Take Along A Spring



The number of people in the pickup truck was limited to five, but Yang Fann had to pull more than ten people into Poplar Gully. There was no room for them to sit in the truck at all, so the youths could only sit in the backseat.    


However, from Xincheng County to Poplar Gully, there weren't any checkpoints or tolls along the way. Don't even mention pulling ten people, as long as they could sit down, no one would care about Yang Fann La even if there were a hundred of them.    


When they arrived at Qingshan Town, Yang Fann took another trip to Jinjia Viilage and picked up Old Man Jin who was alone at home. Old Man Jin wanted him to follow everyone and also go to work at the company.    


This was what Yang Fann had said to Old Man Jin, so Old Man Jin didn't refuse and just carried the luggage that he had prepared beforehand and got on the car.    


After the Qingshan Town, as the Poplar Gully grew closer and closer, the road became harder and harder to walk. The rugged mountain road made the Ford pickup truck look like a small boat in a fierce wind, and the youngsters were still okay.    


Looking at the rolling hills on both sides of the road, they all had a bad feeling about it. When they were soldiers, they often trained in the mountains and knew how difficult life was in the mountains. Seeing that they were going to work in those mountains now, they were really unsure.    


The adults were worried, but Ma Wensheng's two siblings were very happy. The girls were a little older, 14 years old, 12 years old, and the boys were only 13 years old, still in the first year, they were all still young. Seeing Mountain and hearing that a kind-hearted person was going to pay the tuition fees for them, they were very happy.    


When they finally reached the Poplar Gully, everyone finally found a sense of human society. It was just that most of the houses in the Poplar Gully were very dilapidated, and with just a glance, one could tell that it was a very poor village. Everyone could not help but to doubt, is there really such a good company in this kind of village?    


When they were passing by the Pear Ridge construction site, Yang Fann pointed at a circle of tall thorny vines and told everyone that the place that the thorny vines were surrounding was his company's territory. There were a total of four to five thousand mu.    


The Thorny Vine, which had gone through the space Spirit Spring's breeding process, had grown to around five meters tall and looked quite mighty. This brought about a sense of confidence in everyone, as a company which had planted such a natural wall should still have strength, otherwise, who would be able to afford such a huge wall of thorns?    


Then, Yang Fann pointed at the courtyard that was basically completed and told everyone that he had spent millions to build this courtyard. From now on, everyone would work here and also the staff dormitory.    


Lee Dagang's company was indeed quite powerful. After a period of construction, the main body of the courtyard had basically been completed and was currently working on the exterior wall and interior decoration.    


According to Lee Dagang, if there were no accidents, all the work would be finished soon. What would happen next would be the concrete interior decoration.    


Yang Fann did not find anyone else for the internal decorations. Lee Dagang's company also included the decorations, so Yang Fann just handed them over to him.    


The main courtyard in the middle served as the residence, with one side being the company's office space and staff dormitory, and the other side was being prepared by Yang Fann to serve as a guest room, entertain his partners, or receive guests like in a hotel.    


When everyone heard that they were going to work in a four-sided courtyard, their confidence increased by one fold. This was an old Yanjing four-sided courtyard made of blue brick and jade tiles, a place that only the nobility, rich and powerful merchants could live in the past. The fact that the boss could work in such a courtyard showed just how powerful the company was.    


After they finished introducing the courtyard, Yang Fann introduced the Dispersive Flower Bridge to everyone. The exquisite decorations and the novel colored lights left everyone stunned. They were all ordinary people, but after being fooled by Yang Fann, they were immediately filled with confidence about their future work and life!    


With the foreshadowing in front, when Yang Fann led the group to the worn-out Village Committee, not only did everyone not feel that the place they were currently staying was simple and crude, they were actually quite happy. Just like the boss Yang Fann said, the difficulties were temporary, and the prospects were good.    


As long as there was hope in their hearts, no matter how tired they were, they would still feel happy. If not, why would those distribution organizations attract so many people? As long as there was hope in their minds, they would be willing to pay any price.    


Yang Sanmao also came to Village Committee, Yang Fann told him to arrange everyone's living quarters, while he himself went home. Firstly, he would chat with his parents about what had happened during this period, and secondly, he would treat everyone to dinner.    


Just as Yang Fann parked the car in front of his house, two Mountain-guarding Dog, Black Bear and Xue'er, jumped out. The two little guys had grown up again and looked like normal big dogs.    


As for the two old eagle s, Xiaoming and Xiaohong, they continued to proudly hover in the sky. It was only when Yang Fann whistled that they dropped to the ground, landing on Yang Fann's left and right shoulders.    


Hmph, we won't be like two stupid dogs flattering their master. If Master doesn't tell us to come down, we won't take the initiative to stick our hot faces to his cold butt!    


Yang Fann couldn't do anything about the two old eagle. Wild things were just their wild nature, how could they be as obedient as the two Mountain-guarding Dog, Black Bear and Xue'er, so Yang Fann liked Black Bear and Xue'er more, he would eat whatever was delicious first. As for the two old eagle, he'll catch his own prey to eat.    


Zhong Runjuan and Yang Xiangdong were both at home. Upon hearing that Yang Fann had recruited more than a dozen employees, Zhong Runjuan immediately wanted to blame him for spending all his money.    


Yang Xiangdong, on the other hand, supported Yang Fann. Yang Xiangdong was very supportive of Yang Fann, saying that if he wanted to make a fortune, he shouldn't be afraid to spend it.    


Zhong Runjuan was right. Her son had made so much money in such a short amount of time. She could no longer control him. Those who were capable could do whatever they wanted, but those who were honest could only stay at home and farm.    


Seeing that her son had just come back and was going to cook dinner for the staff, Zhong Runjuan's heart ached. She chased Yang Fann out of the kitchen and told him that she would cook dinner for him and let him rest in his room.    


Yang Fann was moved beyond belief. There were seven to eight billion people in the world, and the people who were the best to him would always be his parents.    


One day, when you become a pauper, you will even be infected with a serious illness, you will not be able to take care of yourself, those who stay by your side, those who are willing to use their lives in exchange for your health, are definitely still your own parents.    


Some people watched helplessly as their wives mistreated the elderly and even helped their wives mistreat the elderly. This kind of person shouldn't be met by Yang Fann, because he didn't have any ability in the past, so there was no other way around it. If he knew who this guy was now, Yang Fann would definitely turn their backs on him and he wouldn't be able to have a peaceful life for the rest of his life!    


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