Take Along A Spring



Since the Handsome Pan was trying to seduce Jin Cuier and her daughter, how could Yang Fann just stand by and watch without doing anything? He did not line up, but walked directly to the two of them: "Beautiful ladies, can I treat you guys to a meal?"    


Jin Cuier was young, and she knew Yang Fann was joking with them. However, Mother of Cuier's reaction was slow and she looked at Yang Fann in confusion. She didn't know why he asked such a question.    


Yang Fann was speechless when he saw Mother of Cuier's confused face as if she was saying "you are weird". He thought that he was just pretending, so he didn't continue pretending. He pulled the two of them and walked out.    


"Stop, what are you doing? Let them go! "    


A handsome guy with a ponytail reacted the fastest. Seeing that Yang Fann didn't care, he pulled his two goddesses and left, thinking that Yang Fann was some bullying rich second-generation. Just as he wanted to retreat, he suddenly realized that the clothes Yang Fann was wearing was not a good brand.    


As soon as Plaits Handsome Pan shouted, the other Handsome Pan also reacted. They all blushed and surrounded Yang Fann, ready to teach this arrogant guy a lesson.    


"What are you doing?" "He's our friend. What does it have to do with you guys that we're going out to eat together? If you don't let me go, I'll call the security guards!"    


Jin Cuier was indeed a strong woman who was able to scare the mayor's son to a mental state with a kitchen knife. When she saw that everyone was about to gang up on Yang Fann, she immediately stood in front of Yang Fann to protect him.    


Bullying a few scum men was really boring. Let Jin Cuier exercise for a while, the era was different, a woman, especially a beautiful woman, if she didn't have the ability to protect herself, she would suffer a lot in society.    


Mother of Cuier paled in fright when she saw her daughter confront the other men. She was much more timid than her own daughter, so she immediately rushed into Yang Fann's arms like a headless fly.    


Yang Fann swallowed his saliva in silence. This girl was too timid. No wonder she could spend so much time with that scum, Yang Tiezhu. With her cowardice, she could do anything she wanted!    


Gaga, it seems like big brother is evil. Calm down, big brother must be calm!    


As the saying goes, a friend and wife shouldn't be bullied. Although Yang Tiezhu wasn't his friend, he was, after all, from the same village as him.    


Pooh! Pooh!    


What kind of nonsense was this? Friend's mother couldn't go on a day and had nothing to do with friends' wives. Brother and Jin Cuier were childhood friends, so her mother couldn't use her brain.    


Jin Cuier stepped forward, of course, they couldn't make things difficult for Yang Fann anymore. Under their furious gazes, Yang Fann left the cafeteria with one arm wrapped around Jin Cuier and the other tightly held by Mother of Cuier.    


"F * ck, the good cabbages were all given to the pigs!"    


"Two at a time!"    


"My beautiful little cabbage!"    


In the cafeteria, every man who saw this scene felt envious and jealous. He wished he could exchange Yang Fann for himself, because that was a pair of beautiful sisters, even the best of them. As long as they could have a chance at success, even if they lived a few years less, it would be worth it!    


He didn't know if it was due to fright or not, but when the three of them arrived at a restaurant near the building, Lili still held onto his arm and didn't let go of him.    


Yang Fann was also very embarrassed, but he was too embarrassed to push Mother of Cuier away. Rejecting a beauty was very immoral, not to mention Jin Cuier's old mother. He had to at least give her some face.    


Jin Cuier didn't seem to see it. She chatted and laughed with Yang Fann along the way, as if her mother was just air, and it had nothing to do with her whether she took Yang Fann's arm or not.    


Yang Fann was puzzled, he really didn't know what Jin Cuier was thinking in her head. Was it because she was crazy, or did she just treat him like a big brother and didn't have the intention of a man and a woman, or something else in her mind?    


This is bad!    


Yang Fann suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.    


Could it be that the little girl is prepared to kick her mother to me?    


Was it suitable for an old wife and husband?    


Big Bro is a proper man. Last time, I was a woman who was older than me by more than ten years. Although it was a little exciting, it was very embarrassing to let others know about it!    


While carrying a pair of beautiful sisters, Yang Fann was the only one left in the market. Everywhere he went, he received a bunch of gazes that could kill.    


However, Yang Fann seemed to enjoy it. Whoever stared at him would glare back, and whoever scolded him would scold back. Even if the other party ignored him, he would throw a contemptuous look at them, as if he was afraid that they wouldn't notice that he was carrying two beautiful girls.    


As a result, the conflict happened as expected.    


When Yang Fann and Jin Cuier were about to finish their meal, a group of drunk people insisted that Mother of Cuier go over to toast them.    


As a result, Mother of Cuier was once again frightened like an ostrich and kept nudging Yang Fann.    


But this time, Yang Fann no longer had the pride of a beauty, because he noticed the fleeting smile in Jin Cuier's eyes. He immediately understood that it was not that the little girl didn't notice, but the little girl had purposely pretended not to know.    


Now that he knew that Jin Cuier had seen through his little trick, Yang Fann was no longer in the mood to take advantage of Mother of Cuier. He just didn't understand when this girl became so smart.    


It was just that at that time, Yang Fann did not undergo the transformation from a Spirit Spring, and his observation skills were not as sharp as they were now. Furthermore, he was still young, and was indeed a little stupid, but he did not realize that Jin Cuier had already seen through his tricks, and had only left him some face.    


After the schemes and tricks were seen through by Jin Cuier, Yang Fann was extremely embarrassed. He could not vent out his anger on any of the drunkards.    


Who told a few drunkards to be so blind as to kick Yang Fann? Without saying anything further, Yang Fann started beating them up, making them cry for their parents. In the end, it was the restaurant owner who bitterly advised Yang Fann to stop.    


The drunkards stopped getting drunk and quickly left after paying their bills.    


A few drunkards were not innocent, since they dared to take liberties with a woman from a good family, they had to be conscious of the fact that they were being beaten. If today they met not Yang Fann, but an ordinary person, who knows how many guys would act so arrogantly, maybe even causing a tragedy!    


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