Take Along A Spring



Over the past few years, Butcher Boss and a bunch of his friends set up a knife factory. On the surface, it was for the production of kitchen knives and handicrafts, but in reality, the main business was to manufacture controlled knives like daggers and machetes.    


How could such a group of fellows not have evil thoughts when they saw Jin Cuier and her timid pair of friends?    


The moment these evil thoughts appeared, Butcher Boss and his underlings could no longer suppress it. If this place wasn't a Investment Fair held by the government, they would immediately take action.    


As usual, a van is used to pull people up to a place where no one is around, and there's no danger at all when it's filmed as a threat!    


Women, wasn't it all the same? Crying and making a ruckus, it was all a matter of face. As long as that layer of filth was pierced, they would immediately behave and even proactively make love.    


Especially a woman who had just emerged from the countryside. She didn't have much experience, and since she was timid, she would immediately become obedient and do whatever she was told to do.    


The reason why Butcher Boss dared to tease Jin Cuier and her daughter in front of so many people was because he could tell that they were both from the countryside, and the kind that just came out not long ago.    


Previously, Butcher Boss was uncertain about Yang Fann, so he did not act rashly. After all, Yang Fann's aura was not ordinary. Even though Yang Fann did not have any official authority or killing intent, he gave people a feeling of nature.    


However, when Yang Fann placed all kinds of vegetables and fruits on the stage, Butcher Boss immediately felt relieved. Bringing two rural girls to sell vegetables was at most a small landlord and not even a tycoon. A tycoon wouldn't make the stage look so shabby.    


Yang Fann only took a glance at Butcher Boss and noticed the evil aura on his body.    


Yang Fann had sharp eyes. Although he had never killed before and didn't know what killing intent was, Butcher Boss's face was ferocious and his eyes flickered with a brutal aura. One look was enough to tell that he was a fugitive and was definitely not something an ordinary hoodlum could compare to.    


Hoodlum, Yang Fann was not afraid, he was a fugitive, and the current Yang Fann was still not afraid.    


In China, most people didn't have guns. With Yang Fann's current physical fitness, as long as he didn't use his gun to secretly snipe at him, he wouldn't even be afraid of dozens of people besieging him.    


Yang Fann was able to deal with anything that was moved by Yang Fann using the Spirit Body. If it really wasn't possible, then he would put them away in the Space of Jade Pendant. With the Spirit Body's godlike ability, as long as they could store people into the space, they could do whatever they wanted to them.    


However, unless it was absolutely necessary, Yang Fann would not use this move. Space of Jade Pendant was Yang Fann's greatest secret, and also the reason why he stood up straight.    


In my Da Hua Xia, a human life is not a joke.    


The so-called murder case was definitely solved. As long as there was a murder case, Police Uncle would be very busy. Modern science and technology had a lot of ways to deal with it, and if there was anything that was exposed and left behind any clues, then Yang Fann would be in great trouble.    


Of course, Yang Fann was not a homicidal maniac, so he would not easily use the red line. Those criminals like Lee Guanghe and Ma Zhong could naturally be handed over to Police Uncle to deal with. He only needed to collect their evidence, so why would he get himself involved?    


Yang Fann didn't say anything as he could tell that the guys next door weren't naughty people. Now that Investment Fair was about to begin, it wasn't a good time to settle scores with them.    


If these guys suddenly came to their senses and stopped looking for trouble, Yang Fann wouldn't be bothered to pay attention to them.    


If these guys didn't know what was good for them and continued pestering his women, Yang Fann didn't mind letting them know what it meant to have a legal net full of secrets.    


Seeing Jin Cuier and her mother's nervous expressions, Yang Fann shook their hands to show his comfort.    


[This guy is so shameless. Does Mother of Cuier have anything to do with you? Do you really think you can hold her hand so shamelessly?]    


Yang Fann regretted it immediately after he shook her hand. He felt really awkward. It was Mother of Cuier's fault. Usually, she would just crawl into his arms as soon as something happened. Unknowingly, he had already taken her hand. He didn't treat her as an outsider!    


Yes, not treating her as an outsider, that's not what I meant.    


Yang Fann tried his best to find an excuse in his heart to use his strong psychological hint to tell him that he and Mother of Cuier were innocent, at least on meat. He was also spiritually innocent!    


It didn't matter that it was impolite for Wu Tie to shake Jin Cuier and Jin Cuier's hand, as his move was indeed effective. Being held by Yang Fann like this, Jin Cuier and Liu Xin didn't feel that nervous anymore, especially Mother of Cuier, who scared her so much just now. Luckily Wu Tie shook her hand, otherwise, Butcher Boss would yell a few more times and she would crawl into Yang Fann's embrace again.    


If Yang Fann knew what he missed, would he regret it?    


Instead of taking the initiative to shake someone's hand and condemn himself to his own conscience, he might as well wait for them to throw themselves into their arms. That would at least make his conscience feel better.    


Of course, Yang Fann wasn't that evil. Once in awhile, he would become evil, and once in a while, he would become a bastard.    


Butcher Boss called out to them for a while. Seeing that Yang Fann and Jin Cuier both ignored him, Butcher Boss suddenly felt that Yang Fann and the others were afraid of him and became even more arrogant.    


According to past experience, countryside bumpkins who had just come out of the countryside were always like this, regardless of how unreasonable they were in the village and how listless they became when they came out. There was a saying, "The tiger in the door, the tiger at home, the cat outside."    


Just as Butcher Boss was about to take action, the big loudspeaker in the venue suddenly rang, and the Investment Fair officially started.    


After all, Butcher Boss had committed a lot of crimes, so he had to restrain himself when he needed to. Otherwise, if he provoked Police Uncle, they could quickly investigate him.    


This was also the reason why Butcher Boss hadn't gotten into trouble in such a long time. This guy wasn't stupid, he knew how to advance and how to retreat.    


The so-called opening ceremony was just a bunch of empty words from a few leaders. They would then welcome some foreign capitalists and finally thank a bunch of merchants who had paid for it.    


It started at 9: 30, and when the opening ceremony ended, it was already past 10. The relevant department's leader criticized a lot of things, if it wasn't for Yang Fann having a good night's rest last night, he would have fallen asleep.    


As soon as the opening ceremony ended, many people began to wander around the venue. Among them were foreign merchants, local merchants, foreign representatives, and even government officials from outside the country.    


Of course, this was Police Uncle's occasion. Who dares to cause trouble in the venue, who dares to ruin the government's image, it will definitely be tidied up so that even his mother won't recognize him!    


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