?"    


"I can bring people over if it's for delivery." Lu Lee nodded and accepted the call. After another round of confirmation, he slowly picked up the call.    


General Kadar was lying on his chair nervously, as if he was thinking about something. After a long time, he asked, "How much goods do you have for me to deal with here?"    


"We don't need to prepare much for the goods. We have always had the best weapons in our storage, including the best ones from the East Ocean Continent. As long as you need me, I can prepare them." Smith said, the aura of the merchant suddenly appeared, causing Lu Wei to have a gaping mouth.    


It seems like this guy isn't some ordinary character. Since he has such a strong aura, I don't even know what he looks like. Lu Lee looked at General Kardar with a sigh.    


Finally, he asked, "What's the price in your heart? If it's not enough, I can help you a little. After all, Binn and I are best friends. We can interact more on this aspect."    


"Thank you for your kind intentions, I'm just considering which weapons to transport. You can give me the price and I'll get my assistant to send the money, but I also want you to make sure the quality is good. What do you think?"    


"Mhmm, I promise you that there won't be any problems. But Mr Lu Lee has already agreed to transport them. It seems like the possibility of cooperation between us is still very high." Smith nodded as he spoke, a discerning look in his eyes.    


After looking at each other for a while, the two of them agreed on the deal and set the location. This made Lu Lee feel both relieved and worried.    


If he was poor, it would be much easier to put it in the country. However, it was related to the issue of sending it to the gold mountain horn and going out of the customs office. Lu Lee couldn't help but feel depressed as this was the first time he wasn't sure about something.    


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