Son-in-law From Dark World

C17 Work

C17 Work

Chung Qing was stunned when she heard that Qin Feng wanted to find a job.    


Last night she had witnessed Jack display his prowess, and she had not been afraid to face so many gunmen alone.    


Furthermore, she was able to turn the tide like a god. When she thought back to it now, her mind was still in turmoil.    


How could such a powerful man not miss the weekend and worry about a job?    


"What, why are you looking at me like that?"    


Qin Feng asked in confusion after putting on his shoes.    


Chung Qing smiled and casually took out a pair of sneakers from the shoe rack. She said indifferently, "Leave your job to me."    


Qin Feng was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise, "Are you for real? What treatment? Resting for a few days a week? Are you in the tens of thousands every month?"    


The two of them chatted as they walked downstairs. Qin Feng was still asking them when they got outside.    


Chung Qing smiled, turned her head and took the initiative to hold his arm, saying, "I will make arrangements for you today. But first, you have to accompany me to eat!"    


Qin Feng was stunned. He was dragged along by Chung Qing into the small district and was not afraid.    


After the two of them strolled around, they arrived at a very high-end restaurant. Chung Qing shook her head and turned to leave.    


"Qin Feng, let's go to another restaurant. It's very expensive here and there's an appointment. I came here once before just to meet the Leader. Although the dishes are very stylish, it's a weekend today, so I'm not sure how many there are."    


Chung Qing came back when she saw Qin Feng standing motionlessly in the doorway.    


Unexpectedly, Qin Feng smiled, rubbed his belly and said, "This one then, I'm so hungry that my chest is sticking to my back."    


After saying that, he pushed open the door and walked in. Chung Qing had no choice but to follow him in.    


"Welcome, you two. Excuse me, do you have an appointment?"    


A tall and slender receptionist asked enthusiastically. The service was extremely good.    


Qin Feng nodded. He glanced around the shop and saw that the window seat was empty. He smiled and said, "Beautiful girl, can I go in without an appointment?"    


Hearing this, the welcoming girl maintained her professional smile and said apologetically, "Sir, I'm sorry, but we must make an appointment."    


"Isn't that a vacant spot? I'll leave after eating. I won't stay for long. It's such a hot day, so I don't want to look for you anymore. How about it, little beauty?"    


Speaking of which, Qin Feng was still quite charming, especially his standard smile, which seemed to have a demonic charm. Once upon a time, when he smiled, even beauties would become infatuated.    


Even the Queen had to kneel under his underpants and beg.    


"I'm sorry, sir. I really can't. Would you like to take a rest in the guest area?"    


Reality slapped Qin Feng hard in the face, the girl had already sent him off in a very tactful manner.    


Chung Qing walked over and handed over a white card. She said softly, "Hello. Can I take a seat with this card?"    


When the female receptionist saw the card Chung Qing handed over, she took a glance and nodded, "Okay, this way please."    


Qin Feng was stunned and felt a bit awkward.    


Chung Qing was too much. She clearly had special treatment, so why didn't you say anything earlier? It would be embarrassing if you failed to slap his face.    


The moment he sat down, Qin Feng impatiently asked: "Since you have such a high level treatment, why didn't you take it out earlier?"    


Chung Qing showed an innocent expression and waved the card. "I'm the one in charge of this card. I forgot to take it with me last time. I picked it up and didn't have the time to return it. I'm not used to using other people's things."    


At this point, Qin Feng finally understood and felt good inside.    


He never thought that Chung Qing would violate his principles for his sake. Hehe, being valued by such a great beauty had healed the injuries that Qin Feng suffered from Ye Meiyun's attack.    


When Qin Feng picked up the menu, he was shocked.    


No wonder Chung Qing said that this place was too expensive. With her current condition, she could afford to pay a few dollars for a meal.    


Only now did Qin Feng realize that Chung Qing wasn't stingy, but rather that the restaurant was too dark.    


A plate of Golden Fried Rice actually cost 280 yuan.    


The dishes that were dipped in meat cost over a thousand yuan. The signature dish, secret steaks, actually cost 3888 yuan per serving, a discount.    


"You two, just tell me what you want to eat."    


The welcoming lady walked over and stood respectfully at the side. Her voice was also very soft, as she was afraid that it would affect the other guests.    


It could be said that the restaurant's environment was first-rate. The more luxurious the decorations were, the more one would feel as if they were in a palace.    


The high cost of the dishes had much to do with the environment.    


"Oh, about that, give me two steaks and a bottle of afternoon sunshine."    


With that, Chung Qing put down the menu and asked Qin Feng, "Do you want to drink Red Wine? I'm not used to it at noon.    


Furthermore, he was still drinking. Qin Feng didn't even have the courage to order a serving of Golden Rice.    


He shook his head and said to the welcoming girl, "Just give me a serving of the Golden Fried Rice. Right, add in the same amount."    


The female receptionist looked at Qin Feng in surprise. After confirming that he wasn't joking, she bowed and left.    


"Qin Feng, have you finished ordering?"    


Chung Qing turned around, looked at the welcoming lady, and then looked at Qin Feng as she asked with some doubt.    


"Yeah, I've finished ordering. It's too expensive. I'll save you some money."    


Chung Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing Qin Feng's words. Although the cost of stopping was not small, it was not a problem for her.    


It was just that she did not really like this kind of high-end restaurant. She only liked the dishes here. She had climbed up from the bottom to reach her current position.    


She had been through hardships and tasted sweetness before, and during her years of struggle, she had accompanied her most of the time with fancy instant noodles.    


"No need. You ordered a serving of rice without any side dishes. What would you like to eat?"    


Qin Feng said calmly, "Didn't you order two steaks? Are you done eating by yourself?"    


Chung Qing was completely speechless. She was defeated by Qin Feng's thought process. The amount of steak here was very small, so it would be weird if she could eat until she was full.    


Only when the steak was served did Qin Feng understand why Chung Qing already ordered two servings. That amount made him want to cry. It was such a pity.    


Qin Feng felt that these two pieces of steak were only enough for him to give them an appetizer.    


When the golden rice was served, Qin Feng sighed. He increased the quantity of the golden rice. It looked pretty good, and it tasted sweet and delicious in his mouth.    


After a minute, the plate was empty. Chung Qing looked at Qin Feng with a pained expression and pushed a steak in front of him.    


"Eat my food. If it's not enough, just scream. You don't have to save money for me."    


Since Chung Qing was so generous, Qin Feng didn't go easy on her anymore. He picked up the steak, ordered another plate of golden rice and started to eat.    


As the two ate and chatted, their concern for each other became even more harmonious.    


"Chung Qing!"    


At this moment, a voice rang out. The two of them turned around and saw a girl dressed in very beautiful clothes walking over.    


When Chung Qing saw the woman, a trace of disgust appeared on her face.    


"Your friend? I'll call you again. "    


Jack ate the rice in big mouthfuls, his words even more vague.    


Chung Qing shook her head and turned her face away. With a deep voice, she said, "Don't bother. I'm not familiar with her."    


The woman called out but did not reply. With a face full of unhappiness, she walked in front of the two of them and threw a high-end handbag on the table.    


"Oh, it's quite sweet. The two of them only ordered a steak and a plate of rice. Isn't it too shabby?"    


A hint of ridicule could be heard in the woman's voice. After hearing that, Qin Feng frowned and said, "Is math taught by a PE teacher? Two steaks and three servings of rice, what the hell are you doing?"    


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