Strongest Soldier

C408 Country Y Gunner

C408 Country Y Gunner

"Tianying, look!"    


Lee Hongtian immediately reacted and handed the binoculars in his hands to Tianying.    


Tianying took it and looked at it. A trace of surprise and doubt instantly appeared on his face.    


As a sniper, how could he not recognize this light?    


"Boss, it's the reflection from the aiming lens."    


Tianying put down his binoculars and said with certainty as he looked at Lee Hongtian.    


Lee Hongtian nodded without denying anything.    


With that, the two of them left the building and quickly went into the building opposite.    


The reflection was on the twelfth floor.    


From this position, he could clearly see the entire scene of the event. It was an excellent shooting point.    


Soon, the two reached the twelfth floor.    


There were several rooms on the 12th floor, which confused Lee Hongtian and Tianying.    


Lee Hongtian quickly stood in the corridor and analyzed.    


In the direction they had seen, the reflection was directly opposite them, to the north.    


North, south, left, right, east.    


According to this idea, Lee Hongtian immediately found the position.    


"It's this one!"    


Then, Lee Hongtian pointed to the room in the middle and said solemnly.    


Right after he said that, Tianying kicked out without any hesitation.    




The door of the room was immediately kicked away.    


Tianying rushed in quickly. There was indeed a foreign national at the window looking outside with a sniper rifle.    


This foreign man had no idea that he would be discovered, and had no time to react at all.    




Tianying took a step forward and smashed his elbow on the foreign man's shoulder.    


He raised his hand again and snatched the sniper rifle from the foreign man's hands.    


The foreign male's face was filled with fear as he laid on the ground. He looked at Tianying and Lee Hongtian who just walked in with an astonished expression.    


"You … "Who are you people?"    


The foreign man uttered a sentence in unpracticed and lame Chinese.    


Lee Hongtian was too lazy to speak Chinese with him. He knew that this foreign man's Chinese was definitely not good, so he didn't understand what he was talking about. Thus, he decided to just use English.    


"Who sent you?" "What is your purpose for coming here?" Lee Hongtian spoke fluent English as he stared at the foreign man and asked.    


Upon hearing that Lee Hongtian could speak English, the foreign man was stunned.    


Seeing the foreign man in a daze and not saying anything, Tianying immediately pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle in his hand.    


This caused the foreign man to be rather frightened, and he hurriedly waved his hand, indicating that he was willing to do so.    


"My name is Cod. I was sent here by the royal family of Y. I'm here to kill an important person." Then, he answered honestly to Lee Hongtian.    


After Lee Hongtian heard this, he was confused for a while.    


The royal family of State Y? He had sent people all the way to China to assassinate someone. He really had evil intentions.    


"Kill who?"    


Lee Hongtian asked again after a pause.    


"The leader of the Discords' family, Desiderian [2]." Kade answered without hesitation.    


This time, Lee Hongtian finally understood. It seemed that the target of this royal family of the Y country was the big boss, Dislan.    


But this move was also vicious.    


Coming to China to snipe and kill, once Dislan dies in China, then all the responsibility would fall on China. This way, the royal family of Y would have a reason to do something unreasonable.    


As a member of the royal family of Y Country, he was also the leader of the family. If he was going to die, the entire family would be in big trouble.    


"Is the person who sent you a person called Yate Landa?"    


After thinking for a while, Lee Hongtian asked once again as he stared at Ke De. He seemed to have figured out who the other party was.    


Hearing Lee Hongtian's question, a look of shock appeared on Ke De's face.    


He didn't expect Lee Hongtian to know Yate Landa.    


This made him curious and he wondered who Lee Hongtian was. Why do you know so much about the royal family of the Y country?    


Yate Landa, the first prince of the royal family.    


There was also one more point, and that was that Yate Landa was a cousin of Dislan's.    


It was Yate Landa who had wanted to assassinate Lee Hongtian.    


Right now, everything was very clear. This cousin brother was secretly concealing his intentions. Each of them had a huge grudge against the other. They wouldn't reveal it on the surface, but they were secretly full of murderous intent.    


"Boss, what do we do now?" "Should I tell this news to Serene?"    


At this moment, Tianying, who was standing to the side, looked at Lee Hongtian and asked.    


Lee Hongtian shook his head slightly with a grave expression on his face. He knew that there must be some other conspiracy behind this.    


It would cause a huge sensation if he were to report this to Dislan immediately.    


Besides, this was a battle within the royal family of the Y kingdom, so it had nothing to do with him.    


However, Lee Hongtian had one thing to ensure, and that was that he definitely couldn't let Declan die in China. Otherwise, there would be a huge amount of friction between the two countries.    


As a Chinese, Lee Hongtian naturally didn't want his motherland to bear such a crime.    


Lee Hongtian would never let Yate Landa's scheme succeed.    


Even if he had to kill Deirdre, he had to do it inside the country of Y. Although this thought was not very human, he had no choice.    


"Take him back first!"    


Lee Hongtian pointed at Cod and instructed Tianying.    


Tianying naturally understood Lee Hongtian's meaning. He walked forward and hacked down on Cod's neck.    


Ke De's vision went black and he fainted on the ground. Then, he was carried away by Tianying.    


Lee Hongtian took out his cell phone and dialed Faang Loong's number.    


In such an important situation, he must get Faang Loong to report it to Elder Ji and have Elder Ji send someone to bring Ke De back. At the same time, he must think of a solution to this problem.    


Lee Hongtian had a premonition that the killer who came to kill Deadran definitely wasn't a simple person.    


"Hey, Brother Li, what's wrong?"    


The call was quickly picked up and Faang Loong's greeting was immediately heard.    


Following that, Lee Hongtian described everything that happened to Faang Loong in detail.    


Faang Loong was greatly shocked upon hearing this and immediately understood the seriousness of the situation. He agreed without any hesitation to inform Elder Ji of the situation and also expressed that he would immediately send someone to take away Ke De.    


Kurd was an important witness. He had to ensure his safety.    


Also, as a citizen of Y country, China didn't have the right to handle him without permission and had to hand him over to the government of Y country. After all, this was a conflict between the people of Y country.    


About 10 minutes later, Faang Loong personally arrived at Lee Hongtian's location.    


In order to not attract attention, Faang Loong had brought people with him who were wearing the uniform of a cleaning company, and then quietly took away Cod.    


After Faang Loong left, Lee Hongtian and Tianying returned to the building they were in before and continued to monitor the building.    


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