Take Along A Spring



Bai Mei came from an ordinary family and had a large amount of assets under her name, which attracted countless people to covet her. Luckily, the old pervert didn't have any close relatives and divorced at an early age, his only daughter even had a car accident abroad.    


Even so, Bai Mei was still under tremendous pressure. All of the distant relatives of the old pervert jumped out and joined his former wife to wage a long and bitter battle with Bai Mei.    


In order to avoid being eaten until there was nothing left of her bones, Bai Mei had no choice but to disguise herself. After a few years, the pure young lady who looked like a small white flower had disappeared.    


Whether it was the white flower or the thorny rose, Bai Mei was a woman after all. Moreover, she was a very beautiful woman, a beautiful widow who would make others unable to sleep after seeing her.    


In the open and in the dark, who knew how many people were scheming against Bai Mei? Who wouldn't want to take advantage of the both of them?    


Especially recently, for some reason, all of the big hotels in Jiangnan City suddenly joined together to boycott her Crystal Palace. Many of the former suppliers of high-end ingredients had stopped their cooperation with the Crystal Palace, causing the business of the hotel to plummet by leaps and bounds.    


Bai Mei had a premonition that she had fallen into a deep conspiracy and the culprit behind it was extremely terrifying. She reckoned that the day when her crystal palace would not be able to hold on would be the day when the hidden mastermind jumped out and showcased his trump card.    


Just as Bai Mei was at her wit's end, Lin Xiaoling had placed an inconspicuous medicinal wine in front of her last night.    


The moment the jar was opened, Bai Mei was shocked. The wine fragrance she had never smelled before almost made her drop her tears of excitement. In that instant, Bai Mei, who had worked hard in the shopping mall for years, shrewdly realized that her chance had come!    


When Lin Xiaoling told Bai Mei that she had bought this jar of medicinal wine from a salesman, Bai Mei secretly swore: "I want it, I must get it, it must be mine!"    


Therefore, early in the morning, before dawn, Bai Mei, who hadn't slept well all night, woke Lin Xiaoling up. In order to see Yang Fann earlier, she didn't let Lin Xiaoling go back last night, fearing that she would be late and would be snatched away by someone else.    


However, the moment they met, before Bai Mei could say anything, Yang Fann had already smeared some messy stuff on the barbecue. This caused Bai Mei to have a very deep misunderstanding about Yang Fann, because in the past few years, she had been drugged several times. Even though she was cleverly discovered in advance and didn't have any irreversible consequences, Bai Mei already hated the act of using the medicine to the utmost extent, so she couldn't tolerate it!    


She knew why her best friend was angry, but she couldn't explain it to Yang Fann. She had no choice but to smooth things over as she smiled and said, "Yang Fann, you're too biased. Bai Mei looks pretty, but just give her something nice to eat. This barbecue is mine, and the next one is Bai Mei."    


After saying that, without waiting for Yang Fann and Bai Mei to say anything, Lin Xiaoling picked up the toast that was smeared with tomato sauce in front of Bai Mei and gently took a bite. Then …    


And then the second, the third …    


It's not that chenqie isn't ladylike, but … He really couldn't stop!    


It wasn't until after she had eaten the whole thing that Lin Xiaoling realized she had lost her composure. It wasn't until Bai Mei gave her a light kick under the table that Lin Xiaoling cried out in a dreamy voice, "Wow, this is so delicious! I want more! "    


When Lin Xiaoling cried out in surprise, she finally felt that she had lost her composure. When she realized that Bai Mei, who was standing beside her, was looking at her with a smile that was not a smile, her pretty face immediately turned red. She grabbed at the treasure on her chest.    


"Aiya, you damned girl, how dare you molest a good girl in front of little brother Yang. I think you've been asking for a beating recently, look at this grandaunt's Nine Yin White Bone Claw!" Haha, I'm about to die from laughter, I still want to … I didn't hear wrongly, did I? You actually said that I still want to … "    


When she looked at Yang Fann again, her eyes were clear. Yang Fann was not the same as the people who tried to poison her, so she immediately became embarrassed. What's wrong with me? It seems like I've been under too much pressure recently and I'm going to have a mental problem soon.    


Therefore, Bai Mei cleverly changed the topic and started to play with Lin Xiaoling, who was also embarrassed by her lack of manners.    


The two girls were entangled with each other and seemed to have forgotten that Yang Fann, a young handsome guy, was beside them. Yang Fann didn't have the kindness to remind them of their obligations: "It's a good idea to enjoy the breasts of these two beauties.    


"Aiya, you Whitedemon, you actually dare to take off my skirt! See if I let you completely expose me or not!"    


"Alright, you Lin Leng, how dare you grab my treasure. See if I let you break or not!"    


What the hell, isn't this a little too crazy!    


Even though Yang Fann had been in a relationship with Lee Qian, a foreign language major, for many years, and even had eaten delicious forbidden fruits, he had never seen such a heart-stirring scene. Two super beauties were openly flaming in front of him.    


Could it be that he had fallen behind after graduating for less than a year, and the generation gap between him and the younger generation was already so deep?    


Yang Fann, who had never thought much about women's psychology, didn't understand that boys often bickered and teased in front of beautiful girls as they had the desire to express themselves. In fact, girls were the same as well; when they laughed and teased in front of a man, they probably also had a good impression of that boy.    


As Yang Fann continued to drink the Spatial Spring Water, the impurities in his body would be slowly expelled and his body would naturally emit a comfortable aura. This aura was very attractive to creatures with intelligence, especially to the opposite sex, as long as they got close to Yang Fann, they would unknowingly be attracted by the aura on his body.    


Lin Xiaoling, who was relatively conservative in her clothes, was still fine. The professional suit was slightly messy, which added a touch of charm to her ability. It seemed that Lin Xiaoling was more approachable in this way.    


Bai Mei, who had a hot body, could not do so. She was originally wearing very little, but after being drenched in sweat, she wore a low-cut halter dress that stuck to her body, causing her voluptuous figure to be completely exposed. Even the black lace cover under the white halter skirt could be seen clearly.    


"Ya, it's all your fault, you white spirit. Yang Fann is still here, you actually …" Before Lin Xiaoling could finish her words, she was already too embarrassed to continue. She had always showed off her aloof appearance. When had she ever done something so wanton in front of other men?    


Bai Mei also felt a bit embarrassed. She didn't know what had happened to her today. In front of Yang Fann, a stranger, she always had the urge to show off her skills. She was already in her twenties, but she was still as lovestruck as those myrtle girls.    


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