Take Along A Spring



As Bai Mei had applied for the Investment Fair late and the Jade Spring Mountain Villa had just been set up, there was almost no tax on payment. Thus, Yang Fann's No. 360 booth was placed very close to the back.    


The seats at the back were rather remote, belonging to the innermost corner.    


The venue was a circular arrangement from inside to outside. The center of the venue was the center while Yang Fann's booth was the outermost circle.    


As a result, in a short period of time, no one moved to Yang Fann's side. Even if some people passed by, they were attracted by Butcher Boss's booth next door. A mountain of swords was quite eye-catching.    


Even though Blade Mountain attracted everyone's attention, none of the participants of Investment Fair were people who were at least the boss's level. No one lacked two broken blades, so everyone basically only swept their eyes over them.    


The situation at the booths near Yang Fann was almost the same. They were all merchants that didn't pay much tax, so what good stuff could they have? The organizers basically let these merchants count the goods and didn't intend to achieve anything.    


Compared to Yang Fann's and the other's peripheral booths, the adjacent second ring was much better.    


The second is almost all of the companies with millions of dollars in annual taxes, better than the outermost ones.    


Therefore, the second ring of the company is also more attractive, stopping to watch the company introduced the more people.    


Yang Fann, with his sharp eyes, casually looked at the second circle and was immediately stunned.    


He found two acquaintances standing in front of a booth called Conquering Tourism, introducing the audience to his company's tourism projects and looking for partners.    


Yang Fann really didn't know that his former rival Wang Zheng opened a company called Conquest Tourism Company. His two acquaintances were his ex-girlfriend Lee Qian and Lee Qian's current boyfriend Wang Zheng.    


Wang Zheng and Lee Qian had their backs facing Yang Fann, so they didn't see Yang Fann. When Yang Fann was walking around the venue with Jin Cuier and her daughter, he didn't see them either.    


In the tourism company, there were a lot of beauties after all. Therefore, there were not only the two of them on Wang Zheng and Lee Qian's display tables.    


"Heh, look at that little girl in blue underwear. She's really full of energy. If only she could pull some strings!"    


"What kind of eyes do you have! That little girl in red dress is full of energy! See her big butt? It's called a millstone. Normal people can't subdue it. If you can catch it, it'll definitely make you feel good!"    


"You all have dog's eyes. Those people in short skirts and shorts are all trash. Do you see that one in jeans, which looks like the Lady Boss's? That's the real thing. If you don't believe me, just look carefully. You'll see when she turns around."    


The trash on booth 359 next door were talking about the women on Wang Zheng's booth without restraint. In fact, Butcher Boss had good eyes. His subordinates were all attracted by the girls in revealing clothes, while Butcher Boss noticed Lee Qian, who had her back facing them.    


Lee Qian was a beauty of the faculty. To be able to become a beauty of the department in the Jiangnan University was not something that ordinary third-rate universities or those department flowers of the university could compare to. Her looks and temperament were all indispensable.    


Sure enough, Lee Qian heard the unbridled discussion behind her and turned around to take a glance.    


With that glance, Butcher Boss, along with a few of Butcher Boss's men were stunned. One of Butcher Boss's men pointed at Lee Qian and stammered, "Ma … big …" Big Brother, I want that girl! "    


In terms of looks, Lee Qian and Jin Cuier were on par with each other.    


In terms of temperament, the two of them had their own merits. Lee Qian had a bit more of a professional temperament than Jin Cuier, while Jin Cuier had a bit more of a natural beauty than Lee Qian.    


But in terms of dressing up, Jin Cuier couldn't compare to Lee Qian. In order to not cause trouble for Jin Cuier, Yang Fann bought the two of them ordinary clothes, while Lee Qian's clothes were all famous brands. Their elegance far surpassed Jin Cuier's clothes, which cost several hundred yuan.    


In addition to her meticulous makeup, it made Lee Qian look even more feminine than Jin Cuier. In order to participate in the Investment Fair, Lee Qian had to put on makeup for nearly two hours inside the Shadow Pavilion. Otherwise, why would she be late?    


Right now, Lee Qian's entire body was exuding the mature aura of a woman in the workplace. This temperament was even more attractive to older men like Butcher Boss who had handled many women before, compared to little girl.    


This was because they had done much more things with women from the countryside, but they had never dared to lay their hands on a workplace beauty like Lee Qian.    


The more he couldn't get one, the more he wanted one, the more he wanted to have a taste of one. If it was those big bosses who had played countless women in the workplace, they would definitely think that Jin Cuier was more attractive to mother and daughter.    


There was a saying that 'a big name for girls', 'a Chinese name for girls', 'a small name for girls', and 'a small name for girls'. 'a small name for girls', 'a butcher' and 'a bunch of trash', that was' a bunch of worthless girls', how could I ever know the taste of beauties with Lee Qian's temperament!    


The voice of the butcher and the rest of the trash became louder and louder. The nearby booths all gave them disdainful looks, thinking to themselves, where did this bastard come from? Is he here to participate in the Investment Fair, or the beauty contest?    


Lee Qian looked at them with disgust. When she was about to turn around, she suddenly stopped because she saw a familiar figure on the display stand next to the butcher.    


Yang Fann smiled wryly, Lee Qian saw him after all.    


It was all because of the butcher's trash. If it wasn't for a policeman coming over to warn them not to make a scene, Yang Fann would have slapped him right now and made them shut up!    


The butcher group of people were warned by the police and immediately realized that this wasn't their knife factory, this was a special Investment Fair set up by the government. If they were to cause trouble here, Police Uncle would not let them off.    


Lee Qian looked at Yang Fann with a complicated expression. As she looked at the various vegetables on Yang Fann's display table, she suddenly felt a lot better.    


So what if the price of two orchids was over a million yuan? It was just luck.    


So what if he bought a Ford Raptor worth millions? It's just the mentality of a nouveau riche, without the two orchids that you managed to dig up, how could you afford to buy Ford Raptor?    


Since he had no money now, he could only sneak into the Investment Fair and find the worst stall to sell his dishes.    


That's right, as a farmer, what can you sell if you don't sell vegetables?    


Last time, the two top-notch beauties in Horticultural Exhibition didn't follow you anymore, right? Since you ran out of money, who would follow you!    


When she thought of beauties, Lee Qian noticed Jin Cuier and Mother of Cuier, who were beside Yang Fann. Her attention was on Yang Fann and those vegetables, so she didn't notice Jin Cuier and the others.    


This time, Lee Qian's good mood instantly disappeared. Yang Fann had actually found another two beauties, two beauties that were not inferior to Bai Mei and Lin Xiaoling, and they were even a pair of beautiful sisters!    


Too despicable!    


How shameless!    


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