Take Along A Spring



When a person, a woman, especially a beautiful woman, thought that her face had been disfigured, what kind of feeling would she have?    


There was probably no one in the world who had a deeper understanding than Bai Mei.    


At the very least, before she changed her medication this morning, Bai Mei's mood was desperate, depressed, full of memories of the past and endless fear of the future.    


However, the moment the nurse lifted the bandage on her face, Bai Mei could hear the disbelief and shock in her voice, as well as hope and longing.    


When the nurse placed a small mirror in front of Bai Mei, at that moment... She cried.    


Tears of joy!    


Days of depression, anxiety, worry, fear, and despair had all turned into two streams of tears, disappearing without a trace.    


At this moment, Bai Mei was filled with mixed feelings. She couldn't wait for everyone in the world to share her joy!    


However, his parents did not know about his disfigurement, and he only had Lin Xiaoling as his best friend. He called her number and rang her number again and again, but no one answered.    


Probably in a meeting again.    


Worry, needs to be shared, joy, needs to be shared. Humans are extremely complex animals, especially women. Joy that no one shares is not perfect at all …    


Bai Mei thought of a man who had just been hospitalized and thought she had been disfigured, thinking it was a helpless moment, and he said to himself with an indifferent smile, "It's fine, it's just disfiguring. If I say, people can't be too beautiful, there are many beautiful women, what do you say? "If it's ruined, then so be it. If it really isn't, then just let it be with me in the future. I don't mind if you're ugly."    


The man spoke casually, as if he was joking, but at the same time he was serious, more like he was talking about buying a piece of rubber or a pencil.    


However, that one simple sentence, that seemingly joking sentence, was deeply engraved in Bai Mei's mind and was engraved in her heart.    


If someone laughs and says something like that to you in your most helpless and desperate moment, I'm sure you'll always remember what he said.    


Therefore, without even completing the discharge procedures, Bai Mei took off her hospital gown and changed into her own clothes before storming down the stairs and driving. Through Maserati's Global Positioning System, she found Xincheng County, Qingshan Town, and Poplar Gully Village.    


As fast as lightning, Bai Mei wanted to share her joy with that person. No matter how far the road was, no matter how hard the road was, she didn't care at all. She didn't even have lunch, nor did she care about her own business in the Crystal Palace.    


If there is a person in a person's life who is willing to share your sorrow, your happiness, and at the same time, you are willing to share it with him, then that person must be happy, because to find such a person, one might not be able to find him for the rest of one's life.    


When Bai Mei drove up to Qingshan Town, she immediately saw the group of people surrounding Crossroads Street. She first stopped the car not far away, got off the car, and wanted to find out how to get to Poplar Gully. Even though there was a Global Positioning System, Poplar Gully was still in the mountains.    


Sometimes, you can't completely trust the GPS system, or you'll drive the car into the river or hit the wall.    


In the end, Bai Mei was overjoyed to find that the person she was looking for was in the middle of the crowd. Unexpectedly, she was the center of attention of this group of people.    


Bai Mei was so angry that she almost got a shock when she wanted to see him, but this guy was actually hiding at home to make a blind date. It was fine if he was making a blind date, but he was actually being looked down upon by others.    


Thus, Bai Mei's charming big eyes turned around and immediately had an idea. She wanted to play tricks on Yang Fann. Who told him to be so shameless as to hide at home and secretly date her?    


Other than teasing Yang Fann, Bai Mei also had other thoughts. She didn't even know what exactly she was thinking, and how could she know what she was thinking about Huang Hua's daughter, who had never even dated Yang Fann before?    


Before this morning, Bai Mei was still depressed, helpless, and full of despair. But now, she was like a mischievous little girl, showing Yang Fann the act of resenting a woman for her son in front of over a hundred people in Qingshan Town.    


Bai Mei, who was driving a luxurious car, suddenly appeared on the stage, blinding the 24 grams of titanium alloy dog eyes of the audience. Especially after she intimately pulled on Yang Fann's arm, it was unknown how many men's dreams were shattered.    


Amongst everyone present, besides Bai Mei, Yang Fann was the clearest. Compared to Zhong Runjuan and Second Aunt, who were completely stupefied, Yang Fann's heart was as clear as a mirror. Especially with his sharp observation, he actually caught a trace of cunning hidden deep in Bai Mei's eyes. Why can't I understand it?    


When Uncle Yang Fann and his wife found out what was going on from the surrounding people, they were immediately overjoyed. First Uncle Lili reacted quickly by grabbing Zhong Runjuan's other arm, nodding at Bai Mei, who was smiling brightly, and then she said to Zhong Runjuan, "Let's go, let's talk at our own house. There are so many people here, and then we'll scare the girls."    


Being reminded by Yang Xiuli, Zhong Runjuan immediately woke up, complaining incessantly that she was inexperienced and worried that she would embarrass her son. Smiling, she pulled Bai Mei away and they parted the crowd as they walked towards the old Zhong's shop.    


Yang Fann had already felt extremely uncomfortable when Bai Mei, his mother, Second Aunt, his first uncle, and the couple, as well as hundreds of spectators, swept their weird gazes over his body. Seeing that his first aunt had come to help him, he immediately felt relieved.    


Second Aunt's reaction wasn't slow. Seeing that Zhong Runjuan was about to pull Bai Mei along, she quickly said, "Girl, car, your car, find a place to park it. Such a good car, don't let anyone ruin it if you park it here!"    


Bai Mei smiled like a flower and tightly held onto Yang Fann's arm. She didn't let go at all, as if Yang Fann would run away if she let go. She smiled at Second Aunt and said, "It's fine, Second Aunt. I'll send you guys to rest first, then come back and drive."    


Bai Mei's words and actions were impeccable. She immediately conquered a few of Yang Fann's seniors.    


Second Aunt was happy in her heart, but she did not show any mercy. She looked at the stunned Zhang Xiuxiu and her family, and pointed out, "Look at this girl, she's so beautiful, so kind, and so capable at doing things, unlike some people, who don't even look at themselves. They think that their daughter is an immortal that has descended to the mortal realm, so they should look in the mirror when they have nothing to do!"    


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