Son-in-law From Dark World

C98 A Miserable Defeat

C98 A Miserable Defeat

Even though they also thought that Zhang Bing had no chance of winning, at this moment, what he needed was support.    


"Zhang Bing!"    


At this moment, someone called out softly.    


Everyone's gaze immediately landed on Lin Yuanyuan. She stretched out her small hand and shouted weakly, "Zhang … Bing!"    


"Long live!"    


Suddenly, thunderous shouts joined together, and an encouraging aura swept out like a wave.    


"Zhang Bing!"    


Lin Yuanyuan shouted as she gradually let go of her voice.    


"Let's fight!"    


"Zhang Bing!"    


Lin Yuanyuan shouted at the top of her lungs.    


Immediately, the hundreds of people in the arena began to follow her rhythm, shouting and waving their arms towards her.    


As if he was supported by his faith, Zhang Bing smiled and took a step forward. With the intent to fight, he charged towards Lei like a moth.    


"Hehe, did you come here to throw away your life?"    


Lei was too fast and his movements were extremely violent. He was like a black panther that counterattacked. He hit Zhang Bing's chest and the two of them started attacking each other without caring about their lives.    


However, it was clear that Zhang Bing wasn't a match for him at all. His entire body swayed from side to side as blood splattered everywhere.    


However, he still gritted his teeth and bitterly persevered, resisting and defending the storm-like fist shadows, continuously retreating after being hit until his body crashed against the iron chain. His back was turned upside down, and he looked like he was about to fall face down.    


At this moment, Lei grabbed his clothes and lifted them up before slamming them onto the iron pillar at the side of the stage.    


With the first hit, Zhang Bing's tensed body instantly loosened up.    


On the second blow, the sound of a fracture rang out, and Jack spat a large mouthful of blood onto Ray's chest.    


Such a cruel scene triggered a protest. The audience below raised their hands and shouted, "Surrender!"    




"black man, do you want to kill someone?"    


However, no matter how noisy and chaotic it was below the stage, Lei acted as if he didn't hear anything. With eyes full of violence, he once again lifted Zhang Bing's body up, ready to finish this duel without any suspense for the third time.    


"Enough, Chen Xin, I admit defeat!"    


Xuening could not bear to watch any longer. She walked over to the proud Chen Xin and begged.    


Even though she had lowered her posture and begged for mercy in front of her, Chen Xin lifted her chin and pretended as if she didn't hear anything.    


"Chen Xin, if this goes on, you'll die, don't continue fighting!"    


Xuening turned around to take a look. When she saw Lei heavily smashing Zhang Bing's body down, Zhang Bing had already fainted.    


However, they had all been completely defeated. After being beaten half to death, the lightning was actually inhumane. It was so cruel that it made one's hair stand on end. It actually grabbed Zhang Bing's body and still wanted to kill him.    


Xuening had already covered her eyes, not daring to look at the scene. Even the crowd below, if it weren't for the iron net blocking them, would have rushed onto the stage to snatch her away.    


However, even though the iron net was being pushed left and right, they could only helplessly watch Zhang Bing's body fall down.    


Everyone closed their eyes!    


No one wanted to see that scene. However, Lin Yuanyuan's eyes were wide open as she watched a black shadow charge towards the arena like an eagle taking flight towards Lei.    


Lei had already lost all sense of reason. He was only a beast, and was incomparably vicious and cold-blooded.    


Feeling the incoming wind, he casually threw out a punch. However, that black shadow went under his fist and with both of his hands on end, it hugged Zhang Bing who was falling and rolled forward.    




Lin Yuanyuan excitedly shouted. Her voice instantly roused everyone from their stupor. Everyone opened their eyes and witnessed an extremely shocking scene.    


What he saw was a handsome young man in casual attire. The corners of his mouth curled up into a playful smile, looking extremely frivolous, giving off a sense of arrogance.    


The young man carried the unconscious Zhang Bing and gently carried him off the stage. He handed him over to a few spectators before turning around and walking towards Lei, who had a fierce expression on his face.    


At this moment, Xuening, who was below the stage, turned around and looked at Qin Feng with her eyes wide opened. She looked at Qin Feng on the stage and confirmed that it was him.    


It was unknown when he ran onto the stage and saved Zhang Bing in such a dangerous moment …    


Regardless of how it was before, her impression of Qin Feng had changed drastically. He had risked his life to save Zhang Bing.    


"Are you sending yourself to your death in his place?"    


Lei's mouth was wide open, revealing his pure-white teeth. It was like a lion opening its mouth and baring its fangs, staring at its prey.    


The moment he went berserk, even Raging Bear wouldn't be able to withstand it. His appearance would mean taking over Raging Bear's glory, and his Longhai City would then be used to hit the entire Chinese Black Fist Hall.    


"You shut up first. The current you isn't worth much to me. Wait for me to confirm that you're not worth the money. It wouldn't be too late to say that you're courting death!"    


Qin Feng directly interrupted the opponent's nonsense, walked to the edge of the stage and shouted at Xuening, "Hey, I'm here to play. If I help you win this competition, will you be able to take away my prize money?"    


When Xuening heard this, she was stunned for a long time before reacting.    


This guy said he was going to play?    


He clearly saw the terror of the thunder, yet he still wanted to send himself to his death. Was he crazy, or did he not have a brain?    


There was no reply for a long time. Xuening didn't know how to respond, because she had already given up on the final round and had no hope.    


However, at this moment, Raging Bear stretched out his hand and shouted, "Haha, go ahead and fight! As long as you win, you will receive a reward of 5 million yuan. My friend is still not warmed up.    


Chen Xin didn't object when she heard it. She already knew that Lei's power was even stronger than Raging Bear's.    


Even if it was the Black Fist Overlord of the previous Longhai City, he would still be defeated in a battle of attrition.    


Xuening did not answer, but neither did she refuse. At the moment, she was still unable to react to what Qin Feng really wanted to do.    


If it was for the reward, she could immediately pay it. Even if she had to borrow money, she could still fill up the hole in the reward.    


While she was deep in her thoughts, Qin Feng calmed down. As long as he had the money, he could take it.    


Xuening, that girl, was too ungrateful. He had been here all night, and he had only gotten the prize after watching two trashy scenes, not to mention seeing her face.    


That's right, Qin Feng's thoughts were simple. Quickly end this boring final and take the money to leave.    


"Alright, big guy, come and climb down. This way, we can all feel comfortable. If I take the money, you can avoid the pain. What do you think?"    


Qin Feng turned around and crooked his finger at Lei as he pointed at the ground under his feet.    


His words immediately caused everyone in the audience to be stupefied.    


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