Take Along A Spring



The reason why Lee Heng would not care about his face was to cooperate with Yang Fann, the goal was the Spatial Medicinal Wine, once he heard that the quota of 10 Jin per week was gone, he almost cried. If he had known earlier that Jade Spring Mountain Villa's medicinal wine was so tight, he would only put on airs in front of Yang Fann if he fainted!    


Yang Fann did not let Lee Heng go on and on for too long. He hung up after saying that it was impossible for him to provide Lee Heng with more secret medicine before he hung up. Yang Fann already had six Partner now, so it didn't matter if there were more Shencheng hotels, it wouldn't matter if Lee Heng was missing one.    


Listening to the busy signal from his phone, Lee Heng finally understood Yang Fann's attitude. Yang Fann really didn't care if he could cooperate with the Shencheng Hotel or not.    


First, we'll talk about it after occupying the Partner s of Jade Spring Mountain Villa. Yang Fann had already told Lee Heng on the phone, Jade Spring Mountain Villa can only find ten Partner s at most, not one more, and now there are six of them, if you want to become the seventh Partner of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, please send over the payment of three thousand catties of vegetables and fruits as soon as possible.    


As expected of the Shencheng Hotel, not only did it have a perfect management mechanism, it was also very efficient. Just when Yang Fann and his parents finished their meal, their phone received a reminder from the bank.    


300 thousand Chinese dollars, not one bit more, which was the full amount of 3000 kg of vegetables and fruits. Following that, he received a call from Lee Heng, asking him if he received the money for the goods, when could Shencheng Hotel pick up the goods?    


Yang Fann's answer was very simple. The payment for the goods had already reached his account and he could pick them up at any time.    


On the other end of the phone, Lee Heng finally let out a long breath and wiped the sweat off his forehead. This deal was really difficult to complete, even more difficult than the time when he went overseas to introduce Japan and beef.    


It was precisely because Lee Heng, who was in high spirits back then, rushed to the Japan alone, and held a series of painstaking negotiations with Japanese, that he managed to get the world-famous Japan and beef quota for the Shencheng Hotel. That was why he was able to lay the foundation for becoming a Deputy Manager of the Market Development Department.    


Who knew that since the age of 26, he had become the Deputy Manager of Shencheng Hotel's Market Development Department. In the blink of an eye, 12 years had passed.    


The reason why he had never taken another step forward in his position of Deputy Manager was because after that famous Japan negotiation, he had lost his passion for increasing his progress and became muddleheaded. He only wanted to stay together with them for one day and not seek any achievements.    


With his authority as a Deputy Manager of the Market Development Department, he had the Shencheng Hotel directly provide Yang Fann with 300 thousand yuan. The goal was to buy 100 yuan worth of vegetables and fruits, and if the higher ups felt that the vegetables and fruits of Jade Spring Mountain Villa were not worth this price, his Deputy Manager might not even be able to keep them, let alone promotion.    


However, he did not turn back to shoot. Since Lee Heng had already taken this step, he had to grit his teeth and continue walking. After ending the call with Yang Fann, he only calmed down a little and started to contact the Shencheng Hotel, telling them to send a car over to help pull the goods.    


No matter how complicated Lee Heng's mood was, Yang Fann was still in a very good mood. After all, the one who was cooperating with him was the Shencheng Inn, one of the top ranked China Inn, Dabin Inn. If he became a partner with the Shencheng Inn, the reputation of his Jade Spring Mountain Villa would rise rapidly, and it would not be easy for him to find a Partner in the future.    


He knew that Lee Dagang's company wasn't rich, and it wasn't good for him to always put up capital for Lee Dagang. Since he didn't need the money right now, he might as well call him first to let Lee Dagang have more money.    


It's not that he didn't want to level up his Space of Jade Pendant, it's just that the amount of jade he needed to level up this time was too much. Even if he went to a few more jade processing plants in the field and bought cheaper jade and jade scraps, he would need at least seven to eight million, or even tens of millions of dollars. It's not something Yang Fann could get in a short period of time.    


The moment Yang Fann called Lee Dagang, he received a phone call from Lee Dagang. On the phone, Lee Dagang, an old classmate, expressed his most sincere gratitude to Yang Fann, his company was indeed a bit short on money, the workers' wages were almost out, most of the funds went to Yang Fann's courtyard decoration, and the one million sent by Yang Fann had solved Lee Dagang's urgent need for money.    


Yang Fann also inquired about the approximate cost of renovating the building. Lee Dagang told him that according to Yang Fann, everything needed to be used up. The cost of renovating the building was almost equal to the cost of building a house.    


10 million was fine. Building a house was a lifetime's worth of work. Moreover, the courtyard was able to live, work and entertain guests. It was worth it to spend 10 million just like that.    


Since Lee Dagang's company was in a difficult situation, Yang Fann gave him a total of one million yuan. From beginning to end, Yang Fann gave Lee Dagang a total of six million yuan, accounting for more than half of the total project funds.    


Lee Dagang, who received the reminder from the bank, called Yang Fann to express his gratitude. Yang Fann, on the other hand, poured a ladle of cold water over his head.    


Because Yang Guoqing said that the special funds given to Lee Dagang to fix the road for Poplar Gully had already been approved, Yang Fann's words to Lee Dagang to do so previously could not be realized.    


According to the regulations of the country, projects like road repair through Poplar Gully must be subject to public bidding. At that time, the relevant departments will publicly bid for information, allowing the developers to bid.    


However, Yang Fann knew that Lee Dagang's company would definitely fail this time. Didn't they hear Yang Guoqing's current words, "The county governor's son is a real estate developer, so of course he wouldn't give the construction project to someone else."    




Public bidding?    


Stop joking, you didn't see who ran this project. The county governor was no fool. He spent so much effort to get the road repair funds and then let the other developers find the money, unless his head was kicked by a donkey.    


According to the rules, Lee Dagang's company could also bid, but did Lee Dagang dare?    


Why did Lee Dagang's company become so short on money from its former prosperity to its current prosperity? Wasn't it because of the county magistrate's son?    


Back then, Lee Dagang thought that his family's company would be able to pay millions of tax to Xincheng County. Although it couldn't be said that they could do whatever they want in Xincheng County, normally, no one would dare to bully him.    


Thus, Lee Dagang's submissive attitude was completely gone. As long as there was a bidding, engineering, or even a project, Lee Dagang would all interfere. Who would not earn a lot of money?    


As a result, Lee Dagang's company and the county magistrate's company crashed into each other as expected. In front of absolute power, the millions of interest tax paid by Lee Dagang's company every year was nothing. Not swallowing his company in one go was already the achievement of Lee Dagang's family's many years of operation.    


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