CEO's Beloved Sweetheart

C490 Two Little Princesses

C490 Two Little Princesses



Lu Yiran put one arm around her waist and the other in front of her to protect her abdomen. The two of them walked out of the elevator for a walk.    


The hospital building blocked their view.    


It was not too hot. The wind was blowing slowly and it felt comfortable.    


After walking around, Lu Yiran's body was overloaded and he was breathing heavily. Han Zhiyu immediately found a rest chair and supported Han Zhiyu to walk over. She put the waist pad in her hands and then let her sit down.    


His Zhou Dao was reflected in every detail.    


Was a man really right? Hello. A lot of small details can be seen.    


His heart was filled.    


Han Zhiyu sat down comfortably and pulled Lu Yiran along. She lazily handed her weight to him and leaned on his shoulder with her eyes narrowed.    


She could not hide the happiness between her eyebrows.    


Her hand gently landed on her abdomen. There were three small lives here, the crystallization of their love.    


My dear babies, you should also feel how much my father loves you. The hand that was touching her suddenly felt a kick and Han Zhiyu's smile became even gentler.    


Was this a response to her?    


Lu Yiran's gaze never left Han Zhiyu. After he sat down, his deep eyes also stopped on her face. He looked at Mrs Lu who had a gentle expression on her face and the corners of his mouth also softened as he followed her back to her abdomen.    


"Look at how much other people's husbands love their wives, how considerate and considerate they are. You have to learn more. "    


Not far from them, a couple walked over. The woman also had a big belly like Han Zhiyu and walked in front of them alone. Her husband followed behind lazily.    


When the pregnant woman saw Lu Yiran's considerate and considerate actions, she complained to her husband behind her unhappily.    


Her voice was neither loud nor soft, and it drifted into Lu Yiran and Han Zhiyu's ears. They could not help but look over.    


"You are only pregnant and still want me to treat you as a kind empress dowager, right?"    


When a man saw a woman complain to him, he felt a little ironic.    


"Do you still have any conscience? I have a big belly for you, but you actually said that. I don't want to have this child anymore. "    


"Enough, enough. Are you done messing around?"    


When the man saw that the pregnant woman was starting to throw a tantrum, an impatient look flashed across his face. He held the pregnant woman with one hand and whispered something into her ear. The pregnant woman sobbed, her eyes full of grievance.    


She retracted her gaze and met Lu Yiran's focused gaze.    


She looked at each other and smiled.    


There were thousands of different types of husband and wife interactions in the world, and they were fortunate enough to have each other.    


It had been two hours since Han Zhiyu went upstairs. It was very hard for Han Zhiyu to move with her big belly up, and Lu Yiran had taken up most of her weight.    


He pushed open the door of the ward. Han Zhiyu had a feeling that she had gone to the wrong place.    


She had only gone downstairs for two hours and the situation upstairs had changed drastically.    


The bed in the ward had changed. The curtains had changed, and even the smell of the disinfectant had been wiped away with a purifier.    


He clearly knew that she was just looking for an excuse, but he still did all of her willful requests.    


He used his method to make her the most comfortable pregnant woman.    


"You're so good. "    


Han Zhiyu's heart palpitated. She could not help but turn around and hug Lu Yiran. She tiptoed and kissed his lips.    




Lu Yiran was afraid that she would be bored in the hospital. The company needed him to take care of her urgently, so he sent her directly to the hospital.    


He would take care of the work while Han Zhiyu was sleeping. When Han Zhiyu woke up, she would either accompany her for a walk or sit on the balcony and chat.    


He would talk about some very trivial matters.    


The two of them would also talk about the future. When they talked about getting old, Han Zhiyu suddenly looked up and asked him. "If I get old and become ugly, will you still love me like this?"    


Lu Yiran looked down at her and did not answer her question. Instead, he asked her back. "If I become a bad old man, will you still love me?"    


Han Zhiyu narrowed her eyes and the image of Lu Yiran becoming old appeared in her mind. A man with great self-control like him, even if the final years left a mark on his face, he would still be the best. "Even if you become a bad old man, you are also the most handsome and the best in my heart. You are my favorite bad old man. How can I bear to not have such a good old man like you?"    


"This is my answer. "    


A gentle whisper and four eyes met.    


There would be a day when her hair would turn white. She would no longer be beautiful, and he would no longer have a handsome appearance. They would all be in each other's hearts.    




Han Zhiyu had been hospitalized for a week. She slept well every night, but Lu Yiran did not sleep too deeply.    


The night and day alternated, and Lu Yiran suddenly woke up.    


"It hurts. . . "    


Han Zhiyu was really woken up by the pain this time.    


After a period of chaos, Dr. Wang came over and gave her a check-up. After confirming that she could give birth, Han Zhiyu was pushed to the delivery room. Lu Yiran followed along.    


Han Zhiyu entered the delivery room, and Lu Yiran waited outside.    


Very soon, Feng Xueqing, Wang Ziyue and the rest rushed over.    


After waiting for a long time and experiencing more than five hours of psychological torture, Lu Yiran's patience was almost exhausted when the door finally opened. Doctor Wang walked in front, followed by three nurses, carrying three babies in their arms.    


Before Doctor Wang could say anything, Lu Yiran had already strode forward, grabbed Doctor Wang's arm and asked, "How is my wife?"    


"Zhiyu is currently weak. . . "    


Before he could finish speaking, Lu Yiran's expression had already changed. Doctor Wang looked at the man in front of him. Usually, after the child was born, many husbands would take care of the baby first. Some would continue to care about pregnant women, but there were also some who only cared about the child and did not care about a pregnant woman who had just given birth.    


"The pregnant woman just gave birth, so it's normal for her body to be weak. . . "    


Doctor Wang originally wanted to patiently communicate with Lu Yiran with short words. It was normal for Han Zhiyu to be weak after giving birth to three children, but apparently, the man did not listen at all.    


When he heard the word weak, his face turned pale without any color. Obviously, if this man did not go in and take a look with his own eyes, he would not be at ease.    


"Little Wu, take Mr. Lu to change into sterile clothes and let him go in to see the pregnant woman. "    


"Alright, Mr. Lu, follow me. "    


After handing the child in his arms to the doctor, Little Wu led Lu Yiran to the side.    


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