Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Fight On!

Fight On!

Knowing what to expect, Ming Yue brandished her swords and flew forward. Facing against the dragon's two swords, she avoided them as best she could.      

However, that was better said than done.      

The swords were slow but with the amount of lightning arcing out from the blades, it was difficult to get close.     

The young cultivator kept her eyes peeled, doing her best to avoid any stray lightning strikes. She swung her swords, launching off multiple flying slashes. Blood Moon released countless bright crescent arcs of light while the Black Blade sent out black waves that cut through space itself.      

But the dragon had more than just the swords to deal with her.      

While its two upper arms wielded swords, the other four arms conjured lightning bolts, hurling them against her.      

"Tch, is this going to be a battle of attrition?"      

Clicking her tongue, Ming Yue retaliated with Storm Lances, firing off hundreds of them. The True Dragon couldn't deal with such an intense barrage but it didn't have too. With the scales acting as an impenetrable defense, the Storm Lances had little effect.      

Compared to the previous floors, this was a much tougher fight.      

The condition of passing this floor is to defeat that beast. She knew it was all a trial but it felt like she was facing it in real life. The pressure was intense, there was this lingering sensation that the True Dragon was an insurmountable wall.      

It hovered in the clouds, looking down on her and snarling. The wound on its body was still there and to this legendary creature, it was a humiliation.      

The True Dragon stopped its attacks and released an ear-shattering roar. It surged forward with its swords, charging past her before circling around, surrounding her with its long body!     

She found herself in the middle and flew up to escape but the beast seemed to anticipate it.      

In her ears, Master Jing's voice echoed.      

"The battle was fierce! The dragon was as strong as it was cunning. Using its size to its advantage, it trapped me within its clutches and it seemed like death was waiting. However, I didn't give up! I fought my way through!"     

Looking up, Ming Yue saw darkening clouds above her, lightning suddenly shot down and it was more than a few. There were hundreds of bolts, raining down on her like a wall of arrows.      

With those words guiding her, she flew toward the rain of lightning and pointed Blood Moon at it. Power flowed from her body as it coursed through her sword.      

The pale blue glow in her eyes flashed becoming that of lightning.     

And that very energy erupted from her body in an electrifying explosion! Azure lightning shot out in every direction, striking the True Dragon's body! The shockwave coming from her was enough to shake the beast and repel its devastating attack!     

It gave a thunderous roar, crying out in pain.      

The slender body loosened and gave way as the beast retreated. Having taken the full brunt of that attack, it was in a sorry state.      

But so was Ming Yue.      

'Hah, hah, hah, hah, damn, just how tough is this thing."     

Still in the air, she was hunched over and breathing hard. Her arms were by her side as she didn't have the strength to raise her swords.      

She turned towards the True Dragon who looked at her with the same fearsome glare. But it didn't charge back at her immediately like before.      

It watched her carefully, seeing what she would do next.      

"Haah, guess I have to be the one to make the first move."     

As her breathing slowed to a normal pace, she straightened up, readjusting her grip on both swords.      

The electric blue glow in her eyes had yet to weaken. Taking her first step, her body suddenly flashed forward, leaving behind a streak of lightning.      

Seeing her vanish like that, the True Dragon snarled before swinging its swords around, aiming to disrupt her.      

But the young cultivator was already there, appearing like a flash behind the beast. Sheathing Blood Moon, there was only the Black Blade in her hands.      

Ming Yue brought it to her hip.      

She took a deep breath, even closing her eyes. Her mind cleared up, focusing on one thing, the True Dragon.      

"I have to aim for that same spot."     

Her eyes were glued to the wound that she had inflicted, the little crack in its defense. One devastating attack would turn the battle in her favor, just one.      

The beast had yet to notice her, swinging both swords and even throwing bolts of lightning recklessly.      

Master Jing's voice continued to echo out.      

"It saw me as a bug and so, as a bug, I was very hard to catch!"     

For Ming Yue, she was far too focused to hear what he had to say next. All of her power was gathered into the Black Blade, all for this one strike. She wasn't aiming to hurt it, she aimed to kill it.      

Her body flashed with lightning as she shot forward. In less than a second, she was only meters away from the gap in its scales. She saw nothing but the pink flesh underneath and swung her sword.      

A single clean slice that cut through space itself, revealing nothing but a black void. It grew and started to expand, breaking through more of the dragon's scales and tearing its flesh apart.      

At first, the beast felt nothing more than a sting but that stinging pain multiplied by a thousand times in an instant. It froze up before convulsing and crying out in agony.      

Ming Yue went back several meters, watching the black void cut through the beast, biting away at its flesh.      

It wasn't enough to cut through the dragon's body, losing strength just it went through three-quarters of it.      

But was it enough to take the beast down?     

Ming Yue slowly descended, watching the dragon squirm and whine in pain. The lightning swords vanished and the power emanating from its body weakened.      

At this point, she could barely muster any strength after this, pushing herself to the limit. This was the first time she'd done so at the Heaven Realm.      

"I'm not even at the 50th gate and it's become this difficult. Much less the ten thousandth floor, what will the hundredth floor be like?" she thought to herself.      

Slowly but surely, the True Dragon was losing its strength, the thrashing grew weaker as time went by. Finally, Master Jing's voice spoke once more.      

"It was a tough fight. It was a long one at that but I defeated it, thrusting my sword up its throat and cutting right through its skull! It took quite a while to cut everything down to size and place it inside my spatial ring. Nevertheless, that was an experience I'll never forget."     

The dragon's body vanished as the mountainous region seemed to reset. Ming Yue found herself on the rocky path once more. The carriage was there along with both the Minister and the Sword Emperor. '     

Minister Wang looked on with awe, unable to say any words after hearing such a story.      

"That was an incredible story", he told him.      

Master Jing nodded before taking another sip of his wine.      

"Aye, it will always be in my memories, I hoped that you enjoyed that, young one."     

He suddenly turned, looking straight at Ming Yue. Everything seemed to freeze as he jumped down from the roof of the carriage and walked up to her.      

"That was a close fight but it was your victory. Now then, what do you wish to gain from me? Power? Guidance? Technique?" Master Jing asked.      

Ming Yue considered her options before making her choice. She cupped her fists and bowed.      

"I would like your guidance."      

Master Jing chuckled as he walked forward.      

"If that is the case, your skills are good but you certainly lack experience. Here, I'd suggest stopping for now to digest all of this. You've come quite far for your first attempt."     

Raising his hand, he tapped two fingers on her forehead before disappearing."     

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