Strongest Soldier

C18 Chapter 18

C18 Chapter 18

"Bastard, who allowed you to come in directly!"    


Chen Bing looked at Lee Hongtian who was standing in the office. She didn't expect Lee Hongtian to come in without knocking. She realized she was not wearing the right clothes, so she immediately turned around and went back into the room.    


After about ten minutes, Chen Bing finally came out of her room. However, she had already changed into a new set of professional clothes, and her originally wet hair was almost dry.    


Chen Bing came out with a blush on her cheeks and looked at Lee Hongtian coldly.    


Lee Hongtian didn't expect such an embarrassing thing to happen. However, he didn't have much interest in Chen Bing. He thought of another thing in his heart, "President Chen, I just …"    


"Enough of that, you'd better not tell anyone else about this, or else Yafei will not spare you!"    


Chen Binghong's face was burning. Lee Hongtian was Zhou Yafei's husband. How could she not feel embarrassed when she saw his face just now?    


"The reason I came to find you was to ask if the people who have been watching you and Yafei recently had come in contact with you. I keep having the feeling that they are different from the people from Liu Family. Besides coveting the beauty of you and Yafei, the only reason the people from the Liu Family are targeting you and Yafei is because they want to devour the business of the Zhou Family, but those people don't seem to be here."    


Hearing that, the bashfulness on Chen Bing's face disappeared without a trace. She frowned slightly and came in front of Lee Hongtian to look him in the eye, "How do you know all this?"    


"It's simple. Those people are real outlaws, and they're not locals, and I know one of your buddies who joined me. He found out there was a bug in the company, and if I'm not wrong, you found out they were watching you."    


"This matter concerns you and Zhou Yafei. Shouldn't you tell me some clues?"    


He was sure that Chen Bing knew something, but he didn't want to say it out loud. However, if she didn't say it now, it would only lead to more trouble.    


Today, in order to protect Chen Bing, Lee Hongtian had taken care of those people. They knew that Chen Bing had experts with her, so they would definitely speed up and achieve their goals.    


At this time, Chen Bing and Zhou Yafei would be in an even more dangerous situation.    


"You're right, those people probably aren't here for our company. They are here for something."    


After a long while, she finally continued, "Yafei and I participated in an auction before and bought a few items from the auction. When we came back, we discovered that someone was following us, but the other party was very mysterious, so we didn't find out anything about them."    


"If I'm not wrong, we bought what they wanted at the auction."    


"What is it?"    


"Two pieces of porcelain, a famous painting, I think they came for the picture, which we spent six million dollars on."    


"Six million?"    


Lee Hongtian sneered. Thinking back to those people today, although their skills were not as good as his, they were not simple people. Especially the last person who shot that man, that silver needle must have had a strong background.    


If it was only six million RMB worth of items, they wouldn't need to do anything. If they were really here for that painting, then there must be a problem with the painting.    


"Where are the things you've bought? Can you let me have a look? "    


"I don't have any objections, but those items are in the safe in Yafei's office. If you want to see them, you have to get her permission to do so."    


Chen Bing shrugged her shoulders. She recalled that Lee Hongtian was Zhou Yafei's husband, and the skills he displayed as well as the fact that his files couldn't be checked was enough to prove that his identity wasn't simple.    


"But you hid a lot from us. It's fine if you hide it from me, but as for women, Yafei is your wife, you can't hide too much from her. I know her very well, and I don't like people hiding too much from her."    


Lee Hongtian saw the expression on Chen Bing's face, so he naturally knew what she meant by that. It was obvious that she wanted him to reveal his identity.    


"I'll go find her." Lee Hongtian turned around and walked out.    


Seeing that Lee Hongtian was about to go find Zhou Yafei, Chen Bing quickly followed him out, "I'll go with you!"    


The two of them arrived at Zhou Yafei's office together. She had already dealt with the company's matters. At this moment, she was sitting on a chair and thinking about what Chen Bing had said.    


She wanted to know if everything that had happened was related to Lee Hongtian. In these two days, Lee Hongtian had changed so much that it was hard for her to accept.    


When she saw Lee Hongtian and Chen Bing rush in, her gaze fell on Lee Hongtian. Thinking of what Chen Bing had said, she stood up from her chair and walked in front of Lee Hongtian. "Did you hide something from me?"    


"Let's talk about this later. I want to know what you bought at the auction. I need to see."    


Zhou Yafei's expression immediately changed when she heard that. She shifted her gaze to Chen Bing, who was beside her. Chen Bing realized that something was wrong with Zhou Yafei's expression and guiltily avoided her gaze.    


"The people following Chen Bing today are no ordinary people. If they are really here for the items that you have auctioned off, you better let me see. Otherwise, they will definitely achieve their goal and escape from here as soon as possible."    


Lee Hongtian looked at Zhou Yafei's complicated expression. He remembered that his identity had always been hiding her, so he immediately said, "There are some things that you want to know, you can go back and ask your grandpa."    


At this moment, the feeling that Lee Hongtian gave Zhou Yafei was completely different than before. The way he spoke and the expression on his face had undergone a tremendous change.    


Previously, Zhou Yafei thought that no matter what aspect Lee Hongtian was in, he was always annoying. Now, even though he was annoying too, everything he did seemed to be in favor of her.    


"Follow me!"    


Zhou Yafei looked at the two of them and brought them to the room inside the office. She pushed open the cabinet and a huge metal door appeared before them.    


After opening the safe, Zhou Yafei pointed to a few items inside. "These three items were taken from the auction by Yafei and I. Among them, there was a painting that I planned to give to my grandfather on his birthday."    


Lee Hongtian didn't say anything, but directly took the items in the safe. He first observed the two pieces of porcelain and didn't find anything wrong with them.    


Next, he took out Chen Bing's words and spread them out on the ground. It was actually one of Da Vinci's paintings. The quality of the painting, the feel of the painting, the materials, everything was fine.    


"Lee Hongtian, are you trying to determine the authenticity of this painting?"    


Chen Bing, who was standing beside him, could not help but ask when she saw Lee Hongtian looking at the painting with a serious expression.    


"The painting is real, but if they really did come for it, then there must be something wrong with it."    


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