CEO's Beloved Sweetheart

C291 Mrs Lu Is Gone

C291 Mrs Lu Is Gone

"Zhiyu, you should rest well. Your health is the most important. . . "    


Han Zhiyu could not hear the rest of Wang Ziyue's words. She just stood there stiffly. . .    


Han Zhiyu's eyes widened and bean-sized tears rolled out from her eyes.    


Silent tears, stiff body, and trembling like catkin in the wind.    


Hee Yuanze could not bear to look at her. He held her wrist tightly and his eyes were filled with pain.    


At this moment, Han Zhiyu did not feel anything. She just let the two words repeat in her mind. . .    


It was gone.    


No more.    


What did she hear?    


Her baby was gone.    


Why was it gone?    


"Impossible. . . My baby will be fine. . . You are lying to me. . . He is clearly still in my stomach. . . "    


Han Zhiyu only felt that the last bit of strength in her body was exhausted. Her vision turned black and her body softly fell down and lost consciousness.    




Wang Ziyue guiltily looked at her fainting in front of her eyes. She was pulled into Hee Yuanze's arms. . .    


Hee Yuanze silently looked at Han Zhiyu, who was too excited in his arms and had used up all her energy to faint. In the depths of his eyes, there was a flash of pain. . . .    


Paris, France.    


The man who just woke up from the hospital immediately booked the earliest flight to Paris.    


After meeting with Chen Tian and confirming that his mother was fine and that she was only slightly frightened, he began investigating the matter.    


"Chen Tian, what did you get these two days?" Lu Yiran's voice was hoarse and low.    


"Director Lu, when we went to save my people, we caught a suspicious person at the scene. However, during the interrogation, he kept saying that he was just passing by and didn't know anything. "    


Lu Yiran narrowed his eyes with a gloomy face. His voice was filled with bloodthirst and danger. "Chen Tian, lead the way. "    


Chen Tian respectfully and carefully opened the car door. He sat in the car and drove towards the local "workplace. "    


Halfway through the journey, Lu Yiran received a phone call. He did not know what the person on the other side had said to him. Lu Yiran's expression changed drastically and he hurriedly ordered, "Turn around to the airport and return to M City. "    


After following Lu Yiran for so long, he had never seen Lu Yiran speak to him in such a panicked tone.    


Without any hesitation, the black car turned the steering wheel and rushed towards the airport like an arrow leaving the bow.    


Two days later, at the National Hospital.    


Lu Yiran stood in front of the empty ward with an ashen face.    


It had been two days since he last slept since he went to Paris and returned to China. Under the cover of low pressure, no one dared to take a step closer to him.    


"Su Heng, where is Han Zhiyu?" Lu Yiran said to the person on the other side of the phone gloomily.    


"Han Zhiyu is in ward 880 of the national hospital. " Su Heng, who was on the other side of the phone, did not know where he was. There was some noise behind him. "I said you just woke up from the hospital. You did not know to go and see your wife, so you were in a hurry to go back to Paris. You didn't even know. She bled a lot that day. . . "    


"She's not in the ward, where did she go?" Lu Yiran interrupted him. His tone was so cold that it turned into slag.    


"Ah, where can a person like her who just had an abortion go?" Su Heng said in puzzlement. Then someone on the other side called his name. After answering, he said, "Okay. Lu Yiran, I won't talk to you anymore. That day, Wang Ziyue and Hee Yuanze sent her to the hospital. Contact them. "    


As soon as he finished speaking, Su Heng hung up the phone in a hurry, leaving the stunned Lu Yiran holding his phone.    


The word abortion was like a hammer hitting his head. He could clearly hear it, but he did not understand it.    


He had been looking forward to it for a while. In a few months, a baby that had gathered all the advantages of him and Han Zhiyu would croak on the ground. In his private heart, he hoped to be more like Han Zhiyu. As long as he thought about it this way, he felt that the fatherly love in his heart would spill out. . .    


But now, he told him that his and Han Zhiyu's child was gone.    


Lu Yiran almost flipped the entire M City, but he still could not find Han Zhiyu. Wang Ziyue and Hee Yuanze disappeared together with him. The phone also could not get through.    


As night fell, Lu Yiran drove his car around the M City, anxiously searching for Han Zhiyu.    


Zhiyu, where are you?    


Why are you avoiding him?    


Just as he was worried about driving, an ear-piercing horn sounded. Lu Yiran's car crashed into the car in front of him.    


The phone suddenly rang. Lu Yiran saw that it was Chen Tian calling. He could no longer hear the sounds around him. Only Chen Tian's voice was left on the phone. "Director Lu, Madam. . . Found it. "    


"Where is it?"    


Chen Tian reported the name of a residential area. After saying a few blocks, Lu Yiran did not have the patience to listen to the rest of the words. He hung up the phone.    


Lu Yiran had already opened the car door and got out of the car. He met the man who was cursing and cursing. He took out a checkbook from the car and threw a cheque to the man. He stopped a car and bent down to get into the car. He reported the name of a residential area.    


The car quickly arrived at the residential area under Lu Yiran's urging. He took out a few notes worth a hundred dollars from his wallet and handed them to the driver. Without listening to what the driver said, he closed the car door and ran towards the residential area.    


The guard wanted to stop him, but he was stunned by Lu Yiran's gaze. By the time he reacted, he had already entered the neighborhood.    


Lu Yiran ran straight to the door, stood at the door, and pressed the doorbell.    


The doorbell rang for a while before he heard footsteps walking towards the door. The door opened from the inside.    


"Zhiyu. . . "    


The door opened. When Lu Yiran saw that it was really Han Zhiyu, he did not have any other thoughts in his mind. He hugged her tightly and held her in his arms.    


The familiar warmth hugged in his embrace. Lu Yiran's empty heart was finally filled at this moment.    


His arms became tighter and tighter, so tight that they seemed to want to rub Han Zhiyu into his body.    


Because he was too excited, Lu Yiran did not notice that Han Zhiyu's body was stiff.    


Until. . .    


"Zhiyu, who came?"    


Hee Yuanze's soft voice broke the harmony at this moment.    


Hee Yuanze, who was wearing home clothes, appeared at the door of the house not far away. He was wearing an apron. Clearly, he was cooking in the kitchen.    


When Lu Yiran saw Hee Yuanze, his body suddenly froze. The color in his eyes instantly darkened, and a raging anger surged in his eyes.    


Only then did he slowly let go of Han Zhiyu's arms.    


From the moment Han Zhiyu appeared in his sight, after he saw Han Zhiyu, he did not pay attention to anything else. There was only one thought in his mind, and he finally found Han Zhiyu.    


This kind of unstable mood made his nerves tighten. It had already reached a critical point.    


He found it, and did not pay attention to where it was, nor did he pay attention to her clothes.    


He also did not notice how calm Han Zhiyu was compared to his enthusiasm and excitement.    


It should be said that her reaction was as cold as ice.    


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