Take Along A Spring



With a crash, Jin Cuier opened the door and said coldly, "Stop arguing, I won't marry anyone, I won't do it in this life. Go back to where you came from, Er Laizi, you scram too, we will pay you back for what we owe you. If anyone dares to mess with us today, I will smash my head into the wall!"    


Separated by Jin Cuier, Yang Fann saw a few people in the yard. Old Man Jin was blocking the door, and there were four people standing at the foot of the stairs.    


A young man dressed as a farmer should be Er Laizi, who was mentioned by Old Man Jin. There was also a fat man in his forties or fifties, who should be the so-called Boss Qian.    


"Oh, Cuier, why are you leaning on a stick? Did you fall and injure yourself? "Come on, let me see where you fell. Don't break it, I'll feel sorry for you." Boss Qian walked up the steps and pushed Old Man Jin away. He reached out to help Jin Cuier, as if to see if she was hurt.    


"Stop!" "You must be Boss Qian. I, Jin Cuier, advise you. Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you made a few coins. I, Jin Cuier, am not afraid of you!"    


Upon hearing Jin Cuier's icy cold voice, Boss Qian immediately stood still and didn't dare to move forward. However, his pair of small eyes glanced around and immediately spotted Yang Fann who was standing inside the room. He immediately cried out, "Who is he? Old Man Jin, this kid can't be your granddaughter's lover, right? "If your granddaughter gets bagged, I won't give you a single cent!"    


Old Man Jin saw two of Boss Qian's henchmen glaring at Yang Fann, afraid that they would rush up to attack him. He didn't know how to respond.    


He took a step forward and pointed at Jin Cuier as he shouted, "Good for you, Jin Cuier. I heard that you're a jinx, but you're only a virgin after all, you haven't really stepped out of the house, and you're just a virgin. But today, I caught you red-handed, stealing from a wild man at home, you're really shameless!"    


"Boss Qian, you have to be clear with me. I will admit that I am Jin Cuierke's father and mother, but when did I become a prince? Alcalde Chen's son tried to hit me, but failed. He was arrested for killing someone, and it had nothing to do with me. I, Jin Cuier, am willing to not marry, but there are some people who want to ruin my reputation, and I won't admit it even if I die! "    


After Boss Qian heard Jin Cuier's words, he did not feel ashamed at all. Instead, he became angry from embarrassment. He took a step forward and pointed at Jin Cuier's nose and said, "Let's bring you down, you even ruined your reputation. Why don't you explain to me what is going on with this wild man in your room? "If you don't explain it clearly, I, Qian, will let everyone know that you, Jin Cuier, are just a broken shoe!"    


When Yang Fann heard this, he was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. What the hell is this bullshit? He's even the big boss in the city! He's simply a scum!    


What kind of person was Yang Fann, he always wanted to meddle in other people's business even if he didn't know them, not to mention the fact that the matter came to him, it was already infuriating for him to be pointed at by Boss Qian as a wild man, moreover, he dared to call Jin Cuier a broken shoe, Yang Fann was already infuriated.    


Seeing that his back was still as strong as ever despite the trembling in front of him like a dried leaf in the wind, how could Yang Fann endure it? Taking a step forward, he reached out and picked up Jin Cuier who was standing at the door by the waist, then turned to the side and raised his foot, landing a kick on Boss Qian's stomach, kicking him on the spot.    


Yang Fann's actions were out of everyone's expectation, even Jin Cuier who was in his arms was shocked, Boss Qian who was lying on the ground did not react for a long time, who would have thought that this guy would attack so easily and not even greet them, it was too insidious!    


Yang Fann was nicknamed Crazy Yang, someone who did not care about the consequences whenever he went crazy. He did not care about the consequences if someone made him angry, he would just beat them up to vent his anger first.    


With the relatively closed Qingshan Town, even if they were engaged, they would not be like Yang Fann, who would hug his girlfriend in public. Furthermore, Yang Fann even gave Jin Cuier a princess hug, which was the same as swearing an oath to everyone present: "Jin Cuier will be mine from now on!"    


Yang Fann used actual actions to swear an oath to Jin Cuier's ownership, at least in other people's eyes. Who knew that this was just something he did subconsciously after a moment of excitement? Honestly, Yang Fann didn't have any intention of seizing Jin Cuier.    


The first person who recovered from his shock was the hoarse voice of Er Laizi. Boss Qian had promised him benefits, and in order to get Old Man Jin to agree to the marriage, he didn't hesitate to spend money and put the other people's promissory notes into his hands.    


If Yang Fann messed up Boss Qian's good deed today, Er Laizi's benefits would not only be lost, but he would also lose a large amount of money from the purchase of the promissory note.    


Er Laizi looked around, picked up a shovel in the yard and yelled at Yang Fann, "Where did this little bastard come from? Quickly put Jin Cuier down, or I'll kill you!"    


When Er Laizi shouted, the others immediately reacted. Boss Qian's two lackeys also took out their batons from their waists and were about to fight Yang Fann.    


When Old Man Jin saw that Yang Fann was going to suffer a loss, he immediately tried to stop him. However, Er Laizi pushed him away. If he didn't lean against the wall, he would have fallen down.    


Jin Cuier also reacted at this time. She tried her best to struggle and get down from Yang Fann's embrace, but Yang Fann had a bad temper and refused to let go no matter how Jin Cuier struggled. After getting annoyed by Jin Cuier's struggle, she used her strength to hug her.    


No matter how smart Jin Cuier was, and how strong she was, she was still a woman after all, a girl who hadn't even reached 20 years old. No matter how strong Yang Fann was, he immediately became docile in front of her.    


When Jin Cuier relaxed, she immediately felt the warmth in Yang Fann's embrace and the strength in his arms. This feeling was so wonderful, she remembered that she only had this kind of feeling when she was young, warm, sweet, cozy, and unwilling to leave.    


Seeing that Jin Cuier had stopped struggling, sticking to Yang Fann like a tame kitten, and even showing a sweet and bashful smile on her face, Boss Qian, who just got up from the ground, was burning with jealousy. He pointed at Wu Tie and screamed, "You guys attack, fight to the death, I'll take responsibility if anything happens!"    


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