Son-in-law From Dark World

C208 Amazing

C208 Amazing

The beautiful woman then came next to Qin Feng and said with a smile, "Sir, hello. Can you tell me your name?"    


"Qin Feng, Qin Shi Huang, Feng Ye's Feng Feng!"    


As he said that, Qin Feng took the initiative to extend his arms, wanting to hug Wang Feifei. Wang Feifei was stunned for a moment, but when he regained his senses, he smiled and gave Qin Feng a light and awkward hug.    


"How fragrant."    


Qin Feng sniffed the air and said sincerely.    


Wang Feifei smiled, but was not angry. Instead, he showed an appreciative smile.    


"Mr. Qin, I wonder what kind of relationship you have with Faang Keke. Let's work together, I have a presumptuous request, can you help me play a song? Don't worry, if you have already signed a contract with Little Sister Keke, I won't make things difficult for you."    


Qin Feng finally understood the other party's purpose in coming. It turned out that he valued his acting talent.    


Sorry, it was fine to take advantage of the situation, but he didn't want to do anything about it.    


The exception to the salted fish rule had already been broken today. It was still the same line, he came back to the city to be old age.    


"No. Although I haven't signed a contract with her, I don't like music. However, if you like it, elder sister, I can play a song for you when I have free time."    


In the end, Qin Feng still couldn't escape the charm of the other party and couldn't refuse it.    


"Really, thank you so much. Let's add each other as a contact number. If there's a chance, I'll treat you to a meal and then talk about the reward. As long as you ask for it, I'll do my best to satisfy you.    


She made a face at the agent beside her.    


After Qin Feng added the number and WeChat, Wang Feifei said goodbye and left.    


On the other side, Faang Keke had also finished her acceptance speech. Her face was full of joy as she walked towards Qin Feng. Amidst everyone's surprised cries, she tiptoed and kissed Qin Feng lightly on the mouth.    


Then, she took out her microphone and said, "Today, what I want to thank you the most is my best partner, Qin Feng!"    


With that, Faang Keke grabbed Qin Feng's arm and walked to the front.    


All of a sudden, the crowd below them was boiling with excitement. The glow sticks were dancing fast, and a group of girls were shouting crazily.    


"Feng Shen!"    


"Wind God, I love you!"    


"I am the Monarch of Musical Instruments!"    


Only now did Qin Feng realize that many fans wanted to get to know Qin Feng when Faang Keke interacted with her fans.    


From the beginning till the end, the man who had remained silent and controlled four musical instruments by himself was just like a man from the legends.    


Qin Feng didn't know that more than half of the 40,000 fans had already started paying attention to him.    


The others didn't say anything, but rather thought that as long as they paid attention to Faang Keke, they would have the opportunity to perform a miraculous performance.    


"But Feng is a miracle!"    


It was unknown who shouted, but everyone immediately acknowledged his shout. The name of the duo had already been birthed.    


Even Faang Keke loved the name of this combination, even though she knew that this was the only time in her life she had ever performed together with Jack.    


Thinking of this, she felt reluctant to part with him. She looked at Qin Feng with a different look. It seemed like she really couldn't let this man go that easily.    


I wonder if he has a boyfriend! Faang Keke suddenly woke up with a start. What's going on with me?    


Why did he start thinking about all this nonsense?    


The concert was over. Everyone was still wanting to continue, humming a melody of Chang'e running through the moon. However, they found that even the simplest way was unable to imitate the full melody.    


Feng Shen was indeed worthy of being called a god-like man, and many people were now even more convinced of the reality of his name.    


When they arrived at the concert door, Qin Feng saw Lin Feirann. She walked over silently and saw Lin Feirann smiling happily. She hugged Faang Keke gently, as if she was saying something.    


Since there was nothing left for him to do, Qin Feng turned around and left. He didn't want to wait for Faang Keke to invite him to set up that miracle, so he didn't know how to refuse.    


After leaving the venue, Qin Feng walked to the foot of the stairs and looked up at the night sky. Rain was falling down and the smell of blood entered his nose.    


He smiled and lit up a cigarette. He looked down the stairs that had more than a hundred levels and saw two black figures appear.    


Gently walking down the stairs, he saw the two fellows take off their hats, revealing two foreigners' faces, blonde hair, blue eyes, a man and a woman.    


"Your name is Qin Feng, right?"    


The woman spoke Chinese very fluently, with a hint of hometown in some areas. It sounded quite comical.    


"That's right, the two of you are from Moon Worship, right?"    


Qin Feng simply sat on the stairs and looked at the pair of men and women. The color of their faces was ferocious and their veins were faintly discernible under their skin.    


When he saw them, he was not surprised at all. Transformer, a bunch of pitiful bugs who had been injected with a virus and had undergone mutation, claiming that they were the chosen ones of the gods. One day, they would become a god.    


In reality, even if these idiots didn't die in battle, they would at most not live past three years because the virus had completely changed their body's structure and burned their blood.    


Therefore, they needed blood to survive, just like vampires.    


The Moon Worship Foundation simply consisted of a group of scum that came from all over the world. They had no humanity and viewed human life as worthless.    


Only they would be so crazy as to take human bodies for experiments and brainwash these guys. They would become dogs under the sect, biting whoever they set their fingers on!    


"Lowly yellow race, destroy our stronghold and our secret research room. Do you know your crimes?! If you see the chosen one of our gods, you will kneel down and repent!"    


The golden-haired man opened his mouth, revealing two sharp teeth. He lowered his head and raised his arms. He was like a wolf emitting a vicious aura as he howled at Qin Feng.    


Also, I want to correct you, the yellow race is the most precious bloodline that has existed since ancient times. The Blood of the First Emperor subdued the nine prefectures, turned into a dragon soul, suppressed the destiny of China, and flourished to this day. You said that the yellow race is the lowliest.    


Qin Feng still sat on the stairs as if nothing had happened. Facing the two Transformer, he really couldn't muster up any interest in making a move.    


Looks like I have to raise a little brother in the future. Let this little brother handle this rotten fish.    


"Hmph, sharp mouth. Alice, let me taste his dirty blood first. As for his flesh and bone marrow, I'll leave it to you!"    


After saying that, the golden-haired man leaped towards Qin Feng. His face was full of evil smiles as he continuously licked his lips. A greedy and bloodthirsty light appeared in his eyes.    


Qin Feng flicked his finger and the cigarette butt accurately entered the other party's mouth. In the next second, he threw out a punch with lightning speed, bringing with it a gust of wind.    


It suddenly hit the opponent's face.    


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